Star Citizen

>2011, see kickstarter
>oh cool I'll buy it when it comes out
>2014 no where close to being done
>release date set to 2016
>cool, I'll get in 2016
>2016, still nowhere close to being done
>fuck it, its vaporware
>see latest alpha gameplay

What does Sup Forums think of Star Citizen?

Their latest stuff is pretty impressive. They apparently have procedural generation of planets working, allowing you to fly and land anywhere. At the same time though, I don't know how they're going to populate it though. Even if only a few planets in a given solar system have large settlements, with 100 claimed solar systems at launch, that's a fuck load of content. Not to mention everything else. They'll have to be able to procedurally generate interesting outposts and what not. Even if they have the engine and gameplay mostly done, I don't see how they're going to realistically create all the content in an even semi-reasonable amount of time.

Do any of you play it regularly? How's the game play? I'm pretty concerned there hasn't been anything of the single player campaign. That should be the simplest part once the engine is worked out. There's no tricky netcode. Content creation for a somewhat linear campaign is simpler. But there hasn't been anything to my knowledge. No real trailers. No demo missions.

Anyways, let's have a Star Citizen thread.

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I think it's hilarious how many nerds got scammed out of thousands of dollars for a game that will never see the light of day.

I lost the step above the basic pack when it opened up
I could have bought some ammo with thaf shit

The game is the waiting game, user. Also the world class autism game on the official forums. These aren't the games you paid for, but it's the games you got.

Just play Elite Dangerous + Horizons expansion if you want a good space simulator. I thought of being a backer for Star Citizen but I had a feeling it would end up being the shit it is now.

>What does Sup Forums think of Star Citizen?
Personally it looks like it has amazing potential but I have no plans to support the game until it releases.

it's either going to be the best mmo experience ever released with really good accompanying singleplayer or another mediocre space game without depth

the cynic (realist) in me thinks the latter will be true based on experience, maybe they will prove me wrong

I really never understood why people have dropped so much money on it. Building a rig to play it is one thing, but dropping so much money into funding it just seems crazy. The ironic thing to me is if they hadn't funded it so much it may actually be done by now. I think it's funny how much of a backlash there was when they opened up a way to attain ships in game and removed the backer exclusivity of owning nice ships.

It looks like they're getting most of the gameplay down, I just don't see how they're possibly going to manage creating all the content for the universe.

I've been waiting for it to release as well. Lately I've been thinking about getting the basic starter pack since it looks like there's a fair amount of game to play now, but it's hard to tell what you can actually do.

Backer since February 2013. I have 2 accounts, 2 Mustang Omegas (got them for $11 each when the codes were everywhere) and a ~$150 dollar package (Cutlass blue LTI + CCU's to Either Hornet or Saber, waiting to decide final). I made a decent amount of money when I sold my Phoenix at the height of its value - made about $500 after deducting back price.

Anyway, SC is a fucking dumpster fire and will be great drama to witness. I'm only really in it for $150 now and will probably sell off the two omegas eventually (they are worth between $60-80 now).

The game will never live up to they hype and everyone knows it. You think ME:A's drama was bad. You have no idea, this will be worse than even Duke nukem forever because Duke Nukem didn't have backers already invested so no one cared.

You also have it as a PC exclusive which means all the console fanboys from all camps will point and laugh at every single fail.

History repeats itself and Chris is doing exactly what he was doing with Freelancer. All points point to failure. If you backed sell your package (if you can make a profit, hard these days) or ask for a refund while they are still giving them out. If the game comes out and is worth it, then pick up the cheapest package since "you can earn everything in the game"

There is NO way this doesn't end in epic tragedy that becomes a defining moment in gaming history.

now that we're coming down from our andromeda shitpost high we need something to keep our spirits up

Retards on /vg/ unironically defend this scam, I'm not fuckin kidding

>mmo experience
they may have tricked you into thinking it would be an mmo but they confirmed long ago that it will be small pop. persistent servers like dayz

hey, freelancer was pretty good at least

This game could bring about the eventual gaming industry crash.


It could be the best thing ever.

