League of legends or Dota? Which one do you prefer and why?
League of legends or Dota? Which one do you prefer and why?
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Heroes of the Storm
>and why?
are you a lazy highschool teacher?
Paragon™, the new 100% free-to-play third person Multiplayer Online Battle Arena game developed by Epic Games Inc.
wish you could buy items instead of the card system
Titanfall 2
My nigga
Smite because it's actually fun
Long ago there was a MOBA called Dawngate. It was the best MOBA ever, and it was killed early on by EA. I still mourn the loss.
Other than that, I prefer LoL to DOTA. I just don't find DOTA fun to play, feels like more of a chore.
I don't really care much about either, but I prefer DotA art style a lot more. Maybe it's my WC3 nostalgia, but LoL models and scenario look very awkward to me.
Heroes of the Storm
Same :^)
here, didnt state reasons
Dota 2 is actually good and well balanced but sometimes i dont feel like dealing with turn speed or farming
Heroes of the Storm is what League would have been if it wasn't shit. games are 20 minutes long, and is a perfect example of a game that's easy to get into but requires a lot to get good at.
Dota, because League is for children, neckbeards, and women.
>LoLtards can't deny this
>doesnt want to elaborate his reasoning for a simple this/that question
are you a nigger?
>are you a nigger?
how ironic
played league for a few years straight, it was stale but nothing else was a good moba for a while
Dota 2 is ok but feels wonky to me after leagues more streamlined take on everything.
Heroes is just perfect in so many ways, it makes teamfights a major focus, mechanics, positioning, objective focus, lane pressure, etc. all while making sure nobody gets a game deciding advantage on one hyper carry.
its the most satisfying, it does what all the other games are trying to do.
all while having the fastest matches, the most maps, familiar faces, and even the objectives are kind of fun and different.
its the only moba that isnt the same 1 thing every 30 minutes.
its the same idk, 9 things, but thats better.
I like LoL more, feels more satisfying to play.
dota feels clunky but I understand that it has way more deep. At least I hardly have to think when playing league because all MOBA games are just huge time wasters.
dota2 is casual RNG infested trash played only by retard manchildren and furfags
The irony is that you called someone lazy while you're being lazy yourself. Only a nigger would instinctively be a hypocrite.
Congratulations, you're now a bigger faggot than OP.
how many participation trophies did you get before you came out of your ass?
>dota 2
I like heros, but I just hate all of the characters. They are all so boring and most of the skills dont feel satisfying to use. I haven't played that much but maybe its just the hit sound effects or the health bars.
>participation trophies
Did you just recently pass fourth grade?
>responding in only greentext
Nice rebuttles you got there, kike. Stick to lurking if you're going to mindlessly project like a newfag
>Did you just recently pass fourth grade?
yea i did.
>responding in only greentext
you must be long gone in your life using Sup Forums
my nigga.
I played League for years and really enjoyed it. Have rare skins, did the ranked thing, all that. But eventually i just got tired of it, and dropped it. I got into WoW and dropped MOBA's for a few years.
When Heroes came out, everyone laughed at it. It was simple, plain, not enough heroes, stale meta, you couldn't even ban heroes in draft. I don't know what the fuck Blizzard was thinking releasing such an unfinished game.
So I skipped it, and didn't give a shit about the closed alpha and open beta, didn't even give a shit about it's launch. I played it once, hated it because objectives forced me in one direction, then another without any explanation, so I dropped it. Didn't help that the guys i played it with were tryhard losers in quick match (equivalent of league blind pick).
But then I tried it again in March last year, about a week before Tracer launched. I saw Lt. Morales on sale, thought "fuck it, im not grinding 10k gold" and I've been having fun ever since.
The hero design is so well done, that it makes basic kits have a bunch of nuance that only comes together after you spend time with the game. The objectives that I hated turned out to be a great system to keep the game going and on track to strategize and do team fights and draft around.
Every hero to come out since has helped shape the meta and came bundled some of the best balancing in a Blizzard game. Nerfs where they're warranted, buffs where they are, and the best part is that they go by logic instead of what fucktard #200 said on the forums or on reddit.
Heroes is Blizzard's unsung hero, and I can't get enough of it. I just got Tassadar to 10 and picked up his master skin, and I can't wait to do Muradin next.
