Is this a success?

Is this a success?

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user, GTA is the most sold Steam game ever and it sold 3,5 million copies. A japanese game selling 140k is a miracle.

>GTA is the most sold Steam game ever

yes, very


Are you?

>shopped pic
Nice try

GTA V sold 3,5 million copies on steam making it the best seller on steam as of 2017

FF7 has 1 million on steam for comparison.

I don't know but there'll keep being a fucking thread about it every day despite these statistics not being reliable until at least a week after release.

>lol 138k LE SUCCESS?

The statistics aren't reliable until at least a week after release.

CSGO: 27.8m
L4D2: 16.0m
CSS: 154.m
Garry's Mod: 13.1m
Skyrim: 11.4m
Half-Life 2: 10.0m
Civ 5: 10.0m
Portal: 9.9m
Portal 2: 9.0m
Terraria: 8.4m
Payday 2: 7.7m
Borderlands 2: 7.7m
GTAV: 6.9m

over 100k for a japanese game (that isnn't final fantasy) on pc is nothing short of a miracle

>Borderlands 2: 7.7m
Disgusting. How did this shit got this high?


Really makes one scratch their head

Bullshit. GTA V didn't sell 7m units on steam.

Here's my source.

And yours?

That's cheating. That game has been on sale for

post your expectations for this game

700k+ be the end of this year

6.9 actually. plus another who knows how many million on social club

unless it's dark souls

This is very impressive if true. Disgaea also has over 100,000.

I think most people bought it on PS4 anyway.

Was on sale for 3$. Kys

What a rational reaction, you dumb autist

> A japanese game selling 140k is a miracle.
Dark Souls 3 blew that the fuck out.

It has nothing to do with "Japanese". Good games sell.

>CSGO: 27.8m

From a Half-Life mod to this. It never ceases to amaze me.

b-b-but nobody buys pc games DELETE THIS

Not to mention MGSV, but hey its MGS.

That said, Dark Souls 1 still remains the highest selling Japanese game on steam with nearly 4m copies sold.

>he doubts memes

>still no demon souls/soulborn pc port

wasted money

DaS1 has done better than 3 over time but 3 was the fastest selling, I forget the precise numbers but launch week was incredible big success.

sony owns those

Scratch that. Nearly 3m I mean. Still impressive though

>hey now when CEO went full retard this must mean his studios games were always shit
Is that how it works? Do I meme right guys?

sony ruins everything as usual

>game only out a week
>compare it to games that has been out for years with tons of low price sales
I don't think Sup Forums knows how to compare things.

I'd say so.

For comparison Resident Evil 7 has 370k sales so far.

not accurate

So is it success or not?

So where's your source disputing their numbers?

And what's your more accurate source?

Someone suggested "Japanese games need a miracle to sell on Steam" and others started proving that wrong. Not to directly compare Nier to any of them.

>Jap games are getting more and more popular on Steam, killing sony as a result since they have no games
PC/Nintendo future is upon us lads. Embrace it.

>b-b-but nobody buys pc games
yeah that's right
the game sold 200k in japan the first week on PS4
steam has over 10 times more users, yet it only sold 130k
it's literally not worth porting

Stay salty sony gger.

So, you claim that Borderlands is a good game? Haven't really noticed the appeal behind bulletsponge enemies and mmo-tier gameplay.

Maybe because the sales trickle is actually very slow. The first week sales really have an impact and there are Japanese games that had frozen sales once people stopped talking about them, mostly single player games and barely moved 10k sales even after a couple of years. This user is correct. It seems the most plausible for an action rpg.

gta v is probably at least 14 million if not way more. most people bought rgsc keys. if steam is ~7 then rgsc is at least another 7-8 since everyone else except steam sells rgsc keys. that's another 15 million using the goy shop every day.

>steam has over 10 times more users
the amount of steam users with PCs that can run modern games is low, lower than the PS4 owner base

I don't know how much money it costs to port games but surely that is a profit.

>130k pure profit vs 200k console "profit"

>pure profit
Valve still takes a sizeable cut.

Considering this is a series debut on PC as well as a niche game, yes I'd consider this a success. And the sales will gradually continue to rise in the future.


No. The cut is irrelevant compared to console releases.

Yes. About 30%. Compared to the amount you have to pay for physical retail and cd manufacturing, and not to mention licensing fees to be able to sell the game abroad.

>paying for or pirating emulators
ayy, mustard race is retarded.

>"pure profit" from stolen codes bought from key reseller sites

PC players don't buy DLC, so no

>implying I paid mad nintendo nerd and didnt get hack it myself

DaS1 was on GWFL prior.

There's a difference between memes and (((memes)))

To be honest, I doubt Id consider Nier a niche game at this point considering every journo site was talking about it last month. True niche games like Gravity Rush 2 never got this amount of exposure

It was still sold through steam. Live just handled the online service.

Even naruto sells more than this.

That came later.

I'm just saying it sold more than whatever Steamspy reports.

Imagine if they released BB on Steam. DaS3 didnt become Bamcos fastest selling game for nothing.

It would probably sell less than DaS3 because the memes dried up years ago.

Nier stopped being niche game the moment we saw 2B's bootylisious butt cheeks in their full glory. Just admit it.

Part of the reason why Das3 sold fast was cause of BB not being released on steam

would pirate day one, just to spite consolecucks

Probably. Especially comparatively compared to Yoko Taro's other games.

Except Squeenix started doing these ports BECAUSE it is very profitable. Steam is a steady income over years, console sales are dead after the first month.

I didn't know you would be able to play xenoblade 2 on cemu?

"fastest selling" means literally nothing.

dark souls 3 is the lowest selling dark souls game.

now tell us how many of those people would buy such a game and how many of those people have weaker specs.

talking about percentages of pc configurations of hundreds of millions is so stupid, get a clue.

It literally only came less than a week ago on PC. I'd say it's doing pretty well.

And PC niggers wonder why they almost always only get sloppy seconds from jap devs

Its not like the switch is much more powerful man, lmao. Every nintendo console has an emulator.
U crazy mayne

People play what they can on pc's and Steam machines completely failed in being easy to use, easy to purchase, pc-consoles.

Consoles will be dead by the time I'm a grandpa, but I honestly think it should happen before my kids reach high school.

It sold less on PS4 in the west.

>dark souls 3 is the lowest selling dark souls game.

>The game with the least amount of time and the highest price has sold less than games with years and years of discounts

I sure hope it does. The gaming industry was a mistake. I dont want my kids growing up like me.

shh, he cant handle it

What is that supposed to be? And can I fuck it?

will not change dramatically in the next 5 years but keep up your damage control.

stick your dick into your pc and you'll find out

that's a CPU fan

user this is amazing numbers for a game like Nier, what are you stupid?

Steamspy numbers aren't accurate for like the first 2 weeks, this has been stated time and time again.

Oh it will. For comparison, last november before the thanksgiving sales, DaS3, was sitting at 900k. Now its 1.3m. People love soulsborne games man. It will keep selling, especially since this is the last one.

they know

it's a top tier shitposting material

Are there any ps4 version numbers from notJapan areas?

It bombed.

20k on xbox 120k on ps4