Chris Roberts will have to go into hiding. Think Salman Rushdie. Nerds will declare a fatwa.

What confuses me is that there is a considerable amount of development being done. There are updates. There's new content. They have four offices. But there's no real plan as to when and how they're going to finish the plan. They just keep kicking the release year down the road a few more years each time they get to it.

my favorite part about this game is how it triggers Sup Forums so hard



So it's basically simracing?

Plenty of games have successfully used procedural generation. NMS's problem was they hyped the hell out of it, and then people found out it was the same procedural generation that's always been around. Right now all Star Citizen is promising is bleak, life size planets that are procedurally generated that you can run around, which is a fair expectation.

remember cultist, in chris roberts we trust


Roberts quit during the development of Freelancer, because Microsoft forced Digital Anvil to adhere to a release schedule.

Meaning that he had to deliver a feature complete product by a certain date, and he refused to do it because it would mean culling his impractical ideas for the game (procedural generation, mmo, ship interiors, planet side gameplay....sound familiar?), that he had talked about during interviews for the gaming press of the time.

Roberts left, leaving DA with what was basically starlancer with a couple individual systems. DA did the rest, without Roberts.

He never delivered on his promises with Freelancer, and the game was good in spite of him, not because of him.

That's because Chris was fired from the project. It would never have been released if he maintained control.

Their funding model for the past several years has been to release new ships that you can purchase with money and have in the game. As of right now, once the game "launches" (in 2100) you'll no longer be able to just purchase ships and everything will be earnable in game, but if you bought a ship you'll still have it. But people have dropped stupid amounts of money on these ships, because it's all you can basically do right now. At first you could just render and look at them. Now you can actually fly them, but only on a few maps. The first time they introduced a way of obtaining nicer ships in game, instead of just shelling out for them, people threw a massive bitch fit. I can't wait for launch just to see the butthurt of people who have dropped thousands on the game to get wrecked.

I predict suicides IRL.

Where was this game even shilled, I hear about it occasionally on Sup Forums but man who was hype enough to buy that much

I was talking more about the massive autism and unfinshed products being similar.

But top kek


good one. The correct verb to use is work though.

If it comes out and I good I will get it. If it comes out and it's bad I haven't lost anything because I haven't backed it.If it never comes out I haven't back it so i won't have lost anything.

I don't see any reason to give them money when there is nothing to show for it.

Isn't the main difference that in-game acquired ships are gone once destroyed (and need to be bought again) while the backer "bought" ships have infinite and free insurance?

Star citizen will be the game that raises the bar.
How will console cucks ever recover when even the fucking alpha 3.0 releases?


Something Awful latched onto Scam Citizen like a niglet to a baby bottle full of koolaid.

SA and its various affiliates (groupies) were the primary builder of hype for the game in the initial stages.

Scam Citizen was also shilled constantly on Sup Forums and Reddit.

The whales who buy a shitton of things kind of grew up in SC's own community, when Roberts launched the website and store.

Now it is a self-contained cult sanctuary that occasionally ropes in new blood, but mostly thrives parasitically on its existing members.

I just want Squadron 42. Thought it would be out by last Christmas but what an idiot I was lol.

Only ship I want is a Hornet which I will earn in game if possible.

something awful latched onto the game to troll Derek Smart

the new word is wololo, user. I know its hard to keep up with the times, but kek is dead. wololo has taken its place.

To their credit, they do have most of that working now. But he still has the same problem. They have no realistic schedule on how they're going to actually populate the game. They have procedurally generated planets, they have (actually really nice) ship interiors, they have planet side gameplay. The glaring omission right now is there's no support, or indication of support in the near future, for the kind of networking they need for the large scale online battles they want to do. Anyways, I just don't think he has the patience and tolerance to either hire an army of graphic designers and writers to finish it, or just populate it with a TES Oblivion style generated quest and "dungeon" (for lack of a better word) system.

There's also the HUGE problem of the singleplayer still not being out. They've had working space combat for years now. There's no reason not to have the singleplayer campaign out yet.

