What are some good games that I can look into playing? Like actual good survival Games, and ones worth putting time into?
Pic semi-related, my meme setup.
What are some good games that I can look into playing? Like actual good survival Games, and ones worth putting time into?
Pic semi-related, my meme setup.
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Op here, not just survival. Just games in general.
If ya dig surviva, and somehow have managed to avoid them all these years, then you really must give the most Sup Forums-core series, the STALKER trilogy, a shot.
Consult this Starting Guide,
then see the /vg/'s huge Stalker General for more tips and links: Play in the release order. Start with no mods - only latest patch, OR get the full "Starter Pack" first; these contain bug-fixers and light visual mods that can help performance as well.
Leave big overhauls for later playthrougs. Avoid the "Complete" -mods. Always play on MASTER difficulty for best realism and atmosphere, and disable crosshair.
Don't give up in the beginning! The starting gear sucks ass and first area can be a bit boring.
Oh shit, I've been wanting these games for a while now. They've been on my wishlist for a couple years now, this will definitely push me towards the purchase. Thanks user!
np mate.
Some other recommendations I could provide:
>Talos Principle; a non-linear puzzler with fairly deep philosophical themes and gorgeous visuals. From the makers of Serious Sam!
>Serious Sam 3:BFE; Fuck Doom4, this is how you do old-school in 2010s!
>The Witcher: Enhanced Edition; still the best one in trilogy, and a true PC WRPG - not some console hack & slash w/ Batman vision.
>Resident Evil Remake HD; the OG RE1 got a magnificent, total overhaul in 2002, and it finally got HD treatment couple years back. Not a "zombie shooter"!
>Silent Hill 1-4; psychological survival horror classics. Yeah, mostly console games, but 2-4 got legit PC versions. Great atmosphere, OSTs, and stories. Lots of replay value.
Here's a neat SH PC Guide for the Silent Hill games, if you got interested. You can get the games here:
SH2 torrent:
SH3 torrent:
Mount the ISOs of 2 & 3, and then run their installers like always.
The SH1 is a PS1 rip that you gotta emulate.
The "sh2proxy" is a all-in-one fix, that works as a no-cd crack as well. It is included in the pack.
If you use the NEW fix mentioned in the guide, you can use the sh2proxy's EXE as the no-cd crack!
In case you experience issues saving the game / not being able to edit the disp.ini, make sure the files aren't set to "Read Only", and run the game as Administrator.
If SH2 gets stuck in a black screen upon launch, close it and re-start it again.
SH2-4 do not support Xinput gamepads. Either use Xpadder, a DirectInput pad, or just play with KB+M.
>this will definitely push me towards the purchase
there's really no need to BUY STALKER games anymore. The old developers are long gone, and won't get a single cent out of purchases anymore. Plus, by pirating the games, you usually get the original 1.0 versions of them, which you can then manually patch to what ever version you want. This can be very handy if you wanna use some older, big mods later on.
Wow, thank you! I've looked in to Talos principle, but wasn't sure. Seems like my type of game. And I have yet to play the remaster of RE, planning on it now. As for silent Hill, I'm a huge sh fan, and horror fan in general. Games like Allison road and visage are right up my alley.. But, that being said, I've only played silent Hill 2 from the 2-3 remastered edition. I hadn't a clue that you could emulate them, so this helped a bunch. Would I be able to set it up so my ps4 controller would work with them?
Actually fair point, no use in spending money if you benefit from doing the opposite.
>I've only played silent Hill 2 from the 2-3 remastered edition
...you mean the fucking disgusting, blunder of the century-tier SH "HD" "Collection"? Yeah, you've not played Silent Hill games alright.
Pic very related; The "HD" collection is globally loathed, to the point even Konami apologized about it.
And be not mistaken: SH2, 3 and 4 have legit, no joke PC ports. You only need to emulate SH1, or buy it from PSN Store for few bucks.
I really, really recommend playing SH games in release order. Especially SH3 required you to have finished the original game (which is still my favorite after all these years) to make any sense and not to spoil BOTH games.
>Would I be able to set it up so my ps4 controller would work with them?
I have no experience with PS4 pads, but I've played them all with KB only, KB+M, old Logitech gamepad, and X360 controller. The latter required a bit of re-binding and tweaking, but other than that, it should do fine.
