Proper Zelda: Breath of the Wild BotW thread

Proper Zelda: Breath of the Wild BotW thread.

I'm 107 shrines in, can't find the other 13, sheikah sensor is on... how do I go about doing this without looking it up and not wanting to kill myself?

same problem

Explore areas that are devoid of shrines or have weird architecture.

That said good fucking luck, there are 2-3 I couldn't find in the end because they are behind a "puzzle" and thus don't activate the sensor and at the same time aren't shrine quests.

which ones were those?

Why do you want to finish the game so quickly?. Enjoy it, just dick around and you'll end up finding them sooner or later,
why are millenials so annoying? Geez...

> instant gratification

Cunt's fucked.

i compared my map to a finished map for the last couple shrines

whats the point? it's not like there's any achievement for finishing them all

talk to everyone in each tavern. i found a lot of shrine quests this way

The game needs a better way of showing the player where they've never been. You can't sticker everything.

user you might feel better just exploring around and stumbling on the puzzle ones while doing whatever you like to do.

Not telling you how to play the game but without looking it up, you may as well enjoy the ride then.

That was my biggest gripe with the towers. Fuck towers giving you map sections, make the map as you walk around.

I think this game encourages those little video game diaries you get in the boxes but never use.

> write down recipes
> write down what areas you've been & where you want to go next
> keeping track of puzzles/secrets/hints
> working out harder puzzles
> writing down your favourite weapon locations

I've been using my Skyrim one, works well.

I thought the 5 numbers related to the X or Y position. For each constellation in the 4 columns, you had to match that exact rotation with the constellation map, grid the map into five slices (x or y), and guesstimate where each exact matching constellation fell into the grid slice.

For example, in my pic
>first ball goes in slot 1 or 2
>second ball goes in slot 4 or 3
>third ball goes in slot 1 or 5
>fourth ball goes in slot 2 or 3

This. Fuck the towers. Let my exploration serve the purpose of learning the terrain.

Yeah that was my first thought until I looked to the side and saw the pillars & was like can't be that easy can it? Felt like a stupid genius at the same time.

>wanting to 100% botw

i hope you opened all the shrine chests because the game keeps track of that. leaving a chest because your inventory was full is no excuse you fucking throw something away if you have to

I was just about to hit up a guide for my 120th shrine when I had not used one for the previous 119 when I stumbled upon an NPC which gave me a quest for it. At least my hunch that the last shrine was in that general area was correct, and I was actually surprised that my last shrine was a quest shrine, which means I explored enough to stumble upon every hidden puzzle shrine that doesn't have a quest or isn't shown with the sensor.

Afterwards I finally decided to beat Ganon. After having spent the game reaaally smelling the flowers to the brink of staleness, I clocked in somewhere around 160 hours played.

> he wants to trigger the OCD of completionists

You're playing a dangerous game user.
we don't want someone ending up on the news dead on their couch because of this shit

How do I trigger horse statue memory? I don't see the sparkly bits anywhere.

You are at the wrong one

What is the right one? I'm at Sanadin Park Ruins and it looks just like the picture.

Thats the wrong area for the horse memory. Guess you gotta keep looking or look up spoilers.

How long will it take for these two huge ice blocks to melt

What do you niggas want for Hard Mode? So far I've been avoiding fast travel as much as possible and I'm having a blast. I hope they bring heal of time instead of instant and/or an eating animation so you can't cheese fights like those Lynel fuckers.

I haven't tried but I'm guessing you can't revisit Shrines? What if I never got that Battle Axe+ to the fucking kid?

But painting man told me to go here.

What the fuck

It's around there, is it where the white horse quest is? Because it's that same area.

I built a campfire in the middle and used a torch and got them fairly fast they're not worth the wait, it's just monsters cucking you everywhere


i just want to save people having to backtrack to shrines where they missed a chest in future

a little chest icon appears on the map on shrines you opened all the chests at

>guessing you can't revisit Shrines? What if I never got that Battle Axe+

the tests of strength shrine mini guardians respawn. you can revisit them and get as many ancient weapons as you want

Yes, I caught the white horse but I'm standing where the photo is and there are NO sparkles.

Other Open World games have markers indicating where people who give sidequests are.

It's something I miss in Breath of the Wild.

One shrine is in the castle.

Literally went all over looking for it on the world map until someone told me.

Some games chart the map as you explore. Celceta did this but the flaw was that you needed to edge the whole map or it didn't count, it was dumb but the basic idea was there. You walk and unlock chunks of the map by yourself.

You can revisit shrines

That really updated my map markers

I miss the MW journal too.

Dumbest comment of the thread goes to ...

It's not precisely on the location of the photo.

Gets you actually talking to NPCs side quest or not. Helps you notice the little contextual conversations too. Is good!