Originally they came with life insurance, but for the past several years (fucking years this thing has been going on) the ships just come with a period of prepaid insurance, and then it uses the same insurance model as in-game acquired ships. Only a relative few of older ships have lifetime insurance, and they're apparently worth a decent amount of money on eBay.

Even with insurance, there's a wait to get a new ship based on a supply/demand model (assuming the game is ever completed), so they'll have to wait to replace it.

they seem supremely confident in a game without a gamemode. By that i mean what you actually do
>capture the point
>capture and hold
>capture the flag
>king of the hill
>arena pvp
mods have made entire game modes, what do you actually do in this game? just deathmatch? welp

I don't get it. They're adding new modules or whatever all the time so people can try out the gameplay. How can people see that they're regularly making progress and legitimately come to the conclusion "haha they're never going to finish their game".

I haven't bought anything yet (still waiting on a fucking release date for squadron42), but from the times they let people play their shit for free, I feel like it easily already would have been worth $40.

There's really no fucking reason it isn't out. The fact there hasn't been anything released about it actual content wise is a huge red flag for me about the development of the game. Space combat has been released for how long? They should have been able to polish it and create a single player campaign a long time ago.

Most people use audio books and podcasts as a thing to mindlessly listen to while they play vidya.

I use Elite Dangerous as a thing to mindlessly do while listening to audiobooks and podcasts

>They have no realistic schedule on how they're going to actually populate the game

they also showed off the tools they can use to procedually generate bases and space stations in their last weekly report thingy.

Every single thing they have to show off is each an individual build with absolutely no connection to another. It's frustrating when people like you don't understand a development life cycle and take everything you see as just a tiny surface of what's being shown.

If this were the only reason, then hundreds of their members would not have spent an enormous amount of money on the game and organized.

Like anything that SA does 'for fun', the retarded and unfunny majority eventually join in unironically. It could be a case like that, but considering how hyper-autistic goonfleet (EVE) got about SC when it was first being shilled, I am 100% convinced that their enthusiasm was authentic. At least at first.



progress is progress

Agreed. Website says coming soon! On fucking everything related to it. Last video was them showing off the mocap from over a year ago.

The thing is SA hates Star Citizen now after their Community Manager told them to fuck off and that they will never be as powerfull as they are in EVE to shit up the whole game. At that point everyone stopped hyping Star Citizen and started shitposting about it coincidentally

You can read it up it was literally
>we want to have more power in the development of the game and we want to control whole star systems
>no fuck off
>what the fuck I hate Star Citizen now?!!

I'm looking forward to it. Im enjoying it slowly grow.

>still no sq42 singleplayer the only fucking thing anybody wants

Sorry, newfagging here, what the fuck is SA?

One of the few places on the internet to rival Sup Forums autism.

It's like Sup Forums and reddit having a baby, but worse.

>I made a decent amount of money when I sold my Phoenix at the height of its value - made about $500 after deducting back price

yeah I backed in late 2013 and ended up flipping over $1100 worth of ships for a decent profit via /r/starcitizen_trades
for once reddit was good for something
I wish that Roberts kept the goal at "new FPS Wing Commander in modern engine" and stopped accepting funds at 20M or so instead of trying to create a new EVE Online

Something Awful.

The community that effectively birthed Sup Forums many moons ago.

I'm guessing SomethingAwful forums.

I didn't know they were still a thing.

I mean fuck. That portion of the engine is, from a time perspective, who the hell knows how they've been handling testing, pretty mature. At this point Roberts could just contract it's development out, since he clearly doesn't give a fuck about it. If he gave even the slightest shit about Sq42 it could easily be out by now.

Never really fucked around with any other forums..Fucking hate the format and how you have to wade through things, I can tell who here is an old man because they know about all these other forums.

How much is my super early backer Avenger account worth?

and yet ccp's involvement with the community is part of the reason eve is so popular

the community manager is retarded for dismissing a huge group of players so readily

holsy shit, the fuck is the point in making massive worlds if you're not going to have the pops to fill them

The reason why it isn't out is because the game is currently profitable.
Dumbasses buy ships and stuff and the company makes money. Why would you rush a game when the current state of the game is earning you $350 000 a year as the CEO ?

