There hasn't been a single fucking thread about this game

there hasn't been a single fucking thread about this game

is this how you can really say a game is a good game?

Not being able to mount every machine in the game was the biggest disappointment.

>there hasn't been a single fucking thread about this game

posting screens



>is this how you can really say a game is a good game?
it's how you can say nobody cares about it


Where do I get that armor?

Can I wear a mask? It's not like their facial animations are that much better than mass effects

Its the ancient armor quest armor.

Just got to the grave hoard mission, how far into the game am I?


>there hasn't been a single fucking thread about this game

Did you just get out of jail or something?

almost done if you only mainline quest. if its mid day where you are you can finish by early evening for sure.



Where is that? I'm as far as this guy There are also other armors I keep seeing that I can't find anywhere.

Aloy is a handsome lad

Goddamn it, why can't you mount sawtooths...


you cant get the ancient armor until after youve done The Mountain That Fell. it literally makes you 100% invulnerable while its active.

The armor is in Nora territory, but you need some power cells that you get from the main quests.

its inside the bunker down the road from where you first meet Varl. Its marked on the map with a unique icon

Dude there where 10 threads today, only 1 of which wasn't shit posting, relax you we don't need to talk about it all the time


I thought the bunker armor was this?

>only took damage in the last deathbringer fight after i got this
it's really broke.


>there hasn't been a single fucking thread about this game
If you're gonna bait, please try harder.

>Get in a bush
>Whistle to kill enemies one by one
10/10 AI
10/10 Gameplay

It starts out rather easy but once you enter the rocky desert, enemies won't go easy on you

I actually really like the melee combat in this game. does that make me a simpleton?

theres been tons of threads about this game

there arent overflowing amounts because most people have a pc here lol
and because its just a casualized witcher 3

Nah, that's the shadow armor. You also get that in the main story, the light version anyway. You can buy medium and heavy afterwards.

I think the melee combat is terrible but i don't know how they could improve it

Fucking this. That'd make the game insta-goty.

And where is this one?

>there hasn't been a single fucking thread about this game
What's there to talk about? The game is bland casual mush.

Idk I just watched a guy streaming it, he literally did that for 10 minutes then I got bored and left

Make the spear a weapon you can aim, so stabbing the correct thing becomes important.

Meant for I'm really tired.

i really cant understand why anyone would watch someone stream a single player game. how can anybody watch this?

Whistling is pretty overpowered, not gonna lie. But like i said, once you enter the rocky desert, thunderjaws and stormbirds everywhere


A million times.

It's also boring as shit so I never do it.

You can't stealth kill anything bigger than a charger with stealth. You can avoid some big robots by overriding them, but generally there'll be a bunch of them, which oddly make behemoths, tramplers and rockbreakers more troublesome than thunderjaws and stormbirds.

I feel like the game would benefit from putting you in more situations where you fight corrupted big machines and maybe doubling the recharge time for the override.

Forgettable generic open world farcry clone, only notable because it was propped up by Sony's multi-million dollar marketing.

A weak attempt to make a "politically correct" Witcher clone

Completely forgotten about two weeks after release.

considering 80% of Sup Forums is pc users I'm just gonna assume you're salty