You get the original link gear from the legend of Zelda

Why is the castle not generally considered to be a dungeon?

Ok, I reloaded the save there and it was there.

Fucking cock.

>behind a puzzle that isn't a shrine quest
cool, I was hoping at least some of those were in the game.

Zelda's trying to get that birthday sex, but I'm not taking my Zora gear off. I'm a committed man, dammit.

Fucking memory succubus.


I love how you can bully some NPCs in this game, like that girl in the clothing shop on Hateno and Paya who is just spaghetti gold.

Which NPC? I'm also at 119 shrines, and the quest log says the last one will be a quest. I need to know.

Also, can I safely sell Ambers and Opals? I know you use Ambers for the earrings and a set upgrade late game, but is it a good idea to just cash in early and then start saving them?

>that side quest where Link doesn't give a shit about a girl grieving her fiance and just interrogates her

I love Link this time around. Spent a lot of time in the Zora Domain, already accomplished swordsman, a member of the aristocracy, cute as a girl and boy, and also a part time dick.

Just give into your destiny, m8

No, I gotta break the cycle.

>hateno village
>I love Prima who runs the inn. Can you go ask her what she likes so I break the ice with a present?
>She dodgingly tells Link that she likes 100 grasshoppers
>Link gives the boy 10 grasshoppers and he'll get the other 90
>Quest complete
That seemed rather abrupt didn't it? I came back a few days later and nothing changed.

I find that you can always replenish your stock of mats whenever you want.

Basically my rule of thumb is if I need the money I sell them, if I don't I keep them.

I mean, one of the things I usually mark are good Luminous Stone depots and Talus mini bosses so I can farm them when I need to, but I was just wondering if I need a bunch for end game shit.

>Breaking a cycle of fucking a hot Princess over and over

TP Link already tried it and look what happened,

What's the most obscure shrine quest you've done? I've got one left to get, and I'm looking for hints.

Got one out of another thread today, looking to keep the momentum going.

Nope. What exactly do you mean by endgame shit though? I'm at end game now with the master sword and most gear sets and the only thing you ever need that shit for is some upgrades.

>Selmie's Spot

Hello, baby

Blonde tsundere is my antifetish, sorry.

Gotta find a brunette toned tomboy to ride me like a horse. I can set her up with a nice fish, though.

And honestly the upgrades aren't even worth it for most armour sets.

I haven't actually played botw or any other legend of zelda title for that matter, but from what I have seen from watching youtubers just seems...bland.

You have this big open world, yet the player has no real impact on it. Most of it is empty blank space, and enemy encounters are very predictable. Items are worthless as they break easily and require grinding to get.

Again, I shouldn't judge too much as I have not played the game, but I feel like my opinion is worth mentioning as it is still probably much more reasonable than most people who actually do own it and have fun, as they are most likely blinded by their love for the franchise.

Is this a new retarded copypasta

>I feel like my opinion is worth mentioning as it is still probably much more reasonable than most people who actually do own it and have fun, as they are most likely blinded by their love for the franchise.


It was just a Goron in Goron City. I had somehow neglected to talk to every Goron while doing the Death Mountain stuff.

My only real experience with zelda was the wind waker, I've played a lot of really good open world games, most recently MGS5 and FFXV but zelda is definitely my favorite out of the three, it feels like everything you do in the world is helping you become better to defeat ganon or just giving people hope that the era of the calamity is going to end.

It's very fluid in that sense, the pacing of the story is laughable but that's the price we have to pay for having so much freedom on how to approach the game.

>that one ice block carrying Shrine with the pillars of flame
>mfw the use of Octo balloons, Stasis, and bomb arrows circumvents the entire puzzle
Took me a while to do, but man, that was fun.

>You have this big open world, yet the player has no real impact on it
You do actually, the main quest line involves going to all the different towns and liberating them from giant mechanical monsters.

>Most of it is empty blank space, and enemy encounters are very predictable.
While this is somewhat true, as true as it is for any other open world game of this sort, the real highlight is how you interact with the world itself. Seriously, it doesn't get enough praise but just the fact that you can climb almost any surface opens the world up so much. Add on top of that all the various systems layered on top of each other and you have Emergent Gameplay: The Game pretty much.

Not even shilling here but you do affect the world somewhat, namely stuff like Zora's domain stops perma raining after you do their quest and stuff like that. Mobs variation could be better but it's still good enough, plus you're quite squishy most of the time so it stays interesting.

The game's focus is quite literally exploring and climbing and dicking around, it's a ruined country 100 years after it's fall, there's no reason for there being a huge city, and there's a lot more NPCs walking around that in every other Zelda game put together.

Lastly, if you grind in this game you're doing it wrong. The only people who complain about weapon durability are literal autists who can't let go of things because some weird ass attachment.

