The new Digimon game coming west in early 2018 for PSV/PS4/Steam

The new Digimon game coming west in early 2018 for PSV/PS4/Steam.

Meh, the first Cyber Sleuth is nearly 20 bucks new. Why the fuck wpuldn't I wait for that kind of sale for this one.

speaking of which, are there any decent vita emulators? I've been out of the emulating scene for a while.

lmao no never poorfag :^)

Tons of them :^).

Not as far as I'm aware. A real Vita is super comfy, just buy one bro.


Honestly i'm surprised vita is still getting games with how often it gets shit all over, pretty much everywhere. I see more about new vita releases than 3DS releases nowadays, even.

It's a shame cyber sleuth looked like total shit on it though, so i'll just get it on ps4.

Cyber Sleuth was pretty good, so I'll have to play this one too. Still need to play Redigitize Decode and Next Order at some point.

The vita is weird, it didn't sell a lot but the people who bought the thing constantly buy games for it, the opposite of the 3ds.

Dat sucks :^(

Never played the original one because it was on sony platforms only. How is this game?

the original is just a plain jane JRPG with digimon elements to it. You have your choice of mons to build a team with, so I guess you could compare it in essence to digimon world 3, but a lot more refined and up to date.

Totally worth a 20, not much more though, hopefully this game feels a bit meatier.

where does it say its coming to steam? or did I miss another meme?

>thats my favorite digimon
>I keep forgeting his name

I know his attack is cocobreath or something like that

OP is falseflagging.

ah too bad, Ive got a friend who's a fan of digimon but doesnt like consoles

Sent ;)

It's charizard.

Agumon, and he uses Pepper Breath.

Just started next order: I've never played a world game since digimon1. any tips? Does the digimon need to shit ever minute like before?

3ds highest selling title is over 16 million copies sold.


Slow and steady wins the race. Enjoy your dead console

I'm saying that 3ds owners usually just first party games and nothing else. Vita owners will buy first and third.

Is there a fanbase filled with more entitled manchildren than vitards? They'd endlessly bitch at publishers for not bringing over inferior versions of games instead of just getting it on the other platforms available for the game.

Where does its ay that?

It only says Vita and PS4.

Lmao no PC version

The first one wasn't on pc either.

No free version for PC owners? Too bad faggots.

Why is there no signings for get this game on PC, like Dark Souls and others?

>Players: 1 (Offline) / 2 (Online)

Online battlemode. Wasn't there one already in cyber sluts?


lookin' slick

Thats why monster hunter sold 5m, smt 1m, persona q 1m, sf4 1m, res revelations 1m, bravely default 2m and so right?

Whats this meme of third parties not selling on the 3ds?

There are only 2 games that broke the 1m barrier on vita. Uncharted and Minecraft. But most of the games barely do 50k-150k. Even the shittiest 3ds title does 300k at least.

Sure, first parties sell over 5m but that never meant thurd oarties didnt sell.well or worst yet...that they sold worse than vita