Star wars

You get to have 1 (one) Star Wars game made and it isn't shit. What is it? A new Rogue Squadron? Jedi Knight? That cancelled Darth Maul game?

I would personally want a new pod racing game.

Other urls found in this thread:

A new Star Wars RPG - like KOTOR, but set in a different era. Because Revan was a fucking mistake.

The Battlefront 3 we were supposed to get.


How did they fuck up so bad with Battlefront?

The funny thing is even the old old republic, before KOTOR was a thing, with Exar and Ulic would be a pretty unique setting even as a KOTOR spinoff

Jed Knight III of course.

Because JK II: JO was the best Star Wars game of all time. Of all time.

I'd like a new Jedi Academy. Multiplayer was fun.

the continuation of jedi knight with kyle as your teaching master

Definitely the best lightsaber games. So much depth in just three modes of attack.

1313 is the ONLY correct answer.

Just remaster all the old classics and release a big bundle.


No. The premise was so dull Lucas suggested they turn it into a Boba origin, but even with that I imagine it would fall into selling vertical cover like Dark Void tried to.

I thought everyone knows already that Lucas is a hack, and Star Wars was only as great as it was because he had people help him with it - not in the least part his wife.

Star Wars Episode 1: Racer

Empire at War 3

>That cancelled Darth Maul game
Who even gives a fuck about him?

These motherfuckers are the only correct answers ITT.

> mfw Obi-Wan killed him in three moves in the Star Wars: Rebels cartoon.

I really want a new Rogue Squadron with a multiplayer mode similar to the space battles in Battlefront in it

Wargame with a Star Wars skin

JK3 MP only

I thought Star Wars: 1313 was a really cool idea. You were going to play as Boba Fett operating in the gritty Coruscant underworld. Shame it got cancelled.

Republic Commando.

I played that shit more than Halo back in the day. Spaceship level is top tier design.


VR I wanna toss people around with the force before leaping at them and cutting them in half with a lightsaber.

2nding for a 2nd Republic Commando.

Hardly any games has ever gotten squad mechanics down like this did.

I want a new fully featured rogue squadron including new and prequel trilogy ships playable in VR and on a standard TV. That's literally it.

Star Wars vs Capcom

A single-player RPG or adventure during Old or New republic, with constant exposure to sith/jedi, but you can only play as a non-force user.

Combat was tight, squad mechanics and personalities were top notch, Clones point of view is always entertaining.

I really want this in a jedi game

>MP only

>no KOTOR3

>forgetting KOTOR 3 does exist
sit down

There will be never RC2 or Empire Commando

Open world star wars game with lot of possibilities and classes

Basically elder scrolls star wars but with actual quality and no FPS shit

Or a pod racer game or republic commando 2


It wouldve been Uncharted: Boba Fett

Star Wars Jedi Knight II - 2

I swear the amount of dicksucking Revan gets is ridiculous, to the point that I almost don't mind the Revan novel's existance

>Jedi Knight II - 2
That's Outcast.

A new version of Tie Fighter.

>Exilefags being this buttblasted

You are getting cucked in real life just like the Exile got cucked in her life

Outcast was mild disapointment. Too much emphasis on lightsabre fights.

Star Citizen, but it’s Star Wars.

>JEDI knight
>Too much lightsaber
>IGN 4/10

> Uncharted: Boba Fett
I'd prefer a more Deus Ex: Boba Fett but if they made give a solid action adventure game like Uncharted for Boba I would still be satisfied.

>Darth Maul is kill
God finally, but by your post I'll assume the fight was shit.

A real TIE Fighter sequel.

I'd say the horrendous level design was a worse problem. At least the constant lightsaber swinging was fun, if silly looking.

Ubisoft shouldve gotten the license, then at least we would be getting games and some of those with some lucky could end up good while from EA we definitely getting shit.

We can even go back as far the Infinite Empire and still get a solid game.

>Seeing tatooine razed to the ground
>Watching the Rakatans depravity grow ever more as they corrupt themselves into destruction
>Trailblazing the stars in the name of the Empire as you discover new frontiers in a galaxy as of yet unexplored
>Truly eldritch monsters of the stars that haven't been eradicated yet by a galactic level civilization.

The Infinite Empire was the first galaxy spanning civilization in the Star Wars canon, the potential it has is limitless.

You were obviously in the womb when it was released. Jedi Knight games were shooters. Outcast was the first where there was more swordfighting than shooting, and it wasn't all that good.

Either a true Men of War style RTS that was designed from the ground up to be Star Wars,


A squad-based 3PS focused on Stormtroopers where you get to do all the Imperial stuff they teased you with in the past.

>Bad guys never get any video game love.

No, you were in the bomb dear nostalgiapretender.

