What does everyone think about Brazilian gamers?

What does everyone think about Brazilian gamers?

t. Brazilian gamer

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I like Brazilian lolis :3
I wish I could fuck one.

Your girls are top tier.

Fucking cancer on Overwatch.
And they not even chat on english.

I quite like myself, OP.

eu acho que eles não gostam muito de nós


They're a bunch of monkeys who can't even speak english. Seriously, fuck them.


Brazillian here.
I just wish we weren't taxed so much for vidya. Shit is expensive as hell.

The latinosphere is too isolated from the euroamerican west. Neither side really thinks about the other.


At least those taxes keep you away from most videogame communities. Brazilians and russians are fucking loud, disrespectful and unskilled.

t. mad unskilled burger

I don't give a shit about BR gamers. Just tell me if the trannies are worth learning Portuguese over.

terrible in f2p games

okay in everything else

what the fuck is this meme on brazillian girls
>le every Brazilian girl has a fat ass
fuck off they're smell like shit, dark as fuck and they're feet are practically ashy stone from those crusty favela sandals

brazillian trannies is just a meme.

I heard feminism is just starting to happen there, retake the control of your country before it's too late you fags.

But user, br lolis are cute and cheap


Oh, it's already too late then, gg you cucks.

>brazillian girls are a meme

>Everyone is brown and live in favelas is not a meme

topkek user


I'm european, monkey.

it's already ogre

itt: bunch of brs falseflagging

>implying EU is any better

Everything is a fucking meme to you people. I just wanna know how top tier BR chicks with dicks are.

They are literally a meme tough. If you want to fuck a tranny go to india.

is "gaming" even a thing there? Aren't consoles and games ridiculously expensive?

Tell me how is HUEzil better than any country on the UE.

it's not a meme, just a blatant lie, there's no good looking traps there


I think you meant Malaysia or something, I've heard ladyboys are really a think there

>No sandniggers invading us

>We're not getting zergrushed by sandniggers
>we export a lot of shit to the entire world
>actually good on online games
>my mother can sleep without the fear of getting raped

The guy in the video is just a comic actor, not an actual trap

There are two things that must happen to said games for your statement to be true

>It's a F2P game
>It has pt-br support (voices and texts, or texts only)

A mix of both scenarios is the ideal for full blown monkeys.
Some higher caste brazilians are able to afford multiplayer games that has pt-br support, or comprehend english enough, but don't have money to pay for said games, so they play F2P games that may or may not have pt-br support.

The 3rd and highest caste is the ideal for gringos. Brazilians that can pay for their games and comprehend english. These brazilians, you'll never be able to tell if they are or aren't brazilians, unless you have some way to contact them via voice chat and know every english accent of this region (wich is a thing even I don't know), and there's still a chance he has perfect american or british accent. So the only way to know if he's brazilian, is if he tells you he's a brazilian.

So, with that said, if your game doesn't match any of the two things stated above, you're safe from hue hue hue monkeys.

how can i fuck a qt jap br?

Brazil is already full of niggers, man.

thats like me saying Mexican girls are GOAT cause literally every single mexican woman (and man) are at the pinnacle of beauty portrayed on Mexican show biz, which is massive. But in reality the average mexican chick is fat short dark, basically what you see in Tijuana. So yes, Brazilians = favela trash

We're getting rid of them

Never met one.

I don't do F2P.

Your argument makes literally no sense, also

>Rio =! Brazil

This on Paladins, they keep picking high skillcap chars that require aim and contribute nothing. Based lo rez for voice command vgs though.
I wish they fixed the ping on south American server so mexicans wouldnt default to NA

Those monkeys are way too cute to be associated with favela niggers

>South America

This is the american school system

>I wish they fixed the ping on south American server so mexicans wouldnt default to NA

It means Brazilian chicks have become a literal meme when in reality they're below average dark mother fuckers. you're probably the 346th guy to say >bro Brazilian chicks are bomb
shit taste identified.

