Can I skip the first one and play the second?

I don't really want to play ME1 (I torrented it to test it but I'd rather just play 2 since it was free on the house).

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Play the first one

Playing the first one will make you appreciate how much better the 2nd one is. You can play only the 2nd one though, it stands up well on it's own imo.

Contrarians will tell you that me1 is better though. They are wrong.

sure, but the first one is good
if want to skip any of them it should be the third

You can play ME2 without playing the first one, just watch a summary on YouTube or something. However, if you play 3, you should play 1 as well. ME 1 & 3 are sort of a continuous story, while ME 2 is sort of a different story.

Yes you can. The plot of 2 is quite standalone. There's stuff that will carryover from a save of 1 but they are mostly pitiful (e.g. just an email or a character sayin hi.) Also remember to DL all DLCs

It's not okay at all. The first game sets everything up and is in some ways better than the sequels.

You can but ME1 is the only good ME game.

Damn, thanks. Didn't know this existed, what are the main ones I should defininitely get which add a decent amount?

>i want to skip the only good game in the series and go straight to shit

Shadow Broker

Lair of the Shadow Broker for ME2, the Citadel thing for ME3.

i couldn't care less about mass effects story, but i heard that gameplay is good.

does it have nice character customization, not appearance but stats, weapons, skills etc?

>the only good game in the series
But ME2 is better than ME1 you weirdo

No it isn't, ME2 only improves on ME1 by putting more focus on the squadmates.

I wouldn't call them contrarians. Both games excel at different things, and it's more of a matter of personal preference.

>ME2 only improves on ME1 by putting more focus on the squadmates
You forgot:
>Better combat
>Better music
>Better graphics
>Slightly improved dialogue system
ME2 has a lot of flaws, but it's absolutely the best game in the series.

I've had the trilogy on PC for a while now, but never played them because of the odd lack of controller suppot. What's the best workaround to play them with a controller?

Play the first one mate. It's really special, and will only enhance your playthrough of the 2nd game.

But regardless, make sure you get all the DLC for 2. And play Arrival after you finish 2.

Games are better with a Mouse and Keyboard imo.

>Better combat
Too easy.
>Better music
>Better graphics
True but it doesn't help.
>Slightly improved dialogue system
What was the improvement? QTEs?

ME2 is NOT the best game in the series. ME1 is.
Why not just play it with mouse and keyboard like a normal person?

Not him but
Yeah ME1 > ME2

>Everything else
ME2 > ME1

Play the first one, there's a graphics upgrade mod if you really need it.

Please don't ignore world-building and the way ME2 makes the galaxy feel smaller than ME1.
Also the trend it starts that continues in ME3 of Cerberus having unlimited resources.

I completely disagree. The change from heat to thermal clips was fucking dumb both gameplay and lore wise. Me1 was an RPG with third-person shooter gameplay, ME2 was a generic third-person shooter riding off on ME1.
Gameplay: ME3>ME1>ME2
Story: ME1>ME3>ME2
Characters: ME2=ME1>ME3

Play ME1 then continue to ME2, then just pretend reapers are never coming and drop whole trilogy there.

I like this guy, I'll go with this.

Nah not really. Most of the upgrades involved only increases the numbers (damage, ammo, recoil, cooldown, etc.).

For ME2 and ME3, maxing out a character skill unlocks options to change how the skill works, and some skills have great synergy with other skills, so you can have some fun finding an optimal team loadout.

Skip the whole series. They were alright in their day, but they have not aged well.

Mass Effect 2 is only good if you pretend it is the end of the Reaper threat, otherwise the entire thing is just fucking pointless story wise.

Yeah I think I might do just that.

But all the people you meet along the way though.

Because I don't want to play it with a mouse and keyboard, and considering that there are console versions of the games out there, it's weird that the controller functionality was gutted.

Your loss.

>Too easy.
ME2 isn't difficult by any means, but it's certainly more challenging than the first game ever was. Soldier was so broken in ME1 you could charge headfirst into people on Insanity without any concern, same with the Vanguard class. Adept and Engineer were complete trash sadly.
ME2 has the best soundtrack in the trilogy, it's so good they reused the fuck out of it in ME3.
>True but it doesn't help.
What? How does a sequel having better graphics not help? If the game looked like shit would you say it doesn't negatively effect it? Of course not.
>What was the improvement? QTEs?
Interrupts were a decent addition and ME2 doesn't have the problem ME1 does, where different dialogue choices cause Shepard to say the exact same thing every time.

As its own story, the game fine. The characters are great and the suicide mission is satifying as hell until you learn how to game it after a few playthroughs. As a part of a trilogy, it is wasted space and contributes nothing of value to the overall plot.

This, nothing worthy happens in mass effect 3, it's shitting on earlier romances, god awful wanna-be celeb faces, worse than fallout 4 plot.

>Skipping ME3
>Not shooting Mordin in the back with the very gun he gave you when you first meet him
>Get your squad murdered and shoot the Reapers Kid in the face getting everyone in the galaxy killed in the process
Come on guys

Play the first one or don't play any.

>How does a sequel having better graphics not help?
I think ME1 is sufficiently better than ME2 to the point the graphics don't factor into it.

>it's 2017
>people still argue whether ME1 or ME2 was better

ME1 is the space epic a la Star Wars
ME2 is the darker TV series a la Firefly

Each has things it does better than the rest, but together they're the complete experience. You definitely should play through ME1 as well. Apart from being a fantastic game, it feels really fucking nice to meet your past acquaintances in ME2.

Any time I play ME2, I play the Arrival DLC last, so it sort of acts as the "true" ending of the game.

