So now that it's been out for a while now,what are you final thoughts on the game? What are some flaws?
Sequel needs to improve on enemy variety and level design. Only complaints really.
Omyo magic was a mistake.
Lack of enemy variety also makes the game a chore half way through.
Otherwise, a solid 8/10.
Solid game with enjoyable combat and a cool aesthetic
Main points:
+interesting story/characters
+polished combat with a style for everyone
+coop and pvp(soon)
-drags on for a little too long
-enemy variety is lacking
-/+mission areas can be a little bland but some are quite unique
-/+too many ways to easily break the game's difficulty with builds/items
-/+grinding for items, divines, money etc can be tedious but can be avoided
Absolute garbage. After being ripped of by Lords of the Fallen and Nioh, I have learned my lesson: I will never buy another soulslike game unless it is made by FromSoftware. They are rhe onlyones who make good souls games.
More balancing for power creep, more enemies, more level variety. The bones of a great game are there, it just needs to be built on. So naturally the sequel will address none of this and add more problems.
>what is dark souls 2
How do you get grapple to do that much damage?
even with carnage+weakness talisman i never even get close to that much damage
But nioh is better than dark souls III.
DaS2 is great.
Not in a thousand years.
Why this game getting high scores like this metascore 88 now. WTF garbage tier graphic shit story geralt like MC but not even close something like highschool hero.
If you actually played the game you'd know the MC is basically just a bystander for what is essentially a Japanese history lesson.
So? Who cares this is not changing any shit
Forgot the part where Sengoku Warlords used crystallized soul essences to summon monsters to fight in major battles. Nioh reminded me.
Fun combat but I was really bored by the halfway point because the level design and enemy variety made every encounter feel the same.
Fix those and it'd be great.
Was a lot of fun, but enemy variety should have been better, or at least more spread out. You've basically seen everything half way through the game. Also the game was way too easy to break, and there were multiple ways to do it. All the humonoid bosses could be continuosly knocked down over and over until you won, the slow effects like lightning+sloth basically made everything else piss easy because they were moving at like 25% speed, and it was too easy to get infinite living weapon and have 100% uptime invincibility.
Never said it was accurate.
Been playing it since 2 weeks, its amazing, the combat is amazing
but as stated:
>Lack of different units,
>some balance issues
8/10 its a fair version of the souls games.
If they're going to allow as much magic as they had, there really should be a full magic build with offensive spells.
Enemy variety was OK for me because Japanese folklore was pretty consistent throughout the country so it would make sense for the same yokai to show up. It would've been nice to fight a whale skeleton though.
Levels could've used a bit more creativity instead of being in a village, or in a village with caves, or in a village with trees.
Pretty clever use of the environment at times though, like the poison mine
I agree with the balancing and variety. I am excited though that there is a very solid foundation to build off of and future sequels and DLC can be amazing if they polish these problem areas.
really fun at first. Gets repetitive later due to the lack of variety with enemies and locations. I fell off after the second region
Nioh has way better combat than the souls games
Sorry it wasn't grimdark
Enemy variety is an issue, but not a problem in the slightest on the whole. Only grip is that the game is slightly too long. Could have done without the spooky wet mansion or the Forest level.
Im still on the 4th zone, havent picked it up for weeks. Got sick of fighting the same 3 enemy types over and over. I was hooked for a few days when it first came out, but now the only motivation I have to play it is to finish just so I can say I got my moneys worth. Its ok.
>Got sick of fighting the same 3 enemy types over and over.
I had the same problem with Zelda :(
Its not really the fault of NiOh though, I just finished DS3 and I got that for christmas. I also have Uncharted 4, Doom and EDF 4.1 sitting there unfinished. The only ps4 game that I've really been driven to complete was Bloodborne.
I really liked the combat but due to cliché japanese level design, a low variety of enemies and the bullshit story I stopped playing after beating Umi-Bozu and played Nier and GR2 instead. Both are much better games.
I'll come back to it after P5 and finally finishing the story of Cyber Sleuth.
>What are some flaws?
-too easy
-way too many ways to break the game with op bullshit
-not enough enemy variety
-most of the bosses arent that good
it's still a good game, hopefully the dlc will be good
From what everyone's saying, looks like I should wait until it's sub-£20. Is it likely to ever even drop down that low?
>never ki burst weapon switch to extend combos
>only spammed the equivalent of r1 because it's a "soulslike"
Omnyo Magic is awful. It's only used for Sloth, maybe the one or two buffs. Or generally only using it for the Amrita Talismans depending on your build.
Combat is amazingly fun. It's incredible once you git gud and use all your skills properly. Killing even the strongest enemies in seconds, while dancing around them and flipping everywhere is hilariously fun. However, once you GIT GUD, it's basically like they put Ryu from Ninja Gaiden in a souls game. It's ridiculously easy.
Diablo weapon loot style is cool at the beginning, but they should have honestly followed Dark Souls style loot. It gets rediculous later on, and in the end, turns the game into beyond easy mode when you start getting + weapons and armour. I got +5 armour, not even +10, but bosses can wail on me, even on NG+ for ages and I can tank it all without even thinking about it.
Builds are fun, other than Magic.
Not a whole lot of enemy variety. Music is ass. Maps are just average.
Honestly, I'd give it a 7/10. It needs some polish, but if you're only looking at gameplay, it's at least a 9/10.
I legit really fucking loved the story and characters. It had such an old school style to it, and even Kelley works excellently because of that style. Hes just so cheesy and so comically evil that its very enjoyable.
The gameplay is great, all the weapons are satisfying and the game just feels snappy to play. The amount of customization and stat leveling is insane too, not to mention so many cool features including all the blacksmith ones.
That said, I think the game suffers from poor enemy variety, poor level variety and poor boss design to the point where replaying it is just... so painful. The weapon limit of 5 works perfectly for one playtrough because then none of them get old, but replaying the game is just... I don't know. 5 hours in, and you've pretty much seen all the enemies the game has.
The sidequests are pretty bad too. nevermind the area reusing, the objectives themselves are really bland
Magic and jutsu is OP as fuck and breaks the game, but I dont really mind it since I dont use them
Great game but I dont see myself replaying it almost at all
felt like i was playing an oldschool b game. Loved every second of it though there are a lot of flaws like enemy variety and omyo being op. Im hoping the dlc fixes some of the flaws in the main game. Its a solid 8.5/10 for me though
I really liked it and how easily broken the balance is
My favorite build and the one I've been using a lot for coop is a skill damage+ blade spin spam build with 300+ toughness, B agility, and some minor magic and ninjutsu stuff
it's pretty fun doing insane damage with blade spin while never taking much damage and never being staggered
Too easy, they should've kept the closed beta difficulty, level design could be greatly improved.
8/10 for me
It's an amazing game. Buy it now.
50+% killing strike/final blow, level 160+10 weapon and 99 heart and skill.
I'm never ever going to pay £35-£40+ for a video game, especially not one that is by all accounts as flawed as this.
Plus I'm currently playing through DeS and BB for the first time, with DaS3 RC also coming out in a week. That's enough Souls stuff for a while.
I have 400 deaths, at the beginning of the Ogress mission. how am I doing ?
I really like the game. reminds me of Ninja Gaiden, hard af so far since Giant Toad.