Transwomen are major characters in AAA games in 2017

>transwomen are major characters in AAA games in 2017
How does this make you feel?

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i hope EA fucking kills bioware

they already did

Cora has a smoking hot ass though. wew

Been there done that

>look like males
>no ability to reproduce

Gee, I wonder how this will go in general....

Actually, I don't. This might find purchase in some places, but outside of the west you're ice-skating uphill.


Whos that on the left?

Some girls have penises, deal with it.

It's a shame that devs are exploiting transgendered people so they can look cool/trendy/progressive. I wish they put as much effort into building a quality game as they did into virtue signaling.

Perhaps, but females do not.

You can't escape biology.

Agreed. I hope the sun rises in the morning too

Danni daniels, shemale pornstar that fucks men

You're welcome/I'm sorry

Danni Daniels

Why do so many people support this mental illness when half of these transgender people are killing themselves?

Seems pretty screwed up for progressive people.

There is literally nothing wrong with trans people



I'm sure it has nothing to do with how people treat them like shit
nope, can't be

>Liking a literal mans ass

back at it again with the white vans

Makes me glad their game will flop

Well then, what could it be?

>How does this make you feel?

Pretty funny how even BioWare can't even pander to the very group they are desperately trying make content. Instead they are so fucking bad at writing they fuck things up to even make them angry at this game.

Too bad no trans companions though in Mass Effect Andromeda for transfags. Well maybe PeePee but Asaris are hermaphrodites. Might have to go with Cora this time, stereotypical independent dyke womyn turns out to be a Commando cougar with a nice looking butt who exclusively enjoys a good hard dicking.

I'm sure that has nothing to do with them being depraved, mentally ill abominations
Nope, can't be

has more to do with how they age and how most don't find partners.

They did feminize the jaw so it's more like your avg 30 years old liberal woman.

Pretty sure that was the plan all along.

Is that Milo Minneapolis on the right?

So people have to be attracted to them? And that's a valid reason for suicide?

I don't see lots of other groups of people being accepted but I also don't see them committing suicide in such large numbers. Makes me think the transgendered people may have had mental health problems from the beginning.

stop treating them like this and they would stop killing themselves
the only abominations are the ones who abuse trans people

If a faggot wants to be a girl literally who gives a fuck


im actually impressed they can see through the bullshit pandering

>stop treating them like this and they would stop killing themselves

>he thinks I want them to stop

>No cutey Baphomet main character

Karl Marx was wrong.

>decades of advancements in 3DCG
>can make people look anyway you want
>make them ugly on purpose
i just dont get it

trans is a fad and it will die within the decade. deal with it.

ME:A is barely an AAA game.

why is Sup Forums so obsessed with trans people?

who the fuck cares?

>tfw no qt english trap to go balls deep into

I fuck man ass

Good that we're finally becoming more inclusive but progress is too slow

Indifferent because the last Bioware game I played was SWTOR, and I have no say in how other people spend their money.

I hope you kill yourself once you realize they may be ugly on the outside but you're ugly on the inside

Trans women deserve better representation than a shitty softcore space porn game



>He thinks people "bullying" trannys is why the kill themselves at such high rates
Oh man, I do not miss middle school at all.


Why is it screwed up to support people with mental illness? Why do people need to be shamed and hated in addition to suffering from a major disorder?

Everyone is ugly on the inside, have you ever looked at a dissected corpse?

I'd fug a tranny that had an ass like Cora does

not an argument

keep counting down the days till you're brave enough to take a .44 to the mouth, tranny fags.

Because letting someone with a mental illness do irreversible damage to their body is not a very good way of supporting them.

>i-its the c-christians that make the mentally ill off themselves
Nah man, that's just what happens when you stop treating a mental illness like a mental illness. You should look into older trannys friend, you'll find that a majority of them have realized the mistake they made in attempting to transition and the regret they have when they go to the extremes some people do, it's actually really sad, my heart goes out to them, honestly.

And letting someone with mental illness kill himself is?

Nothing wrong with traps.

kek from the looks of it he'd be the one going balls deep in you

This, I'm pretty okay with Cora's design considering that she's supposed to be in her 30's/40's and the jowls start becoming a little more apparant as you age. She actually does look like a 30 year old. I'm guessing this and pic related would have been her younger self.

I'm just looking forward to the /ss/ considering that Ryder is supposed to be in his early 20s, 22 exact, and Cora is basically 15 - 20 years older than him.

Why would I kill myself, buddy?

I'm not the one with crippling mental issues, fighting my own biology and denying reality. I am exactly who I was born as and comfortable with it. No matter how bad thinjgs get, I'll never be a goddamn half-man half-woman monstrosity

good thing they're not ill and not damaging it, they're improving it

What? They don't even look similar aside from the hairstyle. They have different jaw structures, very different noses, and different eyes.

They only look similar because of the hair and the fact that they are making similar expressions

Improve yourself with these

that's your mental illness speaking, caitlyn.

underrated post

>literally cut your own dick off
>uhh fuck Christians they made me have mental issues

I don't get the logic tbqhf

People have no control over if someone else tries to kill themselves. If somebody wants to hack their legs off because they think they shouldn't have legs and I stop them because that's a fucking retarded thing to do, and as a result they kill themselves, am I then responsible for their suicide because I didn't just let them chop their limbs off?

I'm not an insecure wittle boy, so I don't care.

> tfw Cora looks like your ex
> tfw near the end of the relationship she opened up about being a sub

I'm pretty sure it's mostly the hair but damn. She was a good lady. Sorry, T.

so much potential.

>Why would I kill myself, buddy?

Because you're on Sup Forums in the middle of the night posting hate-fueled tirades about people you don't know.

This, I already hated this game when they turned my ashley waifu into a whore.. pushed gay shit and put some wetback on my crew.
Anyone who continued to enjoy this series after the trainwreck of ME3 deserves to lose all their money.

Side shaves or whatever this is are pretty hot imho.

kind of wish there was a romance simulator with cute traps.

Except an array of issues, including having an alarmingly high suicide rate.

Is that real?

>logic and reason is now considered a hate fueled tirade
Also, aren't you doing the same thing? I mean does that mean you have to neck yourself too?

fuck off back to your twitter attention whore also goodjob on the pose to hide your disgusting jew nose

It's just a dude dressed like a girl.

because they're all going to kill themselves?

It's fine, im verse

the next mass effect will you let you play a transgender character. part of the storyline will involve you picking up hormones from the medbay where you learn to empathize trangender people


I fuckin laughed.

She probably makes for a better friend than the hateful repressed faggots in this thread
Anybody who hates someone this much has something secretive going on inside them

i got a thing for skirts and cocks.

If people are still killing themselves after getting exactly what they think will make them feel better than maybe that's not the right solution

If that is the case then why are so many commiting suicide?


You just let that fucker force you to say female.Get cucked

get help

Can't imagine a woman that wouldn't look better with long hair than this abomination of a haircut.

Well, I mean, they are people still, they're sick people who need help not acceptance, But they're still people.

Better story as Andromeda to be honest

lots of repressed trannies, why do you think's there's so many "qt anime girl" shitposting?

not gay but why does this make my dick so hard

from being abused like how people are acting in this thread
it's not exactly like hating them is an original thought and people only act like that on Sup Forums

Daily reminder that 99% of trannies look like this and passable ones are in an extreme minority

th-th-th-th-th-theyre beautiful
delete this!!!

and the ones that are passable just use angles to hide the fucked up face or hairline