So when is pat just gonna abandon matt and stream with paige full time instead?
Matt is the absolute worst, even woolie's solo videos are better than anything with matt in them
So when is pat just gonna abandon matt and stream with paige full time instead?
>that time when matt went from shilling "night in the woods" to talking about a bedfellows game
LOL, like come on man.
>Pat finally back on the podcast
>No matt
>Best podcast in weeks.
Just got take a permanent vacation you fuck. Also, just got around to the THUG LP. God, I keep thinking how much better that LP'd be if Pat, or even Liam is with Woolz instead of Matt.
He's just bitching about him not getting skate terms, bitching about how much a loser he is during that whole party arc, and on the later episodes, bitching about people complaining them not paying attention to the mission objectives, making them flounder about.
Woolie adds to that LP, having been a part of that subculture, but Matt adds nothing. If Pat's there, he can make stupid, crazy people comments and complain and riff on about the skater subculture without sounding like a pathetic nerd fuck who got bullied in high school, Liam's race jokes would actually be funny instead of being forced and cringy. And both of them would actually serve as a second eye to Woolie and help him with his blindness instead of trying to work in shit jokes all the time.
Things haven't been the same since Matt tried to fuck Liam
I just want Chewy and Fuckface, dammit. All three aren't bad when they're together, but Matt is still the weakest part of it.
I wish Lliam stuck around instead, he always made me laugh like a bastard. His dynamic with the others was always such a good addition to any video. He fit anywhere. Don't know why people hate him. Something about anime probably.
Can a trainer boost the chance to find items in dark souls or is that stat visible somewhere?
I don't know how many times I've heard "you're so lucky," this playthrough
I don't know of any trainer that boosts drop rates.
You're retarded. Woolie is not the kind of person to use a trainer. Pat... Well he could've put it in there without telling anyone but why the fuck would he do that?
>surrogate friends general
>Matt's butthurt bitching about the "kids who know this game backwards and forwards" in THUG when the problems are 100% on them
Just shameful
Matt is the worst friend. Like literally.
When confronted by the fact that he is least popular among the fans he will bring up how he"s "the boss" and none of this would work without him.
Plus he got pissy during the mailbag whenever fans would write in and say how Pat is their favorite.
He is so jealous that Pat has a hotter gf, a more popular cat, and a bigger dick despite being fatter, shorter, and balder.
Just to get the items, similar to plague just giving himself them, but being sneaky about it. Having the gear isn't helping a ton, but it's still crazy so much has dropped without him grinding for them
It's Item Discovery and it's visible on the stat screen
>Matt and Pat can't even be in the same room together to record a podcast
How much passive aggressive whining will Matt do during the Yakuza lp and will it be the last Matt and Pat lp ever
It's gonna be Pat and Woolie
>e-celeb drama
you have to be 18 years or older to post on this website
So tell mods to make a board for it instead of being a whiny cunt
go discuss it in YouTube comments where you belong, underage
>that latest podcast
>Woolie and Pat sound like they're going to die the entire time
are they gonna be okay?
Ito is less video games than this yet I can safely assume you wouldn't bitch if someone was dumping one of his comics.
>moot explicitly said secondary video game discussion was alright
>people who play video games is secondary discussion
>people ignore the entire catalog to spam a single thread they don't like
cancer thread.
help work towards a better Sup Forums and report this junk.
So what is the plan when P5 comes out? Will Pat stream it on his own or will they do an LP of it?
>moot explicitly said secondary video game discussion was alright
moot isn't here anymore so you can't use his words to defend your celebrity gossip
difference being if I wanted to read an ito dump I'd go to Sup Forums instead of shitting up Sup Forums with unrelated garbage
we really should be allowed to vote to ban these cancer eceleb threads
Matt should just handle all the official off-screen shit. The actual party should be:
But they'd never be able to convince Plague to leave his Kentucky swamp because all the abominations he keeps there wil run amock in his absence.
Pat said on the Automata stream that him and Woolie are planning a "Long project" soon.
Also made some cheeky comments about social links. Could be something.
Virtual baby sitters are not video games. Get some friends so you can talk about video game with them instead of filling the void with friend replacements. Also, try talking about video games on Sup Forums - Video games.