It's the same thing with Dark Souls, some people miss the point completely and go around farming souls to level up and be able to trivialize encounters, when you're supposed to overcome them and get that satisfaction of winning or finding something.

To each their own I guess, but let me tell you something, I was very wary of this game. I, like many others, kept reading the shitposting on Sup Forums and was put down until I tried it at a friend's house and fell completely for it; I was turbo excited for Nier Automata and I haven't even touched it past the first level, it's just sitting there on my Steam library.

Does anyone else play in handheld mode and browse Sup Forums while Link makes a really long climb?

I might be wrong, but I think the names (e.g., safula hill) don't show up until you go there so you can use that as a way of telling where you've never been

Was it the guy who's looking for his brother?

No but I have my Macbook sitting right next to me with the tabs open so I just look to the left every so often.

I'm also playing on Wii U.

I have two computer screens. I also browse when I'm in a loading screen.

Fuck off goose, you're shit at goldeneye and shit at zelda

Also, you're canadian so no one wants not cares about your opinion on anything

Yes, I think it's the only shrine quest in Goron City proper.

Wasn't Link porking the fish-lady? Mipha?

>I haven't actually played botw or any other legend of zelda title for that matter, but from what I have seen from watching youtubers play...


best shield to surf on?

The best overall shield in the game is the mother fucking pot lid.

Someone should do a full playthrough using nothing but pot lids & ladels, master chef style.

Hylian Shield, duh. Its durability is basically infinite.
Though there are many respawning Knight Shields in the world which have high enough durability, use those instead if you like.


They were engaged to be engaged and everything.

How would you do a sequel/new zelda game by working with the botw framework

>mm sequel/something involving termina
>intro segment is you in the lost woods, can't get out until you help recover masks the happy mask salesman lost
>have to get them from the equivalent of shrines, except they are slightly bigger, not sheikah exclusively (some can be) and there are less of them, maybe 80
>masks you get are your transformation masks, these are your powers
>either one of them has magnesis or link is a spellcaster too - main powers are swimming a la zora, flying a la rito/deku, doesn't matter which, strength (and rolling) a la goron, strength can substitute for stasis
>powers can be improved but don't need to be to beat the game
>4 dungeons, all in the vein of hyrule castle
>4 huge mini dungeons, rewards being permanent items that make tasks easier but aren't necessary (grappling hook for climbing, a lantern to negate the need for a torch etc) all of which appears on links person if equipped
>smith where you can make your weapon unbreakable - super expensive though, like 50k rupees, and requires a involved/difficult quest. Price goes up per weapon. Can also enchant weapons
>same map as botw, just update towns/cities depending on story
>termina just as fleshed out, slightly smaller
>prize for clearing all shrines is fd mask
>more purchasable property

Although a long list, I think these are at most small improvement and really are just preferences. Either way, for the first time in a long time I'm genuinely excited about the future of the franchise

looks like two girls making out. hawt

>The only people who complain about weapon durability are literal autists who can't let go of things because some weird ass attachment.
I could see it being a bit grating for the "could never bring themselves to use a single megalixir in a FF game" type, I even expected it to be a pretty major annoyance for me, but the worst I can say about it is that it makes weapon rewards for completing shrines/killing tough enemies feel pretty underwhelming.

I usually just use whatever metal shield I have on hand. I'm not sure if it's the best way to go but it takes them fucking forever to break anyway. I spent a long ass time just surfing down any slope that wasn't complete rock with the knight shield and I could still tank a load of hits until it broke.

In the same way hero of time was porking Ruto

>green eyed zelda

Best zelda, give me a dlc where she lives in my comfy house in hateno and I go and hunt/forage for food and I protect her smile

Y-you wouldn't fuck a fish...would you user?

>no decent porn of Zelda fucking trap Link yet

Come on


user this is literally my first zelda game and I'm having a fucking blast. I just spent $2,500 on a new PC and I'm still playing my fucking Wii U in 720p because of how much fun the game is. There's no grinding and very little of the map is "blank".

I know this is dumb but I really want a game where I play as ganondorf, the objective of the game being him trying to prove he's worthy of the triforce of power and recruiting his armies of monsters, this would be a set-up for another zelda game a la Ground Zeroes.

I don't want a tragic past, exploring his journey would be really neat though.

what the fuck is this?

Shoot it

it's a tower you mong

Something magical.


I enjoy the exploring but I really wish the game had a better variety of rewards. Nothing I get for finding neat shit ever feels worth it after getting enough hearts/stamina to beat the game which comes well before you've explored a quarter of the map.

Could be cool but honestly I feel trying to give him character might end up being bad. To me he's better off as this ubiquitous force of nature. It depends on the execution

theres little red exclamation points, the fuck are you on about?

>see that mountain?
>there's nothing but a korok at the peak

Those are trees. 3 of them. You find them in various parts of the game, including one that talks.