>they're building a public transportation system in a fucking space sim
What the actual fuck?

Yeah, but only SA and some other big corps can survive in eve, if you are not part of them you are fucked and never survive past the first few days.

The game isn't even out yet and it's already pay-to-win




how else would you get around if you lose your ship?

>What does Sup Forums think of Star Citizen?
No backing
Waiting for realease
Waiting 3.0 (introduction to job and trade) and 4.0 (travel between star system and other job) to
see if the project have a chance to finish

Roberts should stop randomly shout release date.

Overgrowth has been in development 3 years longer than this (and still hasn't been release), and it's just a stupid game where you run around a shitty UE4 Landscape Content Examples map as Yoshimitsu from TMNT.

It pretty much was patient Zero of the Early Access cancer infecting video games.

Last impact I remember SA having was birthing goonswarm on EVE Online, I'm not sure they're even connected anymore.

>Pictured here is a monorail car, which will be used by the player to travel from place to place on Terra!
-Chris Roberts, 2013
>20 fucking 13

>Just play Elite Dangerous
don't be retarded

Literally every game some sort of subway system to fast travel around their hub world user... I don't get your issue with that, there is a lot worse you could use to shitpost.

If this game even delivers half of it's promises there will be no reason for Mass Effect to exist anymore.

>Waiting 3.0
Optimist = late 2017
Realist = 2018
Nihilist = 2019
Optimist = ???
Realisit = ???
>Whole game finished


> there will be no reason for Mass Effect to exist anymore.

There IS no reason for Mass Effect to exist anymore user.

By the time star citizen comes out yo will be able to by your own space ship and actually go to other planets. At lower cost too

>procedural generation of planets


>I will unironically die before this game is released
>retards will continue buying ships, so development will continue indefinitely
>Chris Roberts eventually dies, is cyrogenically frozen (it's 2052, SC has reached Beta 1.0)
>development handed off to someone else
>full launch 2054
>technology created to revive Chris Roberts
>launches kick starter for Star Citizen 2
>rinse and repeat

Will it launch as a retro gaming title ?

Lets say it with me.

Procedural. Generation. Is. Shit. And. Will. Never. Be. Any. Good. In. Your. Lifetime.

>this game launches running on CryEngine3
>Crysis 7 is 4 years post launch

>been there
>done that

I like Elite, but it's not at all for normies. Neither is SC, but SC is closer to normie level than ED is.

>beaten housewife syndrome

I lol'd.

I can actually play it right now, believe it or not.

>space trucker: the game


If you birth a child when Star Citizen was announced, he will be in elementary school by now.
If you are getting educated to be a doctor when Star Citizen was announced, you will be a doctor by now.
If you are in kindergarten when Star Citizen was announced, you already finished highschool and probably working right now
If you
started watching Naruto when Star Citizen was announced, you could have caught up by now even only by watching one episode a week.

I liked Oblivion Gates.

The only problem with NMS was it was a) hyped to the moon and back as a procedural generation gamechanger and b) a procedurally generated EXPLORATION game, which is just a fucking retarded premise on every level.

>t. Derek Smart

Same thing needs to happen to SC, but it won't happen because there's no executives to force it

Whilst Freelancer had the boot on it, it came out and it was a perfectly decent game (one of the best in that genre still).

>I can actually play it right now, believe it or not.
How's the gameplay? I figure it shouldn't be hard to beat the shit that's slung for $60 on consoles these days.

They keep it up to date, it hasn't been on Cryengine 3 in years. It isn't even on the Cryengine at all anymore, they switched over to Amazon's custom branch of the engine.

The backers backed it so they don't have a publisher in their back forcing the release. Now they get what they paid for. As long as they have money the game will continue development until it's finished or the money runs out. And honestly I'm fine with it, I'm very interested to see how it will turn out.

>they switched over to Amazon'
Late last year. Oh boy. The revisionism from culstist is happening too soon for that info.

when this game fails (and it will) its going to cause a videogame crash and be the death knell to early access funding.

Sounds like a win/win situation to me desu

do you have any clue the amount of bugs this game has? i really dont think you do.