You're seriously a complete fucking moron if you don't realize DotA is ridiculously more complex of a game than LoL.
i play the game and I think that too
until i actually try out a new character. every time I do, i'm shocked at how much fun i've been denying myself
You just recently passed the fourth grade? Well, at least you're admitting you're a nigger.
>life on Sup Forums
Please dont confuse my life with yours
>i am slow but smart
play dota
>i am fast but stupid
play league
>i am slow and stupid
play hots
You must be a fucking retarded brain dead spastic if you actually fucking believe dota is more complex than LoL
>i have never played hots
you would respond to me up to the point you couldnt stay up any longer. the way you throw out Sup Forums phrases to express your knowledge of this site is not sad. im impressed that you want to be this.
>i am fast and smart
play hots
>i am fast but stupid
play league
>i am slow and stupid
play dota
Everything is too 'fair' in HotS. What makes a game like DotA so fun is how ridiculously powerful each hero is in their own particular way. So much more potential for wombo-combos and facerolling.
Of course, it sucks when you're getting facerolled yourself, so blizz cut most of that out. Just makes for a more casual experience.
HotS is more consistently fun than DotA, but anyone who thinks it has anywhere near the same level of competitive depth is delusional as fuck.
and i thought blizzshills in Sup Forums was a meme
You have never actually played HoTS if you think dota has more depth
Kek, you dont need to be a sage to understand what "lurking" or "newfag" means. And as long as you keep responding like a fucking idiot, I'll gladly reply to call you out for it.
Troll harder faggot
Why is Sup Forums so infested with HotS shills? Heroes of Newerth has more active players than your shitty game, for Christ's sake.
>LoL with the camera panned down
Only a braindamage retard would claim dota has more depth than HotS
Does HoN even exist anymore? I thought they died out once they had to host their major tournament in a highschool basketball arena.
Shit, Heroes of Newarth is still around? I wonder how much of its playerbase are there because it is Linux native.
did you learn that form World of Warcraft. Reddit. or the the more recent "alt right religion" being pushed by the CIA?
This would be better bait if you made your point even slightly believable.
> Dota
> slow
Yeah nah. DotA 2 has turn rates, which makes things more deliberate, but you still need very fast reactions and precise timing for high level play. Manta dodging has a .1 second window, for example.
Put some effort into your bait
HotS is more fun, more casual, and lacks a central focus.
Dota is misery. I have 2k hours in it, and I can honestly say I enjoyed maybe 20 hours at most. It's simply not fun to play
>Dota is a dumbed down version of wc3 so the dumbed down version of Dota is less dumbed down
LoL has been going down hill for a long time, but its still miles ahead of the casual RNG filled garbage that is dota which lacks any depth or complexity
You can't deny you can't deny creeps.
What? Now you're just shilling about anything you can think of. Run off to bed before you embarrass yourself from any more incoherence.
>post the opposite of a well known objective fact
epic trolling my dude
haha, just epic
>did you learn that form World of Warcraft.
That's where it comes from so...
>Now you're just shilling
so you did learn it from the "alt right religion" being pushed by the CIA. is KEK looking down on you while you do your posts user?
To a certain extent regarding high-end competition you're right. Games can feel like the prior 15 minutes don't mean anything when it's minute 20 and 3 deaths = lost game, Rush core, the end.
It's gotten better recently with niche picks throwing wrenches into standard metas (zuljin, tyrande solo healing, stitches making a comeback, Lunara back in the scene) but it does take a lot of skill to consistently win. League and Dota are objectively harder to play because there's more shit to keep track of, but I don't think hots should he shunned as hard as it is because it wants the focus to be on team fighting.
>dumbed down version of Dota
I know this is bait but i wonder if any retards actually believe this.
League because people actually play the game.
Holy fuck. You guys ACTUALLY BELIEVE this
God damn I knew Sup Forums was filled with retards, but you are seriously fucking raising the bar.
That is a near 10 hour video of Purge discussing a patch and the ramifications the changes might have on the game. That is the level of depth we are talking about here. Y
That does not exist in HotS. End of fucking story. For fucks sake, there aren't even any fucking ITEMS in HotS. No last hitting let alone denies, so zoning is basic as fuck. Super basic 'group up and fight' metagame. Even with talents there's like 2 viable builds for each hero at most.
