Wii = Genesis

Wii = Genesis
Wii U = Saturn
Switch = Dreamcast

refute this!

Saturn and Dreamcast had good games.

Refute what? Refute you puting equal signs next to shit? Did you have a stroke?

I will not reward your autism even with a (you).

>Setting different things as equal to each other

Dreamcast was ace motherfucker

what a shit thread

SEGA hardware was good...

>Switch = Dreamcast
For the Switch being the Dreamcast it would have to be most powerful current gen console - which it isn't and have games - which it hasn't.

If anything the Switch is the OUYA. Pathetically underpowered with fuckall to play, no third party support and no future.

best sega console games?

dragon force

greatest game of all time.

Dreamcast was actually good though

but user the genesis is superior to everything in that list by far

One major difference is Nintendo has enough funds to stay in the console game for another, maybe two more tries even if the Switch crashes harder than the Virtual Boy.
Sega was gearing up to leave the console race before the Dreamcast was even released.

OP confirmed complete cunt.

Saturn had many brand new, experimental IPs and ideas.
Wii U just had safe ideas of existing IPs.

Dreamcast had arcade perfect ports and quite a few unique new IPs.
It's pretty safe to say Switch will be another Wii U in terms of games, unless it actually is an accidental Vita successor.

The only way this analogy would hold up is if the Game Gear was in the background carrying the overwhelming majority of Japan's handheld market on its back.

>"innovation" = shitty gimmicks
>white plastic shells
>underpowered overpriced hardware
>little to no 3rd party support
>extremely proprietary
>the most ravenous fanboys

Nintendo = Apple

refute this!

>Wii = Genesis
>Switch = Dreamcast
could you be any more insulting towards Nintendo consoles

>Wii U = Saturn
The implication is that all the best games would be in Japan. But that's not the case.