Why do you guys care so much about women being in the gamer community? When have they done anything to you...

Why do you guys care so much about women being in the gamer community? When have they done anything to you? What must they apologize for?

>im a fan girl, i deserve the same respect as someone who is a pro at video games and lore despite knowing nothing myself
>Following on from that, if i demand a change be made in video gaming culture my opinion must be validated

Okay then

A woman who just plays games/makes games/comments on games is fine, no one really cares except spergs. The problem is women who use their status to get things. Whether it's positions for jobs they aren't qualified for, teasing autist so they donate thousands of dollars, or in general acting like they like games as a "style". The reason they have a bad image is because of those types, the reason the other seems rare is because that's the point

>or a hardcore gamer who sometimes forgets to sleep (not that I ever do that)

Did you pick that image at semi-random, or did you know that chick was a writer for Mass Effect: Andromeda?

>Did you pick that image at semi-random
>did you know that chick was a writer for Mass Effect: Andromeda?
No, but this is certainly a revelation for me.

>im a fan girl, i deserve the same respect as someone who is a pro at video games and lore despite knowing nothing myself

if you're actually a fan of something then you would at least try to learn a little bit about the thing you like

Why do they get mad at people questioning their knowledge/preference of video games they claim to like?

If i say ive played Final Fantasy 7, and someone asks me which mini game was my favourite i wouldnt freak out and assume they are testing me

I probably have no problem with most women in the gamer community.

But when they start shaming men and shaming game developers for making games that cater to males, I have a problem with that.

>What must they apologize for?
Eating the damn apple. Leave it to a fucking woman to listen to a stupid snek. 6000 years later and we're still suffering.

>I write fanfiction about books I haven't read and shows I haven't watched, but the boys sure are hot


Why does this annoy me? Why is this something I can't help but read to the end in frustration? Am I an idiot?

So just like male nerds?

>mfw at one time I was considering getting into gaming development
I am glad I didn't. Jobs pay mediocre compared to the job hazard of psychos finding out who you are and doxing you for being part of the "liberal media"

Why is Vivian so cute?

>said absolutely nobody

do you even realize that you're the exact same kind of person you greasy virgin?

Females use their hobby as a platform to get to get attention: Tumblr tier insufferable cunts

Males use their hobby as a platform to get attention: Goobergate 8/4/whatever chan fuckwits

You spent your formulative years chugging far right propaganda on Sup Forums

>GG actually ruined the internet and I never even got my TCC-Tan x Vivian porn I always wanted
Truly a useless movement.

>Why does this annoy me?

People up their own ass who won't shut up about themselves are called narcissists, and they're annoying.


They're a part of a larger problem: the idiots who don't understand what makes a good game.

>games need to be less videogamey
>there shouldn't be any challenge

Get that out of my medium.

>Claim to be a fan of something
>Of course most people would just want to talk about it if they're fans also
>Make a obvious mistake on something
>Get corrected

>Oh, I fucked up/I haven't gotten to that yet

>Wow this fandom really just hate all women and don't want me to belong in this group!

>all that text just to say "I have a vagina and I enjoy capeshit"

it's a shame that they can't just form visual novel doujin writing hubs and possibly produce decent content

ruin my favorite games

Because she's grumpy.

>Nobody's sidekick, love interest, or token female
Nobody's love interest is right, at least

Video games are a hobby, not a fashion statement. Women and normies alike are idiots for using video games as a crutch for otherwise bland personalities. If you're a girl playing video games that is fine, do you. Your genitals have fucking nothing to do with video games though so keep them out of it. Neither do mine, actually.

The first and foremost goal of a game developer should be to make a game that is fun. It does not matter what genders any of the characters are; it matters if the game is good. Games shouldn't try to be movies when we have movies; games should be games. No need for identity politics in games.

Please kindly fuck off

Why is it that so many men gamers tend to hold more controversial opinions and not care about political-correctness while girl gamers tend to be stereotypical tumblr cunts?

In a general sense, men enjoy challenges and women enjoy social activities.

The rest speaks for itself

Because male gamers are entitled from all the free pandering they get.

As far as games are concerned there's nothing controversial to say about Bejeweled or Street Fighter 2.

Video games are for making money

>I am a geek girl
No prob.
>And a feminist
One or the other babe, let's no pretend.

oh yeah?
sagat is weak

Sadly it seems both are one and the same all too often.

[citation needed]

Also it becomes blatantly that they are infact claiming to like something they haven't played when this situation crops up.

>lul I love Zelda, I'm such a nerd, TP IS THE BEST
>Oh, I thought its story was a bit weak and prefer Majora's Mask myself
>mfw I realize she's only played TP and likes it because the internet tells her to

Why do I get scorned because you were bullshitting how invested you were in a hobby? I don't even care so much about the hobby in this scenario but your lack of authenticity should not make me look outcast in a situation. Like what you like, but be fucking honest about it.

