Filename thread
Filename thread
Y'all mind if I Derail this entire thread
One of you faggots better post it
don't worry user im in on your sick references :)
see you at r/Sup Forums!
stop trying to fit in
just talk about vidya and b ur self
this webm gets me every time
We'll always know
>b ur self
But that's what got me here in the first place.
I love justice.
this is a blue board
Wow, guy who saw the robber didn't even try to warn the guard; what a coward.
Act normally, aside from falseflagging and trashposting.
That security guard's face at the end
The guy tripped and fell. He's fine
You realize the event happened faster than the footage implies
Nice try FBI guy
>Stephen Bannon makes an appearance.
He saw him and knew what was going down before he even reached the entrance; he could have screamed "robber" or something while ducking.
>that roll
jesus fuck I'm dying here
>The circled 7
My last digit
All the replies to my gey
>Circled 6 the last digit of the first person to reply to me.
Normal people lose their senses in extreme situations. The cop kept his cool.
It's very easy to criticize after the fact,
Are you retarded? The robber was already inside the entrance when the guy was ducking. Besides, were you there? There's no sound, so you have no idea if the guy says anything or not.
I have no idea what this is but I can only assume it's a synthwave music video
Wait what the fuck happened there?
He light the light on the rear of the sea and the cop freaked out and loss control of the vehicle.
That shit was in my city. He even tried to pull the autism card in court afterwards.
He lived?
>jesus fuck I'm dying here
that's what the robber said.
damn I didnt even see it the first time it showed up for at least 2 replays
Well shit, the upside down crosses should have been a dead giveaway that it had something to do with Brut. Thanks, user.
>All the replies to your gey
Oh user, we don't care about your sexual preferences here.
I posted this in the last filename thread and an user asked what the movie was but the topic was pruned already, so, the movie is Fright Night II, if anyone wants to know.
w-what is this
Fright Night
>jewish artillery strike
when you sperg out like this it's embarassing, and don't even think you're trolling you little shit no one gives a fuck
Some prop from a movie
What am I looking at
>you're pretty good
Sweet Lord
a giant jew nose art piece
I'm not even joking why doesn't anyone believe me
I like how now half the file names are all Mass Effect. It's almost as good as the TORtanic.
>assault stock
Damn, I need to go to a justice porn thread
need a name
And thus, I shall never go near a crevasse.
underrated post. Actually the only thing that got me laughing in a while
>Be sure to take the time to soothe your horse.
dude what the actual fuck
I need to go now
>Gang banger comes with gun locked on the clerk
>Pulls out a second gun instead of firing the one already in his fucking hand
>The Legend of Zelda Deleted Scene: 5.jpg
That's murder. He shot a man in the back as he was running. While he was armed that was unnecessary.