They changed her default face in the Day One patch

They changed her default face in the Day One patch.

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And it's still fugly.

No they didn't, I have the game and it's still the same.
That's a glitch that happened to one french streamer.

She's even uglier now, she looks like a fat mixed chinese-thai bitch.

damn it looks so much better, she doesnt look as awkward now, at least to me

Stop lying. The face on the right is pre-release face, mid-development.
They ruined it right before release.

she has a creepy face, like gollum from Lord of the rings

No bully pls.

Nope, sorry. Game's broken.

That's from early development, before someone fucked everything up.

At least they fixed manjawed pre-surgery Korean Ryder.

So if you play as a male does your sibling actually exist as a major character in the game or do they get killed off immediately?

Can I go on space adventures with my autistic sister or not?

she looks like special needs on the left and both have weird eyes

Is this Perfect Dark for the N64?

Her cryostasis pod is damaged at the beginning and they induce her into a coma so she can naturally wake up.
At first she has trouble moving and walking but recovers slowly.

Typical AAA downgrade.

No they didn't.

It's like they took a bunch of different animations that were all meant for different things and then just played in in order for no reason.

>all that facial animation on the right side

why didnt they keep that? what made them change it? fucking christ bioware

>expressions are gone in the final build
Why ? I know the industry like to downgrade the graphics for consoles but why did they fuck up the facials animations ?

Respect her autism pls.

this can't be real

why would they replace good animations with bad ones on purpose

NO! That wasn't meant to happen!

Now she looks like a fat ugly hapa

At least make her a good looking hapa, can't be that hard..

>making her asian
Fuck no, just fix her cheeks and make her lips a bit smaller.

Probably gutted for consoles.

My guess is they only spent that much effort making that look good to impress the press or whatever and later realized they couldn't maintain this level of quality althroughout the game and decided to tone it down.

Why do you keep plugging this shitty gook Sara? Every day we get at least 2-3 of these threads with this fake Ryder who isn't even attractive. At least use


Maintaining a feminin jaw line takes too many gigahertz.

>post lowest quality settings
Sup Forums, why do you keep lying to me? What did I ever do to you?

>krogan goes from normal looking to some kind of mutant tranny krogan
What happened?

Yeah thank god, now I can finally buy the deluxe edition ;)

I would buy the game if she looked like this, is there anyway to customise her in character creation so she does?

How do you know what a tranny Krogan looks like?

Her smile and autism: gone

They'll never leave.

just fuck my textures, effects, lighting and animation up senpai

That wouldn't explain the face model or piss-poor animations.

do all of you faggots play as women?

some of the gifs you are going to see about MEA are on low settings to make them even crappier.

surely this is reversed?

>playing dressup with the Ken doll
You gay, son?


>one look like someone who suffocate on the ground.
>The other look like someone who find the floor comfy.

The local red light district is pretty crazy.

Anri isn't asian.

She is half britbong, half jap. So a hapa.


They made the game shitty ON-PURPOSE so that there would be a huge backlash, then they can point to how diverse and inclusive their team is and just blame all the hate on "racists" and "sexists".

Then more people buy it to see what the fuss is about.

Remember that EA is just there to make money, they don't give a fuck about making a good product.

>They made the game shitty ON-PURPOSE so that there would be a huge backlash, then they can point to how diverse and inclusive their team is and just blame all the hate on "racists" and "sexists".

Sup Forums said that would happen with Mafia 3 and nothing at all happened.
The last thing EA is going to do now is attack the userbase.
And EA doesn't care about Mass Effect, they have Star Wars now.


She looks cute sometimes.

She's full Jap, but was raised in the UK.

Stop spreading disinfo.

Was their early footage essentially a bullshot created by their main team animators to create hype and then the actual stuff was done by their C-team to save money or something?

I hope there is a chance to play the pirated version with the original bad animations and hilarious expressions later. Im afraid of the fact that when we do get a cracked version it will be too late and all the funny parts are gone leaving just the "story" and "lore" to be experienced

I don't know what it is about her, at first i laughed alongside Sup Forums at her but now she literally attracts me and i don't know what it is. I literally want to buy the game now just for sara ryder... why though, the memes are here and they're true but she still looks so cute

It was probably done on a different game engine before the switch to frostbite.

Wait for the crack and pirate it.
Also, play as Scott, that way you can take care of her.
She ends up disabled after cryostasis.

No she's not, she's half britbong.

both look horrible

Previous gen consoles are perfectly capable of playing ME3, which looks indefinitly better.

Current gen should look like the right

You did it, Sherlock! By golly, what a devious plot!

stop posting her, she's gross

keep lying to yourself. Japs do this all of the time to make their models more "unique" in the 99% Jap market.

Japanese chick who's """""from""""" the UK? Push that aspect, she's not bad looking either, baddabing instant star.

Is it strange that i really want to fuck her?

yeah so gross, im sure youre a real looker tho

Shit, she looks like my friend from high school. Every dude just had a crush on her. I was too busy making dosh to even have a crush Fuck it, high school me is more competent than future me. Time to suicide by cop

Japanese women are batshit insane though, 95% of them.

good luck

lol they did?

Such a bold statement can't possibly be untrue or exaggerated.

I've got her fake pussy

I wonder..

>implying this game is worth pirating
good joke lad


The final build dindu looks exactly like a fucking fallout 4 character
Same artstyle and everything

I mean, it's an RPG, this genre is worthless, but hey, some people play for the waifus.

>Todd sabotaged Andromeda

What the fuck man

Lucky u are that u dont leave on the middle east, u would be thrown from the roof of a house.

>Was their early footage essentially a bullshot created by their main team animators to create hype and then the actual stuff was done by their C-team to save money or something?
Andromeda wasnt made by Bioware, it was made by a new opened studio in Montreal that has no name outside of ... Bioware montreal.
Older footage might have actually been build by Bioware before production was shifted to the newly opened studio.

Live, fuck my keyboard

what. the. fuck.

How did they somehow make her even uglier?

Wow, the Krogans were big guys in the beta.

Maybe i was blind but..., how come that with shit like this there was no thread about how this game got downgraded?

It was a glitch.
It mixed up default Ryder with some nigger the dude made on CC.

lol yeah
side by side the difrence is crazy the guy on the right looks twice as big

There's a million other problems with the game, guess no one really remembered that old "leak".

left one looks like Anita Sarkesiaan

Why doesn't the omnitool actually look like a hologram anymore?

a glitch looks better than the default!?!?!


Which subreddit do you come from?

Fuck me, this is a Benjamin Button of a game, started off looking awesome and got more and more unfinished as time went by.

Bitch looked like Sid Meier on HRT. And now instead it looks like she went full mongoloid,

>started off looking awesome
No it didn't.

Because that's a still pic of an animation?

If this shitpile had chest-bursters, I'd buy it pure from the fact that I could see one of the fuckers in pain.

This confused me for a second, didnt know the final build is on the left and it is actually sickening

Yeah, a Triple A is downgraded.