ITT good character design

ITT good character design

Klonoa is good for my dick


I play Zelda for the very handsome protagonist.


Young Link best Link
but what underwear he wears?



White briefs, obviosuly.

this is your support for today (male)




>inplying he doesn't wear anything

Why would he?

Do you want to show your genital to everyone?

No, but I wasn't raised by literal children that live in the woods.

its closers, a korean beat-em-up that will probably never come here because the west doesnt like korean action games.

you could go ahead and make a korean account like me and play since there is no region block but kek.

I want to marry Raya-O and I think her design is a great take on the white mage look!

But do forest child get around without pants?

I don't know, maybe.

It's a surprise they have clothes at all.

I love Reisen!

That's disappointing.

He's pretty kawaii though

My nigga right here!

Actually, white tights are lewder than no pants

Why is he holding his sword like that?

He hugs it when he sleeps

i want to hug his """sword""" with my mouth


Must have had a visit from Donovan the magical Negro.

Not for sexualize!


Where do I know this character from?

Hanamaru Kindergarten


He looked so innocent back then.

I like this lizard


I'm going to make lots of little squirrel kids with Makoto!

Yeah, the updated version sucked.


This is why Nomura should stick to just character designs, and even still he needs to go easy on the belts and zippers.

klonoa so cute! CUTE!


Reminder that a GOOD character design tells you something about the character


>Heard pupils

Is he taking his clothes off because it's too hot?



Pretend I posted Morrigan or Roll, take your pick.

Most of his body is covered in soft fur, so combined with clothing can get kinda stuffy


Good taste

He'd be better with his pants off.

My second favorite BoF character. (First is Rei)

Stop sexualizing Klonoa you sick fucks

Then should I

jesus christ what the fuck

What? It's just a game

You can't make me.


Source of the pictures

puinkey, march 2016 on his tumblr





>c3po on steorids

>ywn have a Link headpat simulator
why live


GOOD character design
not shitty hentai shit



Should've posted the best Sonic design.

same sonic



Of all the Darkstalkers characters you pick Morrigan? Really?



Wtf I love blaze now



Shanoa is fucking best girl

They're all good, really.

She's pretty great.









and they very well should not like the game

Best Character, best bossfight, best everything

