
>catering to assholes who have no self control

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It's not a fucking action game like Bayonnaise, it's an ARPG/depression simulator as envisioned by Taro.

post more best girl

Jesus christ,even if it was ironic this sums up the nier fanbase completely

I have never touched the game and I never will, I just want more A2. She is best girl.

a2 is garbage
commander is where's it at

No, thanks.

that is literally every platinum game. if you are playing for efficiency you can just spam the most powerful attack

DMC tried to alleviate this with the style meter, but even that wasn't enough

I think they actually expect people to just try to "play cool" for no fucking reason. Platinum is good at making cool stuff but they fucking suck at game design. as evidence by upgrades plaguing all their games.

I wish there was a way to self destruct her to remove her skirt. her hips are even more than 2B's

the original nier was similar in that the combos and charge attacks and shit were worthless, and you could just spam dodge attacks all day on normal or git gud and learn to counter for real damage on hard

this still seems like a major step up

>that Adam and Eve music
everytime I think I'm burnt out on the game I hear the music and immediately want to play again

Those aren't even all the combo chains, just the base ones. Most weapons get 1-3 more light attacks and 1-2 heavy with full level 4 upgrades

It's better than the original Nier combat but still very basic for Platinum. And to be fair, even for Platinum, on harder difficulties, there are only a handful of save combos you can use.
Like fighting Rodin on Hard is LITERALLY you running around for 20 minutes spamming cat + light attack

>I think they actually expect people to just try to "play cool" for no fucking reason

But senpai... I've played 38 hours all on hard and I do literally that. Whatever is the coolest, flashiest setup. Do you play your games to have fun or just to cheese mechanics? Also fuck MUHGRAPHIX, this game has some of the best visual set pieces, music and build up I've ever seen in a game.

10/10 Taro, you finally did it. Now maybe squeenix will give him a REAL budget after putting XV to absolute shame.

Combos were really useful though because higher combo meter was buffing your attack speed. At combo of 100 you could swing your twohander twice faster than normal attack speed of very fast one-handed swords, it's great.
And in original Drakengard you want combo to spawn AOE blasts, healing and damage buffs.

So technically Cavia games were better at pushing the player to play better.

If there's no achievement for looking badass then why bother, man

Why are her feet so fucking tiny?

honestly I barely ever noticed the benefits of the combo meter, maybe I was playing it wrong - it always just felt faster to use other things to deal damage

I dunno. The lead character designer is the same guy who did bravely default, so quite frankly they're lucky to even have feet.

when playing as a2 did anyone ever figure out why her dash extends and glows red?


People keep telling me the combat system is good, but a game without sufficient AI and scoring to take advantage means it's pointless.

Damage boost for dash attacks.

The most effective way of using 2B is by just mashing fist or small swords. Any advanced moves take too much time to execute and give too little in return.
Meanwhile 9S can just spam two charged attacks and murderfuck everything on his path without even doing combos.

>mfw I only just found out yesterday that jump+light attack makes you do a launcher


It reminds me of Korra to be honest. A pretty low budget game that looks flashy instead of having any actual depth.

I didn't find out until after I beat the game that you could charge up 3 pod programs at once

>finally get the items to upgrade one of the Pods to maximum level
>already got all 5 main endings

>Just start route B
>Doing the shitty shooter part
>Platinum thinks a good substitute for actual difficulty is making you not move the direction you're pressing as the screen turns

What a complete nigger move. Haven't been this pissed off at a game in a while. The clunky shit that is trying to use items outside of the pause menu doesn't fucking help.

Wait what? You mean charge one program to level 2-3?

Pretty much

I'd probably like Korra more if I was even remotely into the universe, but I played through it anyway and had quite a bit of fun with the element swapping and all that, even if it was like 5 hours long with super basic Platinum combat

I know, right? It's so fitting too, it's exactly the kind of song that should play when you're fighting shirtless gay jesus robots

If you got all 3 pods, you can hold down the skill button to make it more powerful, bringing in other pods to "boost" it

It puts a huge ass cooldown on the skill though, as well as other pod skills

there are 3 pods you can get, if you hold l1 down you can use 3 of the same pod program

so 3 lazers etc.

I did my first playthrough on hard, it isn't broken you just need to use enhancement attack + defense since you won't have enough skill chips at that stage

Slow-mo, Zoom, mash Y.

>completely forget to balance the game so there's no reason to use all the cool moves

This literally always happens in all action games. Sup Forums always sucks DMC4's dick for having crazy combo videos on youtube but the game NEVER motivates you to be creative and get better at being stylish. 99% of players just kept to Swordmaster and Trickster.

Automata's combat has no de-


>the game NEVER motivates you to be creative and get better at being
Are you forgetting about the stylish meter?

>find tons of taunt up chips
>there is no taunt button
Did they seriously make it exclusive to PS4 controller?

play the game retard

I am playing it, you retard.

Unlike DMC3 you're not even rewarded with longer Crazy Combos for pumping the meter, it's meaningless.

When do I get more pods? I want to switch between pod programs on the fly.

a2 uses taunt

Whatever the flashlight button is on the PC, that's your taunt button if you click it rapidly.

Didn't DMC4 have this though?

Have to find them yourself.

you're posting on Sup Forums

you're not playing the game

>A2 is the Sam of Nier
>literally MGR reskin
Sasuga Platinum.

One's just sitting around in the desert
the other you need to fish for in the flooded city

>cheesing a game instead of using the kit you are given for maximum fun

Don't blame the game for being a bland faggot yourself

Along with combos being rated for a chapter, there are also orbs and time being rated. Do I really have the time to do awesome looking juggles and jump cancels when I could just cycle between 2 or 3 powerful moves?

That's the actual problem with action games. Developers don't know how to balance their rating systems.