While at it, I can definitely recommend also trying the Metal Gear Solid -series, especially if you got access to a PS3, on which you could get practically the entire canon series on, with the Legacy Collection. Even without one, I guess you could emulate the 1st one, and decide if it's your cup of tea. That saga really needs to be played in release order though!
>I've looked in to Talos principle, but wasn't sure.
Believe me, I too originally ignored it as another potential "Portal clone".
Only after attending Nordic Game Conference last year, where Croteam's guys had a lecture about their design methods of the game, did I get interested about it. And once I did start, I couldn't stop. I now got 80h put to the main game + DLC together, and I still find myself occasionally starting the game up, just to fool around in the environments, enjoying the atmosphere.
I had a pleasure of having two other people play the game almost at the same time. We actually had lengthy conversations about the game's themes and plot later on, not to mention the different ways we'd solved stuff, or how totally different puzzles had caused us problems.
The game's also magnificent example of PC exclusive done right. Not that I should be surprised of Croteam's releases anymore, as all their recent games have had these GIGANTIC options menus, that allow you to tweak every possible thing in the game. This also means that with right adjustments, it can run on craptastic machines.
It's been a while since a new game has truly blown my socks off, so I apologize for the fanboy-ish shill wall. I'm goddamn glad that both Sam4 and Talos2 are quite literally already confirmed.
Even the cheap VR cashgrab actually seems to be fantastic for what it is:
Alright, Thanks. I'll play them in order, and check out MGS. And why was the HD collection loathed? I hadn't heard of this.
Oh sweet! I'll definitely check it out now.
>And why was the HD collection loathed?
The SH HD Collection? Did you even check that image I posted?
tl;dr: Fucked up graphics and performance, terrible new voice actors, poorly remixed and edited soundtracks, missing sound effects, WRONG sound effects playing, missing special effects, missing fog, occasionally too MUCH fog, buggy fog, fucked up brightness levels, no filmgrain effect, random freezing and crashes... In short, it's broken, amateurish and all around embarrassing piece of shit. It's THE absolutely worst way to experience these magnificent classics.
It's quite amazing you have managed to avoid THE biggest outrage of this decade so far. The original devs had nothing to do with the HD port, as Konami already kicked Team-Silent out back in mid-00s, while the studio kept the IP to themselves (pretty much what they did with Kojima and MGS couple years ago). They got some no-name MOBILE APP team to do these "HD remasters" for SH games, with a gigantic dickhead with too big ego, called Tomm Hulett, to act as the project's producer and director. A man who pretty much only likes SH2, loves to hate everything else in the series, and even wanted to fully rewrite his only fav game.
There's a very long (2h), super detailed analysis and review video on Youtube, made by Twin Perfect, if you really want to educate yourself about the history and drama surrounding this terrible release. I would however VERY much recommend watching it only AFTER you have played SH1-3 at very least (#4 preferably as well), as obviously it'll be a spoiler-fest from start to finish.
Just about ANYWHERE you look, people tell you the same tale:
Play the PS2 / PC originals, avoid the PS3/Xbox360 ports at all costs.
I've yet to try any of this VR stuff, as I still lack required gear. Still, Sam's setting is quite good fit for simple stationary / on rails shooting gallery.
The Croteam's guys themselves stated that it's quite a shame that traditional FPS games seldom work in VR setting, as the fast movements tend to cause instant motion sickness and generally make it difficulty to follow & control the games.
what desk f@m?
nevermind, didn't see the manual
Wow, thank you for this. I absolutely had no idea, I feel bad for playing through the second game like that now....
Bekant sit/stand or something.
eh, it's (almost) alright. It's a huge shame that so many people start with the 2nd game, no matter its cult-classic fame. I hope you at least used the original VAs option, as SH2's HD version was the only one to have such feature (and only after tons of controversy and outcry from fans).
While #2 CAN be seen as a "standalone" experience in the series (nu-SH2 fags love to stress this idea), it really is pretty much like a standalone expansion pack to SH1 to anyone who's played the series from the start. And it's easily the lamest when it comes to actual horror and pure challenge.
Anyway, play the games again in the order of release, and I will consider your sins forgiven. Luckily, these titles are super replayable, with multiple endings, unlockables, the different puzzle and action difficulties, etc. Not to mention fucktons of fine details and symbolism you're almost guaranteed to miss on the first time.
Shit, I'll play them all in order. Well thanks!
Can the silent hill series be playable with duals hock 4?