New Radiant Historia title to be announced this week

New Radiant Historia title to be announced this week.

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Woah that's unexpected.
I'm intrigued

god bless atlus

Holy shit this is great. I loved Radient Historia, never thought we'd get another game like it.

Don"t you get cucked at the end of the game?


There's a super secret ending

It's either going to be Mobile shit, or a 3ds game. I'll eat a bag of dicks on live camera if its a Switch game though.

>P5 turned out to be fucking great
>brand new fantasy IP
>new console SMT
>new 3DS SMT
>new Radiant Historia
New golden age of Atlus

>it's real

>3ds game
Nothing wrong with that. I'm calling PS4.

What the fuck

Where did this come from

>Oh come on do I look like a fucking moro-
>It's real

Holy shit

Nice. The first one had one of the best protagonists ever in a JRPG.


Just hope it's not for Switch. I don't want to buy one for the foreseeable future.

Sounds cool.

>Get hyped
>It ends up as a fucking phone game

What's the worst outcome you can think of Sup Forums?

holy fuck WHAT

As you said, mobile shit. Though isn't this an Atlus franchise? Usually its SE that ports their games to mobile.

It shit.
Stocke is still the MC but they make him a bitch.

I think the worst case scenario is an expanded port with extra content and maybe redone graphics on 3DS, which is better than nothing. Atlus usually doesn't disappoint with its announcements, the worst I can recall is an anime announcement getting hyped up a bit and it turned out to be a terrible P4 adaptation.

When the fuck did I shift into the better timeline with Nier getting a sequel, Trump winning and now this?
Now if only I found a way to bring back SWAT games.


Japanese vidya renaissance continues

The World Ends With You announcement 2.0.

Radiant Historia Solo Remix?

>an history once told will unfold once again
>and an unknown path will come to be known
Re-release with new content confirmed.

>Stocke is still the MC
What's wrong with that?

oh my fuck

Holy fucking shit are you kidding me

>They pull a TWEWY

It's fucking with his character that I'm worried about.

Has any other publisher fucked up as much as this one announcement?

I'm still sitting here bitter about Breath of Fire 6.

>Still no EOV localization

Atlus please.

>Has any other publisher fucked up as much as this one announcement?

Nintendo when they teased a SMT x FE crossover and gave us:

This is a great surprise, but
>a history once told will unfold again
>and an unknown path will come to be known
It's definitely just an enhanced port. Though if it has better graphics and more music, then I won't even be disappointed.
I actually never beat the game, I got 10-15 hours in and got stuck. I think I'm missing something to the battle system or about equipment/money, because I've never really seen people say the game is hard.

Fuck you guys.
Part of it was because I was more naive then, but regardless this is the most disappointed I've ever been by anything regarding vidya. TWEWY was one of my favorite games, I was so ready for a sequel.
And then they had the gall to tease a sequel AGAIN in the secret ending of the phone version, and again we got nothing. TWEWY on Wii U or 3DS would have been fucking goat.

Well that was the last fucking thing I was ever expecting. I wonder how it will play out in relation to the original? The true ending was perfect.

That is if it's actually a new game and not some port.

That's all on Atlus US. At the rate they've been going lately, don't expect this game until a year after it releases in Japan.

Neat. I've been playing through the game recently. Talk about serendipity.

That was only a teaser fuck up, game is still great. Also funny that you mention it since the Radiant Historia director was involved in it

Was Project: Re Fantasy this?

Stock is such a great character.
Too bad his design his Mister Belt McManybelts

So what are the chances of being a PS4/Switch with 3D models and not a 3DS game with sprites?

I mean Atlus is not the best when it comes to assets unless they are mostly recycled

Not like he had much anyway

I'm guilty of never finishing Radiant Historia

Should I?


>game is still great

whatever you say. I have no way of playing it

No. This was confirmed to be something brand new.


holy shit i actually just picked this game back up after years of not playing and now I'm psyched

Wow, that's cool. I was expecting to get a 404 page

get mad if you want, could help bump the thread

It's been over a year since TMS released in Japan, it's definitely been enough time to start work on a new game. Though that team also had a lot of the Devil Survivor staff and I figured they'd be pulled to one of the two SMT projects right now. Not sure how many more distinct and free teams really exist at Atlus aside from the EO guys.
No. That's a brand new IP from the Persona leads.

