Mass Effect general trainwreck thread.
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Mass Effect general trainwreck thread.
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Dude we get it already. Enough.
We've got an animation thread in /wsg/.
But if you insist, I'll post some stuff here.
turian are pretty ugly
When we successfully remove women, numales and antiwhite street shitters from gaming then we'll stop
Fucking this. Shut up
nice false flagging, bioware.
I legitimately can't remember the last time I enjoyed a shitstorm this much
Requesting a ME:A version of "DELETE THIS" with the girl holding the gun backwards
Nice false flagging bioware.
Fuck off
This is genuinely scary. I feel sorry for new Shep. He realizes he has made the wrong choice but there is no option to abort the relationship at this point.
>not posting yt link
What a fucking disaster
>hello darkness my old friend
>I am only pretending to be retarded
WTF is wrong with you? Muh women, numales and street shitters is fine
Post some more gifs please, can't use webms on other sites.
>watching the IP count
>suddenly realise its one guy with a vendetta running a smear campaign
The game will sell fine and you'll be disappointed.
What the fuck is going on?
who else would he be? are there any BAD humans in the Andromeda galaxy? they call came from the same fucking ship with the same goals
Crack when?
Ok I am willing to bet none of you have actually played the game? I agree the animations are a little unusual but the game itself is fun as fuck and it has a great story. Frankly you are missing out if you don't pick it up just because the female characters aren't TV celebrity beautiful.
Has Bioware/EA acknowledged all these glitches involving the animation? Have they said anything about it?
>Wait a second. I'm retarded?
.05 shekels deposited into your account
It's a glorious fucking goldmine that will supply us for years
Why were Turians never allowed to wear casual clothes?
Not soon, it has v4 Denuvo
>I agree the animations are a little unusual
Actually this is pretty typical bioware shit. Nothing unusual about it at all.
The gameplay is fun I guess but it's clunky as fuck.
Ikr the overwhelimg bro culture that lead to this game needs to stop. Including complaining about it, is there nothing the patriarchy wont do?!
Not until its drilled into your fanboy skull. This is the best fun we've had in months.
I would literally buy this game if I didn't have to play BotW first. Plus the fan reaction is so negative it might pull a Fallout 4 and be worth like 10 bucks a year later
>Mr. krogan, I am pathfinder
what the fuck is happening
this is the best series of lol/webm threads on Sup Forums in a long time.
>I legitimately can't remember the last time I enjoyed a shitstorm this much
I do
Ive never played a mass effect game
They come from an imperial society, like the glory days of Rome. Would you rather wear a toga or a fucking lorica segmentata?
His kneecaps look like bellends
>this post
Even if the story is great I'm not paying the price of an AAA game when it is this unpolished and filled with immersion breaking animations.
I'll be the last person to call someone a shill but.....
>He wasn't around for the TORtanic
>uhh, you don't get to bring genophage
Ugh, the one game I was looking forward to this year. Fuck you video game industry.
Hi Brianna, how are you doing today?
They only have one mesh, nobody in Bioware knows how to model anymore.
>tfw your child is acoustic
>There's more to life than this
>Snaps own neck
Name a single new thing ME:A brings to the table in comparison to all the other games.
>See me hanging from my noose like eh
Because it's so hard to believe that teleportation technology exists in this setting, right? Fuck off
It's not perfect but it's still the best game that has come out this month, probably this year. You're spoiled and entitled.
>There's more to life than this
>I dont know what to do with my hands
I'm not supporting this
why you think I should, is dumb as hell. buying into this game would only enable EA and Bioware
Then why didn't they just teleport to Andromeda in the first place?
My bad we are only concerned with ethics in gaming journalism.
>tfw v is still cucked as fuck with m'lady low test betas
Maybe support the people who worked hard on the story? I bet Baldur's Gate doesn't have the greatest animations either.
Awe, man baby doesnt like thing. Poor man baby
reminds me of this
Delete this
Standards change over 20 years, bucko.
The shit writing and quality drop compared to last year is more than enough to convince me.
how can they fuck the eyes so bad
That's not a very Sup Forums attitude user.
You didn't answer the fucking question, but just spout your mindless "it's a good game" mantra as if you were programmed by Bioware to do so.
You are not going to convince anyone that it is a good game if you can't name a single fucking innovation in it that makes the game unique and worth experiencing.
Post animations youve made for comparison. Lets see how good you can do
> Who worked hard on the story
But I want those land whales to get fired, why would I supported them?
Holy fuck, this looks like the facial animation from Half Life Full Life Consequences
This footage is from the leaked video in 2016.
Okay how about jetpacks as a fight mechanic?
>worked hard on the story
But the story is awful, and choices have been reduced to Fallout 4 style yes or yes sarcastically
fuck off shill
>biodrones actually believe this
This is brainwashing
I hate SJW as much as the next kissless virgin in this thread, but acting like a fucking Sup Forums escapee () is not the best way to do it pal