What games let you eat breakfast?
What games let you eat breakfast?
what the fuck is that black shit
Blood Pie
Eurofags eat that shit
looks like blood sausage.
its stupid brittish shit.
Blood sausage, pretty delicious. I've had it growing up, at least the Korean version, but I find that most Americans don't like it.
Do try it though, you may like it.
heavy rain
They're called black pudding if I remember correctly, they're basically pig blood sausages.
Life is stange
I'm sorry it's not deep fried or sugary enough for you lardasses
>blood sausage
>fucking whitebread toast
>whateverthefuck tomatoes or something
sorry but my breakfast consists of salad and water thank you very much
>beans for breakfast
everything else looks fine though
It's bacon, the rest is right.
ham is bacon so whatever
and are those seriously fried tomatoes?
>eats a 10,000 calorie breakfast
>calls someone else a lardass
its okay when Yuropoors do it
>and are those seriously fried tomatoes?
I think those are cherry tomatoes but yeah.
Most MMOs.
What about second breakfast?
>Calling anyone fat when you eat a breakfast like that
Or elevensies?
fuck off Sam
before eurofags get to the shitposting, the black shit is smoke. it's smoked meat, and it's the one thing that all americans agree on being the best thing on earth.
Is this meant for one person or..?
Who would eat just a waffle for breakfast?
At least an omelette is an actual meal.
>there are people that hate the idea of american Bbq
>any country on earth blames us for being fat while getting the best of every food
You don't need a meal for breakfast
what's that pink stuff? onions?
It's a display platter for show, to demonstrate some of what the restaurant has to offer.
What about freedom?
Sure, why not?
only if you're a masochist/fatty.
Sam doesn't say that you cunt.
Deadly Premonition, baby.
>american Bbq
LOL, there's a reason american BBQ is considered a joke all around the world, go to south america if you want to eat real barbecue.
>This is what americans call "Grand Cuisine"
no, just prisons.
Is this game still a mess on PC?
>What about freedom?
All comes second to good food.
It at least plays competently.
>its another stealth mcdonalds shill thread
jesus christ Sup Forums
That's sickening. Just looking at this is enough to give one heart disease.
Meat. Not even once.
>le dirt oven meme
There is a fan patch that works, but the last I launched the vanilla version, it's still a mess.
get out
it's central/south american cuisine. pretty popular there now.
>>there are people that hate the idea of american Bbq
Of course there are, in america they consider a hamburger barbecue, they even put ketchup on their barbecue, how can you take that seriously?
the only reason i want to make big bucks is so i can go to places like this and just order everything on the menu
that's the spirit user, one day you will look down at lunch time and see this
>it's central/south american cuisine
That's from Mexico though.
That looks terrible. Can someone confirm if it is any good at all? Those doritos must be flaccid and soaked like any 4channer's dick way before the dish is complete. Also not enough doritos.
Why so stingy with the mushrooms?
This webm has given me a morbid curiosity.
Someone tell me where this is so I can try it out.
So many things wrong with this post, it has to be bait.
Anywhere in Mexico
Did you skip geography class or what? Mexico is North America.
>White bread
What's the point of the ice cream? It'll probably melt way before you finish your meal.
In Canada/America it's Central because we don't want to associate with them.
blood sausage
Wow, literally the one good thing Australia has ever done
>four or five different meats/proteins
>beans, a protein
This is one of the stupidest fucking ``meals'' I've ever seen.
Maybe if you're a bodybuilder you need that much protein in one meal. For everyone else, you will literally piss and shit out 90% of the nutritional content of that plate because your body can't put it to use, and needs carbohydrates and fiber instead.
>Live in Brazil
>Have McDonald's tier job
>Meat is still cheap as fuck and absolutely delicious
>Can eat at a rodÃzio every week
Feels good
wheat is too heavy for when you're eating three pounds of meat.
>live in Brazil
>eating meat at all
Isn't that butter?
Why ruin it with shit tier bread? At least get buns or something.
Still, the meat looks great.
That's potato salad
Is that how americans eat butter? No wonder they're fat.
Food tier
Italian>>Asian>Middle eastern>Mexican=French>>>American>>>>Nordic
Thats a you salad.
>You fucking potato.
Or mashed potatoes, or a number of other things.
The country is mostly spiders, they are carnivores who subsist on devouring the weak. Of course vegans would be the lowest rung on the ladder.
>south amercian bbq better than american bbq
I've never been more baited
I used to make swoles and shit similar to this while I was locked up, except I'd use hot cheetos which I'd crush up and coat the ramen noodles in rather than let them sit around it
ham is thigh, bacon is stomach
saints row 3
They shouldn't have let you out.
>generalizing asian cuisine
You're retarded.
truly barbecue is the one thing great about the US that will never fade
I legitimately don't know.
Maybe that weird shit mexicans put in their mexi soup gumbo, but that shit sure as hell ain't american