>I wish they fixed the ping on south American server so mexicans wouldnt default to NA
user I have some geography lessons for you

Stay the fuck out of my servers.


I hate them, especially back when I played Cubelands.

>I wish they fixed the ping on south American server so mexicans wouldnt default to NA
holy shit dude

It doesn't matter my latino friend. You're with us just like spain

>this thread is full of negros self hating

shit taste confirmed

Servers aren't a matter of culture, its about being closer to the fucking server


>According to the 2010 census, there were more than 91 million White Brazilians, comprising 47.73% of Brazil's population.
>getting rid of them
>more than half of the population is non white


Are you virgin by any chance ?

Nuke SP and RJ.
Build a wall around Nordeste.
The "brazilian problem" is solved.

Can't speak English properly and they should stay off American servers. They also don't know how to play games well. #MAGA fuck those nigger monkeys

I fucking hate when they restrict servers
Playing OW on latin servers in hell on earth. Apparently, brazilians speak spanish now.That's without saying about the underage playing it.You can only win in solo queue if you're playing really late at night or really early in the morning


this, tbqth macho

>Nuke the only states that actually have money

Seems like a good idea

Shhh, senta aí na piroca gaúcho, que é o lugar de viado.

Recife never hurt anyone

t. nordestino pele de merda

>>more than half of the population is non white
that doesn't mean more than half the population is niggers user

Yeah, I'm sure they are asians.


Nothing because we're all dying from papelão poisoning.

Why is your retarded language so fucking disgusting? It's like a subhuman version of Spanish.

Nice meme, nig nog.


Boiolões achando que conseguem tocar um país só. Huehuehebue. Gaúcho só tem viado e cuque, sêmen nordestino corre pelas mulheres do Sul.

basically the same shit.

Hispanics aren't much better than nignogs.
Still, both are better than sandniggers, gotta admit that.


>implicando que os inbreeds nordestinos são melhor que os alemães PUROS do sul


Rio is the biggest shithole of this country
Even the north has better states
It's a shameful existence for us

Why so mad my cabeça chata friend?

Does Japan actually do student exchanges? Sounds like an unbearable time for both parties.

Ambos são uma merda
Dilmãe é do sul se voce nao se lembra


>huiehuehue olha os retardados cuque do sul
>heuheu orgulhoso de ser um preto cabeça chata
>huehueh orgulhoso de só ter farinha pra comer em casa

What do you think about Mexican gamers?

t. Mexican gamer

about 3x worse than Brazilian people.

Mexicans are p. based.
How do you deal with amerikeks?

>alemães puros

Senta na piroca do sertão, sulista cucado. Genes de cangaceiro > chimarrão sêmen em pó.

Cabeça da minha troxa bem achatada de acertar o útero das suas mulheres :^)


BR here.
I always regret entering these threads. They always end up being BRs being angry at other BRs because some think you should be proud and others that all is shit.

That being said, not all BRs are shit in games. Give them a chance, if they are annoying, just ban them as you would anyone annoying.
You probably know and have played with a good BR player once. The fact that you don't know makes that statement true.
No decent person will go around saying where they are from. You just play and have fun.

Lembrando que o Brasil foi cucado por Lula por mais de uma década, e uma puta sulista virou marionete de um caba macho da caatinga.

fuck outa here Pedro

Trapmaster here.

They are gorgeous but beware; they are also dangerous as hell. You need to know the names on blacklist and shit. Search for "forum travesti" and a google translator to know more

Gib money plox
Branquinho piroka
No video jueguinho

When did Sup Forums become Sup Forums?

>South fags have pride in being cucks

Really makes you think...

>Canadian threads are allowed
>Australian threads are allowed
>Bong threads are allowed
>BR threads are allowed
>Mexican threads ARE NOT allowed

Life is unfair

You have no idea what you are talking about

I love Brazilians. I wish I could hug one.