He's right though, I finished Nier yesterday and if you bought this game expecting a typical Platinum game you're gonna have a bad time, because it's not it really is an RPG.

Well thats the weakness of having a system way too deep for the enemies and difficulty the game offers
Kinda like how you see that almost all combo videos for a game usually take place on the same room on enemies that are easy to open up and have a gorillon of health.

Anyone got the summary of Nier Replicant/Gestalt where it says "skeleton may be gay"? I need it to fucking summarize the first one to my semi-normie friend.

This. Fuck pure water.


>not playing on hard with defense chips so you can take a few hits

Pretty cool

What's the blue dodge effect they have at the end there?

>wanting to play brown the game

Even the enemies are brown garbage cans. Im sure there is some pretentious reason for it

Just letting you know that you sound like an inarticulate branlet when you type like this. Try learning words that people actually use, like "accessible"

Thanks user.

>Do I really have the time to do awesome looking juggles and jump cancels when I could just cycle between 2 or 3 powerful moves?

In DMC4? Yes, because those combos stunlock enemies. Any 3 hit Dante combo (ie, the basic combo) knocks enemies away. Its not going to help you against frosts or whatever those lightning guys are. Have you even played DMC4 above devil hunter difficulty? You don't have to dick around like in a combo video but you are incentivised to do more than a basic combo for damage purposes.

And with Nero, you are greatly rewarded for learning exceed timings because that's how you get access to your most powerful moves.

>being a graphixfag

You fags are why the PS3/360 era was oversaturated with AAA "realistic" garbage


>The music plays in this scene

Jesus fuck. It's so different to everything I had heard up to that point. Melancholic deep chanting.

Have you equipped the Taunt chip?

It literally tells you straight away how to use it

You spam the flashlight into enemy's faces to make them angry

Machine sword, gives you dodge and damage numbers like ones in FFXV.

>hard to master
It's Platinum's easiest combat to date.

I guess that's the level 4 upgrade thing, Machine Brand was it, that gives damage as you defeat enemies?

Gonna check it out later

to be fair the game doesn't really explain some of the moves important for having more fun, like shoot+jump and launchers. If i knew about those i'd have had a lot more fun on my first playthrough.

I dunno, Korra and Transformers were pretty easy too

The track is called Mourning btw.

Both Korra and Transformers had more to their combat systems.

I'm retarded, I meant Engine Blade.

Which is typical of Platinum

I couldn't understand the "Counter" chip until I got a +1 version of it, since the +0 one just says "Move into enemy attack to counter it". Fucking what?

>You don't have to dick around like in a combo video but you are incentivised to do more than a basic combo for damage purposes.

That's my point, the game is never balanced to take combos past an intermediate level yet people put DMC4 on a pedestal for its advanced combos.

>you look like shit

always gets me

Oh right, the one in the factory, I did miss that one, thanks

>fight Adam
>Ping Pong Circulate starts playing

You're right, the problem is the scenarios in Nier never really allow for it. It's a constant spam of enemies all at once with excessively large hitboxes that prevent you from doing anything stylish.

You basically have to go an extra mile by eliminating all the chaff till you have a couple you can fuck around with. Not to mention the game is filled with filler running back and forth to get to the fights.

Except I just said why you need to take combos past an intermediate level. Combo videos are flashy for the sake of being flashy but the skills used in them, jump cancelling and juggling for example, which you specified, is a valuable tool to play the game at higher levels.

Jump cancelling and juggling stunlocks enemies. That enough is a good reason to learn how to do it because it lets you kill enemies faster and at lower risk. Try beating DMC4 on the hardest difficulty without using any advanced techniques and just mash Y. See how far you get when you have 4 frosts beating down your asshole.

>normal is too easy
>hard is too hard
Who the fuck balanced this shit. You get one shot by boars and machines yawning loudly on hard, but a boss' ultimate attack will do 1/10th of your health bar on normal.

Acquire skill
Also acquire plug-in chips

how do you open debug with keyboard?

Hard actually feels real normal to me.

Very Hard seems a bit pointless because they still have the same hp minus the one hit deal.

>Who the fuck balanced this shit.
No one did, they ran out of development budget and time by the time they were ready to polish the game. Same reason last part of the game reuses bosses.
>Acquire skill

To add to this, contrast with DmC4 where enemies are often regular sized and designed to facilitate stylish combos if one wants.

Does playing on hard buff HP of bosses and enemies? Factory sphere boss fight was hype as fuck, but ended way too fast.

huh... thats neat

is there a reference im not getting?

It doesn't thats really the main problem on switching to any difficulty mode.

game was fun but the repetition of bosses and lack of area variety sucked

Taro said in an interview that he just sends mp3s of music he likes to his music director to make something similar. It's considered sort of a shitty thing to do, because it takes away a lot of freedom from the music director.

I wouldn't be surprised if he sent Ping Pong Circulate over to his music director and said "do this".

It's more that there's no good enemies to use the moves on. All the enemies are just rehashes of the same basic machine types you fight in the first couple of hours and none of the bosses really let you take advantage of the mechanics either. Wasted potenital: the game.

This I got a +6 melee defense chip from a quest and I was set.

I can't believe I fucking lost it to a random boar in the forest

Even with a 50% health increase chip I still get one shot by regular ass enemies. Don't you think that sort of thing should only be in Very Hard?


Very Hard is one hit K.O no matter what.

The part with the moose horned machine in the forest was bullshit
>jump in
>cutscene starts
>cutscene ends
>die instantly
>see the boar's back in the side of the screen
>try again
>dodge like 5 times in a row
>try to attack
>instantly dead by boar rush "shockwave" that's ahead of him
>he barely started the charge animation too

yeah, I only remember being able to combo
adam, eve, and 9s
everything else either had a shitty camera angle or was a large machine