flee from cultural marxism
Why haven't you moved to japan yet Sup Forums ?
Move to japan. Learn Japanese. Enjoy all good games earlier
No guns
takes money
language barrier
im white and therefore they are less likely to care about me
You can't learn Japanese.
No niggers, no communists = no need.
Niggers and commies should be the least of your concerns when your government keeps you from owning guns
I bet you actually believe this. Let me guess you also think since you're white would be like a God in Japan?
>flee from cultural marxism
I am in Japan right now.
Trying to get into the good 'ol english teacher position.
290 written applications
72 interviews
Not once they decided to hire me
>Amazon.co.jp ships overseas
>Every console is region-free now
I don't see the problem? You can learn Japanese without moving to Japan.
I too live in Japan. Let's hang out and go watch the cherry blossoms bloom next week.
>when that 警察 comes to deport your 尻
>living in Japan as an English teacher right now
>Japanese is stagnating
This wasn't supposed to happen.
We already told you in Japan general on /trv/ that you wont get employed because you are not a native English speaker. Sorry, but them's the breaks (usually).
Also you don't have a degree IIRC.
I don't have any fucking money left.
I have been eating ONE package of instant yakisoba per day for the past two months because I can't afford real food.
I can't even afford the subway anymore.
I can't afford the rent for April.
Maybe because you smell of weeb.
You can't learn Japanese even if you do move to Japan.
>teaching a language you didn't grow up speaking
video games
Bitch it don't cost money to look at trees.
you're a doodoo head! teehee ^_^
I'd argue the best teachers for any language are people who didn't grow up speaking it and had to learn it in adulthood. Of course, they'd have to be very fluent in that language.
I lived there for three years. It was nice, and I'd like to go back, but as far as I know the only real job opportunity is teaching English, and I don't want to do that.
>Not once they decided to hire me
Maybe because your English is shit.
I already live here / fuck off English teachers / not Sup Forums
>flee from cultural marxism
If that was the case, you couldn't go to Japan. Japan is one of the most welcoming countries in the world. As long as you're not a fucking degenerate or a criminal, you can probably carve out an existence there provided you can A. get work B. keep up japan work ethic and C. have enough money to buffer all your initial expenses.
Yet there are tons of mexicans, huehues and russsians teaching english with a fucking cambridge b1 or worse.
How do you explain that?
Didn't know Mexico is a native english country.
Even growing up speaking it isnt good enough usually. They want you to live in en English Speaking country. So if you are, say, half Korean and grew up in Seoul speaking English that wouldn't work out for most employers cause Korea = Korean.
Anyone else think American's in charge of rebuilding Japan knew of the threat of cultural marxism and decided to make Japan become the last bastion for humanity in case the west fell?
>muh sjw bogeyman
Good job eating up the right's desperate shit to keep themselves relevant.
>mfw I got b2 without trying but teaching languages is fucking boring
there are hundreds of factories there.
Because they are married to Japanese people or have other visa arrangements. It is definitely possible to get hired teaching as a not native speaker, but not Fresh off the boat, generally speaking.
When I was in my early 20's and teens I dreamed of living in Japan. Now I think I'm too old for that and I don't really care. I like America. I wanna live in a small town in the country side.
yep, bleaching women left and right, stay mad you human kaiju race
I like how you can pick the sluts out of the lot. Not even slut shaming, I'm all for sluts.
The main things they want are a college degree (4 year+ preferred) and a native English speaker living in an English-speaking country, right?
I value myself too much to work in a factory. There are plenty of people less intelligent than me who are better suited for it.
>you wont get employed because you are not a native English speaker
Actually most if not 90% of foreign English school teachers are from the Philippines which I don't think is a native English country technically.
>cute girls
>good food
>easy access to anime and vidya stuff
I will someday.
Yeah, the degree is a visa requirement. It can be of anything, though. English speaker from and English country is generally required by employers, though exceptions exist even if very rare.
That is literally the easiest thing to do as a foreigner you nitwit. Trust me on this one.
>I like America
He looks like swole ProJared.
basement dweller detected
>cute girls
>Awful work culture
>Price of housing is very high
>Horrible isolation in said houses
>Country side is dead
>You only get 7 days to spend on vacation
And the list goes on
I actually had a job in Japan teaching English for a couple years. Good times. Miss a bunch of things about it, but my current position is just better, with better pay.
probably its because your japnaese is shit.
those weebs fucking suck at japanese while they beleive they are a master of japanese
people do this? what, do beaner weeaboos just attempt this or something? who does this?
ill stick with trying to find sites to import trinkets and shit
sadly they are hard to come by.
Is it even possible to learn fluent japanese with these free lessons in the interent or do I have to take an actual japanese language course in my college.
Bet my mexican ass can get a job teaching english!
All my classes will just be viewing parties of Seinfeld, Frasier, Cheers and The life and times of Tim
This jap girls seem autistic.
It isn't possible regardless of what you do.
