8 hourse left

8 hourse left.

Will there be anything good?

Other urls found in this thread:


Holy shit, these started earlier every passing week!

>168 hours left, will it be nothingbad

I just bought the monthly, to Witness the meme

the lack of handholding will sure make the game last me for 2 weeks at least

but I have to recon that it is kinda boring
I hope the other games are cool

I did not buy the jumbo bundle, because I don't like any of the games

I hope it is actuLly something. Also the thread is starting kinda soon this time huh?

playstation bundle. so, no.

I hope it is

>8 hours
what the fuck

the beggars are getting worse and worse

I hope Banished finally makes it to a bundle. Like what the hell one guy made it, what is he waiting for.

>Also the thread is starting kinda soon this time huh?

hype for nothing ain't gonna build itself, boi.

guy from previous thread delivered hours after the thread got archived
thanks brah

A hitman bundle would be nice

you poor, poor man

Dont call me boi, boi.

yeah I'd take steam H1-3 copies for 1$. Series deserves it.

>season one for 6$

70 days since I last bought a bundle.

What are you trying to tell me? That I shouldn't play or enjoy the game because some faggot on youtube said so?

>tfw torn between feeling happy to give an user a game and worried it's some ungrateful NEET game collector

For the record, my dad works for humblebundle and it's going to be an origin bundle.

>unironically linking to YouTube videos
The cancer has progressed so far

Yeah with time I started to buy fewer and fewer bundles. Even from HiB. Amount of shit and non-games (assets, comics, videos etc) is too big.

I have a feeling this one's gonna be gud.


I only give games if the guy has the game in his wishlist (which isn't 500 games long), and actually seems to play games other than the standard csgo, dota, tf2 shit.

ironically linking is like using http:// instead of https:// ???

>not using httpseverywhere

fuck yes Wildlands thanks!

hell yeah

Couldn't you get it for much cheaper from g2a?


neck yourself please

To be fair i got that before i realized the game was shit, noe i just to sell it.

I can see the starter pack for tm being in bta tier


niggas claiming the keys but aint even telling what it was or saying thank you. baka.

holy shit
>tfw always get too late to these threads