Go back to your home:
The primary audience of e-celebs are teenagers. I bet a lot of you are underage. Shouldn't you kids be in school?
Agreeing with yourself is even more pathetic, desu.
you should really stop samefagging
They're just baiting for replies, user.
Not to mention his super awkward mentions of Woolie being black every 5 minutes. Yes, we get it, he is black, but thats not a joke in itself Matt. You can't just keep pointing it out for no reason. It's just weird.
>people complain about this
>the hundreds of threads made by pc cucks sperging about frame rate and sony niggers mocking them for getting pity ports are fine
>Implying random youtube faggot discussion is secondary
Oh wow, I sure am glad that everyone who plays a video game is now secondary discussion. Rev up that personal life and personality discussion. If you play video games, you can blog post about yourself.
at least those threads are actually talking about video games
>watch Escape from Bug Island LP in between DaS LP episodes
>Matt and Pat both shit on Woolie for going to the equipment screen instead of items every time he opens up the menu
>Bug Island LP was nearly four years ago
fucking surreal but apparently Woolie never learns
>nintentoddlers are perfect
>Woolie gets lost in a hallway
>Pat pretends like he didn't read the spoilers months ago
>Matt is there too for some reason
Are they though? It's just
These threads
Pat already has a breathing machine so he doesn't die in his sleep
Woolie also needs one but doesn't want to go to the doctor
Pat got real with him on the podcast right before or after new years and told him to go but no one has said anything about it since
Would you rather fight 100 Pat sized Woolies, or 10 Woolie sized Pats?
>if I could enter NG+ in life I'd carry over my ability to retain my emotions and not overreact - woolie
Anyone else hearing the new Excuse Me/DropYerShield/Perfect in this THUG playthrough? I'm not the only one right?
>Pat continues to "guess" plot points he already knows while pretending to act excited when they come true, also overlevels characters off screen
>Woolie struggles with basic rpg mechanics and probably ignores the best moves in the game while over analyzing the effects of the "attack" command
>Matt makes movie references and jokes about Terrace House while the other two ignore him.
Thank you for that e-celeb analysis, user. I'm glad you know so much about their private lives enough to share it on Sup Forums - Video Games. Very nice video games posting you got there.
Why are you lot in this thread then?
What kind of sad motherfucker do you have to be to actively sit down and say "In lieu of all my other options, I'm going to spend my time getting impotently mad"
I mean, what's the fucking point? It's not like your bitching is going to change anything, everyone will still keep posting no matter how many KILL EVERYONE images you post. If that worked I'd have posted a button that says BE THE LITTLE GIRL a long time ago
No they aren't retard, it's endless shit slinging about specs that belongs on Sup Forums if anywhere
These threads have more game talk since people end up discussing the games these guys are playing
>Are they though?
despite being some of the most toxic shitposting known to man they're still talking about video games and video game consoles/pc
meanwhile in this thread there is literally zero discussion about games at all, just a bunch of faggots talking about what other faggots are doing/did
Pat is pretty good solo, but he's still better with someone else. I rather have him with Woolie desu.
>Pat was there so it's the best podcast in weeks.
What made it the best? Simply that pat was there?
You'd get swarmed by 100 tiny Woolies and they'd be impossible to predict because they'll just move in every direction except the one they actually mean to go in.
10 normal-sized Pats would probably all faint from vertigo, so it'd be much safer.
Exactly. Every thread is god awful. Removing these just means something equally as shitty will fill the void.
>muh Sup Forums
It's gonna be shit regardless so just keep the crybaby whining to a minimum at least
Why do people post underage reddit-tier garbage on Sup Forums and think it's okay? What kind of sad motherfucker does one have to be to discuss so deeply someone who plays video games on the internet?