On that note, it's kind of dirty that Bioware assumed that you played the ME2 DLC before you jumped into ME3. I never played any of it the first time I jumped into ME3, so the opening made no sense to me, and I had no idea what a shadow broker was, let alone when, how, or why Liara became one. There's also that one Batarian who was fucking pissed at Shepard, and I had no idea why.

>ME1 is the space epic a la Star Wars
No it's nothing like Star Wars, it's done in the vein of Star Trek if anything.

1st has best story, atmosphere, and is the beginning of one of the best bromances in gaming. It makes zero sense to skip the first.

>As a part of a trilogy, it is wasted space and contributes nothing of value to the overall plot.
It revealed that the Geth are divided into two factions, it revealed that the Protheans were turned into the Collectors, and it revealed how Reapers are created. It also expanded on a lot of things that the first game failed to, such as the Quarian flotilla, the Krogan home world, the genophage, etc.

>and I had no idea what a shadow broker was
Have you even played ME1?

The Shadow Broker is brought up in the main story of ME1 though, and you don't even have to ask about him because Ashley does it for you. Impossible to miss that part.

There's also the twist with Sovereign. That shit was so awesome the first time I played it.

I replayed them recently, me2 is always the hardest for me to get through

hacking games are needlessly long for how often you do them

always on the hunt for ammo

removed buying weapons and armor from store, can only buy parts of armor and even then it's all just sidegrade/useless stuff

very VERY long time between finding new weapons, let alone weapons you are specced for.

powers don't really feel good to use imo

fighting collector foot soldiers feels like it's always either a. no guy guy, b. armor guy, or c. barrier+armor guy, at least the geth in 1 were either sniper, flame, rocket, juggernaut, etc. geth felt more varied to fight against.

it feels pretty shoehorned to be working for cerberus. it's the only game that you do, and they didn't even expound on the reputation that they built up for cerberus in the first one.

miranda and jacob are the least interesting characters. probably in the entire series.

planet scanning replacing actually exploring a planets surface. (I liked the mako)

that being said, they did stuff right too. Reuniting with garrus, making each recruitment mission somewhat interesting, good DLC, and loyalty missions were a surprisingly pleasant way to learn more about the characters while offering some gameplay variety.

I will say this however, in mass effect 2, every time I play it there's some soft-lock bullshit that causes me to lose progress. Be it getting stuck on top of objects/cover/walls or not being able to move, doors being unresponsive and reloading not doing anything unless it's a state before entering that particular room.

Mordin, Garrus. 3 Had two of the biggest pay offs in the series.

>There's also that one Batarian who was fucking pissed at Shepard, and I had no idea why.
That guy actually appears if you didn't play the ME1 asteroid DLC? What a shit show.

It had been quite a while since I played ME1 at that point.

andromeda is the best to start with if you care about social equality

which you should

Sure does. I only realized after the fact that in order for that encounter to make any sense, you have to have played the Arrival DLC, AND the Bring Down the Sky DLC.

>I think ME1 is sufficiently better than ME2 to the point the graphics don't factor into it.
It's fine that you prefer ME1, but completely ignoring one of the undeniably positive aspects of ME2 is pretty dumb.

Just like Empire Strikes Back desu.

>It revealed that the Geth are divided into two factions
Which doesn't matter because the Reapers just reprogram all the Geth to serve them anyway.
>it revealed that the Protheans were turned into the Collectors
Doesn't matter because the Collectors are introduced in ME2, and go extinct in ME2.
>and it revealed how Reapers are created
Started to ruined Reapers by making them extremely petty, you mean.
> It also expanded on a lot of things that the first game failed to, such as the Quarian flotilla, the Krogan home world, the genophage, etc.
This stuff was all good, but again, same stuff is covered in ME3 anyway.

any time you start me2 or me3 without loading a previous save, it'll fill in some blanks on it's own about your decisions in previous games and such

I'm not completely ignoring it, I'm saying the difference in graphics isn't large enough to make a difference in which I prefer.

Post best music

>Gameplay: ME3>ME1>ME2
>Story: ME1>ME3>ME2
>Characters: ME2=ME1>ME3

Wow, you fucking nailed it.

>Doesn't matter because the Collectors are introduced in ME2, and go extinct in ME2.
By that logic Saren doesn't matter and Sovereign doesn't either.

No, because Saren and Sovereign kick off the events of the trilogy and are thus relevant from beginning to end. Collectors are only relevant in ME2.

>Which doesn't matter because the Reapers just reprogram all the Geth to serve them anyway.
You can thank Mac "The Hack" Walters for writing that dumb shit.
>Doesn't matter because the Collectors are introduced in ME2, and go extinct in ME2.
No they don't go extinct, play ME3 again. It also matters because it revealed that Reapers modify species they find unworthy rather than turning them into a new reaper, something ME3 made a point of showing.
>Started to ruined Reapers by making them extremely petty, you mean.
Sentient organic death machines that liquefy people is more interesting than the edgy ancient evil stuff we got in ME1. Fuckin fight me m8

I think we can all agree that the Reapers were dumb because the writers had to go and explain what they were and why they did what they did.

1 is the only good game in the series, you'd be better to play it and skip 2 and 3.

Why would you skip the best game in the series?

>wanting to start with the 2nd worst game in the series

what the fuck is wrong with you

play ME1

dont touch 2 or 3

dont let them
spoil the memory

Don't listen to those assholes telling you to skip ME3.

Play it, but read up on mods like JAM, MEHEM or LIME and pick the one that sounds the most appealing to you.

tfw going to buy andromeda based on multiplayer by itself

Not him but ME3 got mods?
What did they do?