Also, scenario

>I've got a huge backlog to get through, including Devil May Cry
>Oh I heard that game was shit
>have you played it?
>no, but I heard from some blog it was edgy shit

Why bring someone else's opinion to a discussion when it's very clear that you won't be able to back it up or elaborate on it?

>product consumed mostly by males
>panders to males
woooooooooooooow how was I supposed to know that would happen

I think some have tried to make Visual Novels.

They were shit, of course.

>no prob

If someone labels themselves as a geek or nerd, there's a high chance they're a massive faggot or a tryhard, and in many cases it's both.

Post cute Vivians.

All products exist to make money you fucking idiot. That's such a hollow argument.

It exists to make money, but that does not mean it has to be exclusively lowest common denominator drek to do so. We have some companies still making games which have the primary function of being games. Hopefully that doesn't change


What the fuck does that even mean? Can I complain that movies are too "movient" or novels are too "novelant"?

Videogames are for little kids, those people want cinematic experiences. Too videogamey means collecting power-ups, boss fights, health bars on screen, score/rank, or fewer cutscenes than hours of gameplay.

Oh, looks like a thread with an intelligent discussion going o-
>obese sexist virgins being the misogynist assholes they are
Welp, I'm out

>Why do they get mad at people questioning their knowledge/preference of video games they claim to like?
because of the perception that women are scrutinized about their "cred" a great deal more than men due to sexism

The only thing I do care about is them flashing their shitty titties on streams, getting beta orbiters, letting people know they are girls, and being generally awful at games for attention from losers.


And stay out tumblr.

>Jobs pay mediocre compared to the job hazard of psychos finding out who you are and doxing you for being part of the "liberal media"

Literally has never happened to anyone in the games industry

And no, punching your name into google isn't "doxing"

if someones a "girl gamer" its a good clue that theyre not much of a "gamer". theres all kinds of sects you can claim to be in, but they usually describe something specific like MLG, streamer, speedrunner, etc.

"girl gamer" tells me that youre looking for validation based off a stereotype that hasnt been true-to-life since the 90s. one that girls are ostracized in the gamer/nerd community. and thats because nerds got bullied almost exclusively in the 80s and females were not the targets. also being a "gamer" isnt impressive. someone walking up to me and trying to impress me at a gamestop because they played uncharted is going to look like a pathetic waste of my time no matter who they are. self-proclaimed "nerds" are not victims now by the way. they just used that word because "someone who mindlessly consumes advertisements and the media the corporate products they represent without stopping" is too long.

there are sexist people who hate hearing about girl gamers in particular though, and you can blame your heroes for that. Anita "literally said she didnt like video games" sarkesian, and zoe "who cares how many game journalists i fucked while in a relationship, stop being sexist at me" quinn. both are VIPs at GDC by the way. which would make you more upset if you saw a list of people that are not VIPs at GDC. theyre famous for invading spaces and trying to segregate and remove video games from public consciousness, getting a ton of money doing it, and adding absolutely nothing productive. unless you count depression quest and anitas pitch for a genderbent zelda. I do not count depression quest and anitas pitch for a genderbent zelda.

Someone post the girl who bought the portal gun, posted a picture online of it and said she didn't even play it

anyone who needs to use the term "gamer" and identify with playing video games as some kinda subculture really doesn't belong in it in the first place


>taking that bait

please kill yourself famerino

She played it. But only two hours worth.

this thread

well that's about how long the game is so i'm not sure what the problem is

I thought it was like four hours.

>implying I care
>implying anyone cares
>implying (((they))) didn't manipulate shit behind the scenes to spin legitimate criticisms of video games into "misogyny"
>implying they're not perpetuating it even further to sell shit to women obsessed with feeling like victims
Open your eyes, stupid fucking goyim.

Riddle me this cockfag, if user wanted attention, why is he anonymous?

Who cares.

These kind of people just play pokemon, zelda, minecraft and the like.

I bet they find Metroid hard.

the ball shit has always been dumb

They drag the entire industry down with their lack of standards or even any interest towards games. Mind you it's not just them, and not even primarily them that are the reason games turned to shit, but they do their part.

Your picrelated reminds me of IHNMAIMS by the way.

The big problem is that there are so many mindless consumers out there these days that "vote with your wallet" isn't even wishful thinking. AAA developers know they're going to get paid no matter what so they can afford pandering to those types in hope of getting part of an audience they don't have yet.

I don't, nothing that hasn't resulted in anything significant, being noisy.