>tfw you will never be this upset by people discussing something
Maybe reddit is more your speed, you can down vote the things you don't like
That's Matt for you. If a joke was funny once, he'll keep repeating it ad nauseam
Reminder that the anti e-celeb crusade was started by ManlyTears, who has since started a youtube channel and tried to have sex with a 16 year old furry in second life that stole all of his second life assets after tricking him.
why are you on this website then?
what kind of sad motherfucker do you have to be to actively sit down and say "in lieu of all my other options, i'm going to spend my time on one of the least quality websites in existence"
i mean, what's the fucking point? it's not like posting here is going to change anything
When's Plague moving out of his parents house
Where were you when Woolie reply to this post or your mother will die in her sleep tonight
>So upset that he had to reply
But seriously though, virtual babysitter discussion belongs on Reddit. You need to go back.
>No they aren't retard, it's endless shit slinging about specs that belongs on Sup Forums if anywhere
no, its also endless shit slinging about the quality of games on the system
>These threads have more game talk since people end up discussing the games these guys are playing
yeah look at all that game discussion in this thread, a whopping zero posts of anyone actually talking about the fucking games
>Why do people post underage reddit-tier garbage on Sup Forums
What board do you think you are on? You must be new or just pathetic if you are acting like Sup Forums is some shining example of video game discussions. This board is just a video game flavored Sup Forums at this point, 80% shitposting and console trashing and waifu debates.
>implying anyone here remembers who that is
It doesn't even have to be funny.
>steam friend/avatar threads get deleted
>e-celeb threads don't
Explain this logic.
It's still about video games though. There is (some) discussion about how they play, what they do wrong etc.
Just like in console shitposting threads there is (some) actual discussion but it's mostly drowned in shit.
Stop crying and hide the thread.
>Reminder that the anti e-celeb crusade was started by ManlyTears
you're giving manlet tears way too much credit by implying he started anything
fuck you sheldor
Don't answer my question with a question faggot.
The people posting this shit get enjoyment from it because they like it. But what do you get? What do you get except looking like an utter twat posting images that you think, I dunno, make you look threatening? Or serious? What the fuck is the point of that shit other than saying I'M MAD AND I WANT YOU TO KNOW IT!
Nobody gives a shit mate, you're faceless, I'm faceless, we're all faceless and nobody cares about you being upset at one thread out of dozens.
There was a trips get here months ago that gave everyone immunity from that forever
>calling others new
>acting like you understand Sup Forums culture
Motherfucker, you're so new you think you have to put a space after your greentext for it to work.
>There is (some) discussion about how they play, what they do wrong etc.
>It's still about video games though.
if you can't tell what's wrong with your post you may be mentally retarded
>they'll just move in every direction except the one they actually mean to go in.
Since no one in this thread is interested in discussing video games, why not roll for a waifu?
Shh bby shh
if you don't remember this years old meme its proof you're newer than me
>But what do you get?
Enjoyment at seeing you high school teenagers cry when someone insults your shitty e-celeb discussion. So according to you, I'm right on track.
A lot of the drops that Pat is squealing over are not really all that rare. Woolie has had a good amount of luck, but I haven't seen anything drop that makes me think they're cheating.
This needs to be updated.
>expecting Sup Forums to have consistent moderation
You're literally retarded. But don't worry, this thread will be gone at some point, eventually, whenever the mod stops feeling lazy.
By the way avatar faggotry is explicitly against the rules, plebbit.
>reeeeee no u
Good one
According to you a thread about people who play video games for a living for people's entertainment is completely unrelated to video games. Ha.
There's more people like you in here moaning than people discussing shit. But no, e-celeb shit is the cancer right? Not the fact that the entire board is filled with whiny little bitches such as your good self.
They're starting a new LP together soon, what's with all the fucking conspiracy theories? Fuck.
Yeah, if only some autist never showed up and started making an ass of himself
The point is that neither one has anything to do with games, yet e-celeb threads are always ignored and reach hundreds of posts.
I already have a waifu.
Reminder that Liam is currently on the brink of being homeless and has been reduced to eating a diet of canned beans because of his failing twitch channel
matt's been getting progressively worse. also pat and liam fucking shat on punch club and still got further in half the time than woolie and matt.
You raise a good point.
What is more video game related, a thread about people playing video games and their dynamic/skills when doing so, or a thread bitching about a thread about people playing video games?
Liam leaving, Pat starting up twitch, and Woolie making a new channel within the same timeframe.
>my favorite fighting game character is Ganondorf