I want to move to Japan to get away from the west, but I don't want to teach English so I'll wait till I have enough money to live somewhere in Hokkaido in a secluded run down house no one wants out in the middle of nowhere. I'll become that weird old foreigner guy the kids make up stories about and live off of the land while making pity income from selling books online.
It's the perfect dream.
Uh, absolutely not.
Though the Philippines considered English speaking by some employers.
>Cyka I am married to Japanese women I speak tha English very well blyat
>congratulations, you got the job
>I have six years of expierence in education and speak English on a native Level
>yeah, we already took the russian sorry~
Yes, I am pissed.
Pissed at these fuckers and their ignorance.
Just waiting for my visa
>though exceptions exist even if very rare.
Is the Philippines and English country? Cause there are more Filipinos working as English teachers than any other country in Japan.
>want a Japenese qt
>don't want to breed out their genes with their already dwindling population
Japan is too good for this planet, those poor bastards.
Kill yourself weeb
Not that guy but I got a job teaching for 2 years being native English speaker from America with no degree. I networked into the interview though, and had about 15 pen pals for a couple years before even visiting Japan.
There's only bears in Hokkaido, yo.
throw in a forrest gump at the end of the year
>I wanna live in a small town in the country side.
it's boring and the community you put yourself in is likely disintegrating
enjoy buying everything from walmart
Because it's a shit place to live in.
Just work and live in the west and travel to Japan now and then instead.
I always worried if I lived in Japan I would get bored of it pretty fast. It's such a small country.
>am recent graduate and want to be an english teacher in Japan because no job so far
>worry that if I even tried it would go bad because of slight speech problem and because some people still think I am eightteen
Whatchu gonna do for a valid living visa, son?
>people on Sup Forums obsessed with moving here
>to teach english
Please stay in your shitty countries. Just because yours are getting ruined, no need to flood Japan with your awful cultures and low skilled labor.
Lol @ this shitty meme as well. No you won't.
Waito piggu go homu
Then the cubs will be the ones making up stories about me. Changes nothing.
They'll forget I even exist.
You can't stop me.
I already live in a small town. I buy everything from Safeway. Except I don't have a walmart here. Walmart and Target is like Disneyland to me.
Most are Filipino once you get out of the private tutoring businesses and eikaiwas of teaching English to adults. In the actual public schools and ALTs most of the teachers are Filipino and being a white guy would put you in the minority.
You keep saying that and it is categorically wrong.
I have a huge baby face and I have had students routinely ask me if I teach as a part-time job after high school. Youthfulness doesn't matter.
Speech problem doesn't matter much either as long as it is not debilitating or a legitimate handicap.
>no niggers
there's more blacks than whites there
Stay out, white trash
How do I acquire such a body? I'm tired of feeling sluggish, sleepy, stomach hurting, etc. I don't know what to do.
ALTs are a small, small minority of English teachers. You need to get out of your bubble, ALT user.
this. I want to just import shit but all i find is sites selling figurings. i want charms and shit everyday use items.
theres very little of either though
You're dying mate.
even worse
2010s small town america is a joke. not a funny joke, but "so bad you can only laugh" kind of joke
lots of davido kuns itt
I think you could teach yourself better online than learning from a teacher at some college. Teachers can't explain lessons and concepts for each individual student to grasp. Online you can find various different interpretations of how to explain certain things in Japanese. I've been studying for about 7 months and things are starting to come together. Learn the fundamentals and how the language and the grammar works, build up your vocabulary as much as you can. The go on one of those site where you can speak to native Japanese people.
work out?
Don't worry user, I work in international army dealing, I'll smuggle some automatic weapons in for you so if Tojo ever comes for you they'll regret doing it.
If you want to do it for free it will probably be difficult, I don't recommend taking a course for it (although I have no experience with it). Taking a course will help though find people to talk the language with and figure out different phrases, but they probably have a club for it instead.
Fuck that, I maybe a weeaboo but I still have shame and I sure as hell wouldn't want to end up like him.
I have my Japanese 2 midterm in about 18 hours, wish me luck anons
>army dealing
well fuck I meant arms dealing but if you want a whole army I might be able to set that up
who Kutchan masterrace?
doesn't change my point, cunt
dont fail
>Speech problem doesn't matter much either as long as it is not debilitating or a legitimate handicap
It's never been like a stutter or anything, but I have had people constantly ask if I'm from Britian or somewhere like that. I'm just from Texas.
Also, I know some basic elementary Japanese but I'm not sure whether they would want me to know more about speaking the language, even though I would be able to practice more being submerged in the environment.
At this point though, I couldn't afford the ticket to fly there in the first place.
I live in California and I've noticed a dramatic shift in the past 10 years. It was such a nice town but it's been taken over by hippy weed growers and homeless people. It makes me sad.
Stupid squiggly kanji
I'd be the best Ken-sama otherwise
ganbat-te, onii-chan!
arigatou gozaimasu
Hakodate master race reporting in.