I honestly can't think of a game that I truly cared about that was ruined by muh feminisms. Truth is games that cave down to that in the first place are mostly trash anyways. Besides its a self starving industry because the only people that by a game because "it gon don feminist right" would be feminists, and as we all know, feminists don't play video games. To busy yelling at something.

I always though "gamer" refer to the dudebro communities that play CoD and Madden

"a woman in x"

that's how it is, that's how it always fucking is with you cunts and your cunts.

the only kind of people who give you special attention are the ones looking to get your pussy or nice words because of how fucking beta and starved for the attention they lack in the real world from women

this happens all the damn time no matter what subculture women like you want to squat in. instead of being an attention whore like every single other bitch who ruins everything you and every last one of you should learn how to act like men and women who don't pull the same shit you do to get attention that you somehow don't have enough of already.

but that would mean someone like you can change, and every single cuck who gives you the attention you look for will stop feeding it to you. you don't belong here, people like you never did. you will never listen to anything people tell you because you want to challenge what exists instead of try and understand or accept what is the norm.

fuck off

Women are the memes of gender

It changes depending on who you're insulting. Like Fedoras.

I think people always get really weird and defensive about the word "gamer". Someone could be an avid reader, a movie goer, a biker, a lifter, but don't dare call them a gamer.

I'm totally fine with women developers (because the "gamer community" is more or less a marketing term) provided they possess most of the following categories:
- Must actually play & love games. This is why it's so maddening that Anita Sarkeesian has so much influence. Jack Thompson had no real experience with games and it showed, and everyone rightfully laughed.
- Must have actual talent and not a diversity hire.
- Must be focusing more on making fun games and not pushing your own political agendas.

If women (and men, for gender equality) had to fit into those three categories, the quality of games would vastly improve. Remember, in case anyone asks, one of the earliest video game designers was Roberta Williams, because she possessed those three categories.

I think it's a bit weird overall. If someone say he's a "gamer", 90% of the time that guy play multiplayer shooter or MOBA, or he play video games the most in his dudebro circle. The most niche you can get from a guy like that is Dark Souls

The guy that plays the more niche titles like Ninja Gaiden, Baldur's Gate, SMT, etc. would just say he plays video games

I still find it funny that SJWs unironically made comics where they beat the shit out of her and call her a fake gamer.

Games can be comfy or romantic, but you just gotta remember to make the actual game part good.

If you're just gonna have the player walk around then why did you make a game, you could have just made a song, or written a book hell you could have drawn instead.

I think that's a reasonable way of seeing it. But it is a weird spot because everyone plays games these days but they don't want to look like nerds either. People I talk to one on one might be interested in old CRPGs or DMC style games but if they're in a group they only ever talk about League of Legends or whatever Hunger Games style thing is popular.

It's mostly because people like that don't care about being represented. They are just doing their fucking goddamn job out of passion or money (mostly passion), not advocating for ideologies. So in a way they are not attractive to feminists

>all that wall of text for what is ultimately the same old "i am woman hear me rawr"

>Tfw just a girl who likes playing Vidya
I don't see the big deal.



(You) can't think of a single way that (You) might be given attention on a Chinese deep-frying imageboard?

>Person with a vagina likes to play vidya
>Person with a vagina play vidya while screaming about the vagina and how vidya sucks because of the vagina

only americucks and leaves care about it. in fact nobody else is bothered if you all fatfucks leave the industry. just leave. we all welcome that.

Women were a mistake

Women's Studies was a mistake.


I don't really care if women are playing my games, what annoys me though is the idea that a majority male environment that acts like a male environment has to change to accommodate women.

Video games are the last place you can really be aggressive, where you can yell and insult and where your allowed to be hyper competitive. I don't care if women are there but I wish they would understand that I don't want the public video game arena to change for them, I want it to stay as it is, as a place where a guy can be a guy and it isn't a bad thing.

Everyone who doesn't like that atmosphere can still play with friends and filter those who they don't like, but everyone who wants to enter this environment should either put up or shut up.

Don't worry, those psychos Anita sold you aren't real.
There's no idiot that actually goes on the credits of every game, seek out all the women that is included in it and chases em one by one.
But you may be persuaded to "join the cult" and then you're fucked because they will use you as a shield to protect the shittiest games.

seek help for your virgin rage elliot


>I masturbate to porn with characters from games I haven't played and shows I haven't watched, but the girls sure are hot

literally all of us

What is a Women's Studies degree for? What job is there for a person that understand women?

Don't people go to college to get a goddamn fucking job?

They're objectively worse players, they do nothing but suck absolute shit and lower team morale.

>What job is there for a person that understand women?

Women's Studies professor.

[citation needed]

I'm not saying that it happens to the degree sarkeesan claims

but you underestimate how unhinged people are, especially desperate young men who know they're fucked due to their own poor choices

