You can already emulate Persona 5 on PC, why are you waiting for the inferior version?

You can already emulate Persona 5 on PC, why are you waiting for the inferior version?

My PC is shit. Also that game is shit.

Holy fuck that 5 FPS

Fuck off you imbecile. It's emulation, not a full release. And 5 fps now could easily be 60 next month, something you won't even get on PS4.

The current build can only run P5 at 5 fps.

[spoiler ]And I've lost interest in the game once I done some research and found out they scrapped waifu material Hifumi anyways [/spoiler]

>another PCMR with emulation

I thought the PC had thousands of games you didn't need console games (which I keep being informed are holding gaming back) to justify your $1000 toaster?

Oh wait, no, that's just some shit you parrot while donating money to get emulators made.


Next month x 4000 months and you will get it to 30fps

paid 500 for mine and it outperforms my PS4 and i've stopped buying games for PS4

emulation is just a plus for those literal thousands of games to pick and choose from. besides that, i don't think people wouldn't want emulation. XB normies loved that N64 emulator before it was taken down, and smartphones are pretty good at emulation and people love it. it's just silly to shit-talk emulation. it's there, it's useful, and it's convenient

>lying like a pctard to nit have buyers remorse

Pls dont lie it wont make you feel better anway

> And 5 fps now could easily be 60 next month

You can never tell, but it'll be a long time before it it plays nearly every PS3 game near perfectly, if it ever gets there. I don't think we're going to see emulators like 8-16 bit, even 32 bit emulators again for a long time, maybe never again. Still, I hope for some good emulators, they'll be useful years down the road.

Silly user, we're only 22 fps to achieve console like quality



Because everyone already has a PS3 or a PS4 or can get one cheap, and I don't want to cuck myself for 5 years just to be able to play it on a $1000 PC.

>I don't want to cuck myself so I experience the worst version and wait 5 years for tyrone to play my game why the game also gets several graphical enhancements to fit tyrones tastes

I downloaded it but nothing happens when I boot it up in the emulator.

What do I do?

You're literally just mad because you can't play Persona 5 when it comes out. You're literally cucking yourself out of playing a game you WANT to play for fucking years and justifying your remorse because "muh graphics". You don't even like video games, you like memes. Try spending some money on something other than mustard, it'll make your vagina less sandy.

>I'm perfectly fine with playing this game and know already that you'll do the same for free
>but you're the cuck, not me!

Go fuck yourself dude.

>for free
Ahh, I see what the problem is now. You're a piratekek you spent all his neetbux. No, YOU go fuck yourself. Enjoy the wait for your precious emulator to not be a steaming pile of shit, while I enjoy Persona 5. Keep telling yourself it's worth it so you can sleep at night.

>the problem
Do you honestly expect me to buy a physical PS3 copy of the game to emulate it? Ahh, I see what the problem is now. You are fucking retarded.

>Do you honestly expect me to buy a physical PS3 copy of the game to emulate it?
I guess we'll see in five years. Enjoy the wait.

*less than 2 months

>Persona 5 will be playable on PC in 2 months
Whatever helps you sleep at night, mr. meme

Yep 2 months.

Sure thing buddy. Fine then call it now on May 21st P5 will have 60fps at 4Kp.

PC cant even run a 9 year old game.

>broken graphics
>busted fps

yeah maybe in another year


Jesus christ emufags are just fucking terrible.

Last gen quality framerate. Doesn't excuse all the gameplay bugs and graphical glitches everywhere.

>consolefags responding to consolefags in a consolefag thread

atleast your using a game that people actually care about in your bait instead of fucking catherine now

PC wins again baby


fuck up stupid

Does the inferior version runs at sub 10fps as well?

I feel sorry for anyone having to actually play games like this, lmao.

Fucking poorfags.

>PC only neckbeards can't afford multiple consoles or games at $60 like a normalfag can

I'm literally laughing my ass off at all you PC only cucks. And I say this as someone that has a strong computer myself.

Not him user, but your being a chump, OP's video is a fucking disgrace, you can't actually play that shit. You might as well just start looking at still images of it on your PC monitor and say "well, its technically on PC, so its superior."

>When PC users have literally no PC exclusives to play so they get on their knees and literally PAY for emulators


>muh turn-based game needs 60 fps

Enjoy waiting years

Come on user, there are people with $600+ PC's that cant emulate MGS3: Substance on a PS/ emulator to this day, all because going out and finding a $20 used PS2 offends them so.

You KNOW that emulator is gonna be shit.

wow. i'm suprised the game runs so well. almost close to perfect.

Holy shit it runs like shit. PC keks will literally eat this up at 1 FPS.

Much like the Zelda Situation I've already played it and beaten it on console, by the time you get to play these games properly in pc I've already moved on.