If this turns out to be a sequel, yes you should. If it's just some remaster port then just wait for that.

Should I pick up my physical copy of the original before the price skyrockets

Doubt it. It's probably a port or remaster.

>EO guys.

Don't know about how it is now, but back in the DS days, it was a team of 6 on EO1, if you look at all the credits from 1 to 3, Lancarse was co-developer.

But i like radiata story better...

Neat, I thought Radiant Historia would be a one off dead forever not-a-series.

So it's going to be a combination Skinner box phone game plus Pachinko machine right?

>it took an entire thread for someone to mention Radiata Stories

For shame.

>sequel never

Inb4 it's a 3DS game and not a Switch game

not very comparable in any way but title but I also love radiata stories. This isn't really about that though

>last two games were Nintendo exclusive
>lol dude it's gonna be on the PS4!!!

Anyone wanna buy my copy off of me? I regret the $20 i spent on it.

I can't wait to play it in my PS4

Get fucked user

I hope it's Switch exclusive with a port of the original released beforehand

t. A Switch owner

>it's a vita title
>it's a remaster
>revamped graphics and sound
>they add voice acting
>english voice only in the west
t-thanks atlus

The game could use a face lift. It felt a bit low budget.

I'll give you $15

Do you have the version with the soundtrack disk?

Last Atlus games I see them credited for are SMT SJ and SMT IV. Seems like they've all been in-house since, although a quick glance at EO4's credits shows the team is still pretty small.

If they don't announce a phone game eBay it a week before the new game releases.

I mean this is Atlus we're talking about. They aren't married to Nintendo.


It's $22.77 on Amazon right now.

Good game user, but we won't ever see another one. Accept the gift kek has given us.

terrific. More shitty women.

It's not perfect until I can canonically permanently erase Marco from existence and time itself.

That would be the best case scenario, yes.

inb4 just another enhanced 3ds remake

can I find the game anywhere? the prices are crazy last time i checked.

It's 50 bucks on Amazon. But why would you buy it? There are plenty ways to play it.

We got fucked because of Avex though, Atlus went and asked those chucklefucks to make the songs and they would make the game to match up to the songs

I made this chart for myself and even tried to upload it to gamefaqs but they didn't accept it or whatever. Maybe somebody will find it useful.

It's a remake of the DS game for 3DS, with redone art (more expresions, same artist) and voice acting, a la DeSu Overclocked, and a third route

can we get better sprites? That'd be great

>Sequel on a different console altogether neverever

Its an enjoyable game for the most part, holy hell everything it does feels so cramped on the DS.

Pachinko machine

>Taro's response to Project Re: fantasy

It's fucking real

>Nier Sequel
>Trump president
>Samurai Jack season 5 is kino
>New Radiant Historia
>New console mainline SMT

This feels like too good of a year.

Don't forgot about the new 3DS SMT and No More Heroes 3.

Damn I did forget about NMH3.

I honestly have no idea what to expect anymore but if I get one more good announcement my dick is going to fucking explode.

Anyone ever emulated a DS game?
Is it as painful as it sounds? Double Screen and all

Depending on whether or not this'll be a remake I might wanna emulate it

I would be happy with just a remake.with 3D RTS space combat

I was initially disappointed by this, but I've recently beat it and its a solid 8/10

You're missing out as a JRPG fan if you continue being butthurt over this

if yo read my other post, I have no way to play it.

If Cemu works, I will honestly try it and try to not be biased against Hashtag FE for what it could of been

Depends on the game. You can set some of them up to swap screens when you have to use the touchscreen. For some of the games that you need the bottom screen, you can make Desmume run sideways and turn your monitor on it's side so you can get closer to a full screen. Sounds like a pain, but is pretty nice. Unless you have to use the mouse. You can also set the screens side by side in any decent emulator.

RH probably needs both screens since the turn order is displayed on the non-touch screen, so you'd have to swap a lot during battle.