Artificial difficulty. Fuck this.
Artificial difficulty. Fuck this
Be aggressive and attack first. They will stagger to death.
Better than Winter Lanterns at least.
>actually dying to poiseless monsters in R1 Souls
Artifical difficulty is not a thing. Fuck off
Casual filters.
That was the best zone to invade in. Not because the monsters would help you win but because of how many babies needed their hand held through it
you might be just artificially bad at the game
Yes it is.
>R1 souls
DaS3 was your first i see :^)
That zone sucked to invade.
>Invasion area 3x larger than any other zones
>Too many places for the host to just hide/chameleon in
>Host *NEVER* has fewer than 8 friendly phantoms jacking him off the whole way
Everything about games is artificial, so yeah I guess the difficulty in them would be artificial too.
No its not.
I don't think I've ever gotten a peace sign seared into my ass because they're so easy to avoid. These are literally only dangerous if there are other enemies around. The lantern won't kill you.
>t. low gaming iq pleb
Yes it is.
It's not "artificial difficulty" it's "bullshit"
they have a bullshit health drain and a bullshit grab that kills you if they don't stagger from your first attack
OPs example is bad but artificial difficulty is very real.
Pic related is a much better example.
>never summon
>get invaded once in a full moon
>run back to the bonfire so i don't get ganked by invader and monsters
>can pick up my shit when i die without a risk
I don't get the butthurt over invasions
>I'm garbage at invasions
Here we go again
It's not "bullshit" it's "artificial difficulty".
this enemy was so god damn fucking stupid
hp drain for being seen is fucking literal retardation.
I hate the game, but struggle to think of what about the difficulty is artificial. Explain?
The only people that use the term "artificial difficulty" unironically are PC plebs.
Just rush the fuck out of them. They are pushovers
>Fuck new enemy types!
Playing as a mage is suffering.
I realize how bullshit they were in other games but they found no middle ground.
Dark souls 3 is full of teleport grabs, shockwaves, and one hit kOs (despite however much health you have). It is faaaar worse than everything in daS2. I honestly can not see how anyone who enjoys souls games would find 3 as anything more than pretty crap
>hurr durr
>Wanting to leave games unfinished for millions of years to evolve their own AI and difficulty
I hate yearly releases too, but wanting game dev cycles to be millions of years long isn't the alternative.
The only way the game is made harder is by giving enemies significantly more HP and damage. They don't defend more intelligently, use better tactics, different attacks, etc.
>i don't like x so no one can possibly like x
I still like all 3 games
uh, ok dude.
>You can only have extremes, there exists no middle ground
they stop draining your health when you break line of sight, shitter
Literally none of these enemies are not cheesable. Pull and kill one at a time, use their stupidity to your advantage. They'll stagger from a running attack with literally any weapon. Unironically git gud
I understand why people would like/not like other dark souls games. But 3 is irredemiable trash filled with the worst gameplay mechanics from previous games. 3 isnt even fun
I'm excellent at invasions. Good enough to know that it's not a good spot for them.
Catacombs is leagues better. The invasion area is much smaller, so you can find the host (and his default 3 helpers) in about 20 seconds. There are more traps to deploy or push the host into.
In the prison, you can run around the fucking Latria area to the giant prison to the fucking Capitol and not find the host.
You thinking it's a good area to invade is proof that you don't know what makes a good invasion. You had one successful invasion there (your only successfully invasion, likely) and think that makes it good.
Artificial is man made, OP wants code to self generate. That's not going to happen within a standard dev cycle.
ALL difficulty is artificial, user. It's not the developers fault you can't figure out the challenge they placed in front of you
Deadly moves aren't artificial difficulty. That is the most organic form of difficulty in games.
Artificial difficulty is when you throw the same monsters with the same attacks at the player and only make it more difficult by giving them huge HP pools.
(See: Any Bethesda game)
DaS had poise to counteract this. DaS straighstwords were also not retardedly OP right out of the gate. One thing people learned playing Dark Soul is you can't just runaround and r1 spam because you would get fucked mainly due to poise. In DaS3 the best strategy often tends to be r1 spamming. I remember getting to Irithyll the first time and thinking those knights were hard as fuck then my friend said "dude just spam attack and kill them" and it worked to the point where they weren't a threat at all anymore.
I liked all the dark souls games and had the most fun playing 3. It was faster, cooler, more memorable, had good NPCs with neat quests, a lot of excellent bosses (some of the best in the series for sure). I don't get any criticism besides 'too much fanservice' which honestly didn't bug me that much since it added so much unique content.
This opinion will get you a lot of angry (you)
rip casul
>you will never be so bad at a game you have to make a thread on Sup Forums displaying how angry you are at said game
Feels good man
>there's two invisible of these fuckers just standing in a hallway
>nowhere else in the game are there invisible enemies
>that room with 10 of these niggers
Man, the level design is just sadistic
Good to see intelligent discussion is alive and well on Sup Forums
>This simplistic gameplay loop that some ching chong programmed and most players can build a strategy around easily is too much for me to handle
All difficulty in all games is artificially designed to challenge players, Mario 1 - 1 is just as artificial. Stop complaining that it simply asks more from you than you can provide.
It never was
Literally run past them if you want.
Npc quests are the only Okay part of the game. Building a Souls game in the bloodborne engine was a mistake and the bosses where awful. I bet you like the imp enemies that were prominent in every area too
My problem with 3 was that quality straight sword build was just obviously more powerful than everything else. Yeah you can be good with anything and in PvP other builds have their advantages but the games aren't made for PvP they are made for PvE and in that aspect there was no reason to not just pick Knight at the beginning and destroy everything. To the point where you don't even have to explore anything because you won't find anything better save for a better straight sword, but the broadsword is more than enough to easily beat everything.
On top of that linearity in terms of progression was boring. Linearity isn't an inherently bad thing in games, in fact I think it gets a lot of undeserved shit these days and leads to games being open world when they would be better in a linear fashion. However, some areas in DaS3 were straight shit and I had no desire to do them again. Dark Souls had some crappy areas as well, but at least you could save them for last due to the nonlinearity.
Coming from BB some of the bosses felt like straight ripoffs and they were also very easy. Abyss Watchers for example were a pretty big letdown for me I thought it could have been much better and the "Maria fire" thing didn't impress me because I'd already seen it. Pontiff was good and the most challenging boss for me but outside of him and SoC I thought all the bosses were pretty easy. Yes that includes NK I think he is very overrated.
I don't know, I think in terms of combat dark souls appeals to me the most due to the weightiness of it. The combat isn't anything super special but they do a good job with giving it weight and making it fit with the knight/medieval aesthetic. If I want to play a game with super good and fast combat I'll play NGB or Nioh, maybe BB but even the combat in that is slower and more straightforward than straight up action games. But das3 feels weightless and kind of ruins the feeling of the combat for me.
Ever try increasing the difficulty in Skyrim?
Enemies just become damage sponges that hit like a truck.
their hp leech isn't caused by their gas, it's caused by their field of vision
run behind them
Not sure if you guys are being dense on purpose but the term artificial difficulty is usually meant to describe lazy developers that make their games harder by turning enemies into bullet sponges instead of making them smarter.