Dark Foces the only one with lightsaber shit.

Everything on from Dark Forces 2 focuses on lightsaber and the force.

Dark Forces 2 expansion Mysteries of the sith is basicslly lightsaber only.

Fuckong retard

I don't like the Exile either.

What's wrong with the exile? I always find the grey Jedi concept in general to be intriguing

Grey/neutral shit doesnt fit Star Wars.

Only exception is Jolee Bindo but even then he was a good/lightside character in the end.

Maybe like a Spy/Stealth/Action-RPG in the sense of Deus Ex with lots of choices and outcomes
You play an Agent of the Empire and travel around the galaxy killing rebel scum, or can choose to betray the empire and help the rebels


So SWTOR Imperial Agent?

A third KotOR game written by Avellone that takes place in the Sith Empire at least a hundred years after Revan/Exile appear (and subsequently disappear from/die/whatever) there. You play as a Sith version of a Force user and the game is basically about tracing the teachings that Revan/Exile managed to plant in the Sith civilization (the idea being that when they arrived they posed themselves as powerful Force users, possibly got defeated and pleaded loyalty to the Empire, with the hidden goal to subvert its core philosophies from the inside). The idea is that you never meet them (maybe a holocron here and there, at best), but you get to see their effects and eventually choose whether you want to support what they planted or stomp it out in favour of the old, untainted Sith ways (here's your light/dark side differentiation, basically). Retcon all the Bioware filth beyond the first game, obviously.

>even then he was a good/lightside character in the end
So was the Exile unless you went full edge.


topic of the thread included:" it isnt shit"

If it'll have an active multiplayer community, X-Wing vs TIE Fighter

When I was a kid I always thought the future would be VR-cockpit spacefighting, instead people don't even sell fucking joysticks anymore.

Yet people still posted KOTOR2 and Avellone shit just right above us

Not the user your responding to, but...

Decent buildup.
Shite fight.
Hollow end.

It's an end tied up right for the end of the season, but I still can't believe they it so much work into keeping maul around just to have it end up like this.


another Jedi outcast game

Shit, my bad.

Still stand by what I said. After all the shit they had maul stir up we needed something more.

>A new Rogue Squadron

Having women "wing men" scream into my ear? I'm good.

Is wargame fun if I enjoyed RUSE 7 years ago?

Tie Fighter in a modern flight sim engine

Do you not know that Jedi Knight 3 already exists?

Jedi Academy is not Jedi Knight 3, but it was fun

>pan out
>empty chair next to fixer
fucking hell

Tfw every future Star Wars game from now on will be filled with shit to appeal SJWs and feminists.

I'd say Republic Commando 2, but they'd probably make up some bullshit excuse to kill sev and replace him with a female skinhead that hates men.

A new star wars demonlition, with crafts and weapons from eeeeeeeeeeevery movie entry, rogue one included.

HD remake of TIE Fighter

A new Masters of Teräs Käsi

This. God I want it so bad.

There's so much potential in the more hidden areas of SW lore. It'll probably never be explored.

youre a gangster on nal hutta

Yoda Stories

Newbabbies need not reply

a sandbox jedi academy like game or sandbox kotor game maybe a combo of stellaris and mount and blade?

Remade X-Wing/Tie Fighter/XvT/Alliance series. All modern everything. Still want the endless space where you can fly 100 klicks from everything and fuck around.

Planetside missions NMS-style (with atmospheric entry and exit) would be a great bonus.

A new Jedi Knight would be fucking amazing.
But there is no chance it would be as good as the old ones where you had people hang out on servers and build communities, make their own maps, models and so on. That wouldn't ever be a thing again.

I loved that so much. Would spend many months on just one server dueling and doing other shit.

there is new IP from the Dead space guys.

>tfw made mods and maps for JKII/JA and ran a small clan

star wars a la no man's sky

All I need is KOTOR II tbqh.

KOTOR but without the shity RPG turn base combat

>Obvious Nazi styled banners
Really makes me think

Why does this make you think? The New Order are bascially nazis and the good guys while the Rebels are sjw nigger loving trannies.

That's not the new order symbol is it? The original empire was supposed to be America

look like the empire symbol.

The original Empire were a mish mash of the old British Empire, Nazis, and Soviets.

The military philosophy of the Empire is basically Nazi style small arms and ground forces, with Soviet style air power, and a Navy built around ever bigger and more powerful battleships.

did the original Empire use more clones than the New Order?

>The original empire was supposed to be America

Yeah that famous American Empire

It's based on a mishmash of the European Imperial Powers and 20th century militaries just supposed to represent blanket malevolent imperialism my dude

Anything that's not an exposition dump and not too vehicle-focused and I'm in.