Yes its a well known fact that HoTS has more depth than dota
put some effort into your bait
I love hots
You're wrong
Dota is a great game with lots of flexibility that encourages doing lots of neat random shit.
I still prefer hots because I like the controls, team fighting, and objectives better, but shitting on Dota is fucking dumb
wouldn't living with 1hp, or getting some random kill with a random ability be enough luck for a MOBA. Who is defending having more random elements? no way that guy isn't baiting...
>talk about a game I like
>"f-fucking shills!"
league because it's easier dota, and i've played it from season 1 anyways. i've always like/played valve games though; just not dota 2
It literally is dumbed down you complete fucking mong. Everything is simplified. No denies (simpler laning). No TP scrolls (simpler to know where enemies are). Heroes made for very specific roles. Enforced static metagame. Very little drafting counterplay. Far fewer active items.
>Exclusively competitive team game
>Most of the people you play with don't actually give a single shit about teamwork
>Bunch of teens that insult others and complain
I mean, it can be enjoyable if you already have a team of level headed people, but there's almost no chance of your skill levels matching in that case.
Also farming creeps is boring as shit.
>clicking on a minion is depth
I mean i know dota is babys first moba but arent you taking it a bit too far?
>>Bunch of teens that insult others and complain
your using Sup Forums. if you cared about that, you wouldnt be using Sup Forums
>alt right religion
Seems like you're the reddit user here, faggot. Bringing up something entirely unrelated that ALSO happens to be fake all in a failed attempt to argue anything.
But I wouldnt expect much from an autist who complains about questions where you have to elaborate on your answer.
>dicking around creeps is depth
Put some effort into your bait
neither, dont find them that fun
especially not the communities
i do watch the tournaments though like beyond the summit
league got boring as fuck to watch since everyone just slaps each other and farm for 40+ mins
dota actually has fights unless its a naga or tinker pick
Name one game you don't "farm creeps"
>some retard discussing a change for 10 hours means the game has depth
I'm not saying HotS has more depth, because it doesn't, but dotards getting all autistic about "muh depth" is painful to read.
shitty bait
>Seems like you're the reddit user here
i dont have an account on reddit. i go on reddit gaming to see whats posted.
please tell me this is the only website you use. do you know voat exists? do you know about the world wide web by chance? has kek kept you closed off from reality?
I choose death
>Like Dota 2's versatility in the meta where most lane combinations can be made workable and roaming is king
>Like Heroes' more interesting characters that work mechanically weird like Abathur and Cho'gall
>Like League's Summoner spells, some of the heroes and the fact mages can scale too
Why can't I have some perfect version of a Moba with all the good aspects? Looking at the games objectively, all of them have at least one nice thing about them.
Thinking last hitting minions and how balance changes can impact the meta are related make you a fucking retard
You also havent played the game if you think it's that simple. Discussion happens all the time and mfpallytime and grubby make giant fucking videos to discuss changes
Fuck outta here
looking to transition from fps into moba, what heroes should i shoot for first? bear in mind i dont want to play as a girl, ever
HOTS has way more depth, only an idiot would say othrwise.
>liking summoner spells
I think most of the playerbase is in China/internet cafes. Tencent bought HoN a year or two ago and is marketing it in China as a competitor to Dota. English community seems mostly dead.
Linux-native is a bit of a moot point when Dota has been able to run on Linux for 4 years now.
Shut the fuck up
i meant in lol sry
Jackie chan
Instapick Sniper every game and take the middle lane. Mute anyone who objects.
Cards are the item system you pleb. You think you do, but you don't.
Yeah, it actually does mean that. He's not just talking in circles. You simply cannot generate 10 hours of content just talking about how changes might affect a game if it is a simple game.
Fucking Sup Forums retards who haven't invested even 10 hours into the game pretending they are even equipped to comment on its depth.
Both games are casual, but compared to LoL Dota is ok, cuz it have more and deeper game mechanics, and LoL only have dashes and skillshots.
Completely different things.
This is like you saying if you like to browse Sup Forums you should also enjoy your boss being replaced by some asshole that berates you for 45 minutes every time you make some small subjective mistake.
some dota casters like leshrak or skywrath have scaling, although pretty weird one, they are great early, become shit once enemy farms bkb but become good in late game again since bkbs become short and they get enough survivabilty items to kite though it duration