What did they mean by this?

What did they mean by this?

Other urls found in this thread:


Wizard Ninjas


got me


fuck yourself ching chong fagget

Sasookey is rly kool


When does this happen?

berserk reference

That's what I would like to know

Someone said they found this inside the game's files but no one knows when this happens

That's naruto......

Havent played the game but looks like hes stealing moves from my my man Tien
Tri Beam Cannon!!!!

It's 'beruzeruku', baka gaijin.

Who would win in a fight Naruto vs Link?

Link is Cute!

Really? The whole of the assets should be ripped by now, so it could be SFM, but the cel shading is still there so it's pretty hard to call it a fake.

Yoo Mo Gwe Gwe Fi Gee Sow

When does this happen? I got all the memories and haven't seen this scene.


Naruto. Link would die of old age before Naturto got done saying his special moves name.
Dont make me post it

What did they mean by THIS?

>you'll never play as Zelda and have dress up adventures while whining the entire time that you just want to be a shut-in nerd

It's probably some inside joke that the animators made as a test. I can't think of anything else it would be.

that is the faggiest link ive ever seen and ive seen link get pounded in the ass by ganon while being peed on by moblins

>that Zelda costume
Don't tell me they're gonna do ALTTP a la BotW
Because I'd totally play that shit

Longest move is 7 syllables, know what you're making fun of, user.

It's what the yiga do and there is DLC coming

forgot to quote

What the...

Link to where this is being discovered?

and Link is wearing the OG LoZ amiibo outfit.

Nah, that's the BOTW green tunic.

nigger at least try.


Thanks for that

Look at the hair and sleeves, dipshit.

>pantless skirt

Don worry princess, I'll protect you -de gozaru!

Nin nin!

You look at it. It's not the same as the wild tunic.

>Strangling your genitals

I bet you haven't produced a single sperm cell in years.

You can tell that its the botw link set because that has the squares on the sleeves while this one doesn't.

And this image was posted BEFORE the official release date, I think.

>no pants
What happens if you try to look under his skirt with the camera? Please respond.

Are you a fucking joke
the sleeves have the pattern but they're longer
the final version of the OG tunic doesn't have it, but it has everything else in the OP pic.
It completely supports it being a development extra. Fuck off.

there's slight differences but OPs pic is definitely the tunic of the wild and not the hero's tunic. OP's pic is tunic of the wild dyed green which makes it resemble the hero's tunic.

It must be a version of the tunic we havent seen. It looks like the tunic but with brighter colors and sleeves not rolled up. It's too different to be the OG Link tunic, at least.
>hair different
>sleeves differet
>collar different
>cheststrap different

But it is. It has the same design on the sleeves as well as the cross stitching on the chest.

For some reason, this version is long sleeved though, so that's where the confusion is setting in.

Still though, where the fuck did this image come from?

All cut scenes are fmv, there's probably no model inside the game

You're a fucking idiot, stop posting

>has everything else in the OP pic
>except for the strings on the collar

It's the wild tunic

>OP's pic is tunic of the wild dyed green which makes it resemble the hero's tunic.
that's a fat fucking lie without proof.

he's showing nerd Zelda he knows his animu

Fuck you, you have as little to support you as I do.


>In the Zelda: BotW game files there's this image for the 13th memory. What.

Look at the top of the shirt, look at the colour of the hair, look at the strap he is wearing. All of these things the classic one doesn't have, yet the botw version does, it is just a longer sleeved version.


Look at the strap on the hat. it's the same as the OG one too.


Memory 13, but it's nothing related to the image

>the overall design is the botw tunic
>"the color on the hat is different and the sleeves are rolled down its totally the original tunic guys"

This was a pretty stupid conversation.

>collar has white strings
>Scabbard has extra bit that goes off towards his armpit
>Sleeves have the markings
>hat has yellow of OG tunic

Obviously this is earlier into the game's development, and this was the set of the wild before undergoing changes that shortened the sleeves and altered the hat trim. Alternatively it's a scene present in the DLC and we get a new chest piece with the sleeves down, and in that image the user was just wearing OG link's hat with the new sleeves down tunic. But that's unlikely since this image is supposedly from a memory.

Princess Zelda is cute.

Alright, seriously. This image is very mysterious for multiple reasons. It was posted before the game was released, and link is wearing his Wild set in this, which is only obtained after completing all 120 shrines. Also, Zelda is seen in this outfit in only 2 cut scenes, neither of them taking place in this setting at all. Link also never does the Yiga Clan pose seen here, and none of this shit adds up.

What the fuck is this shit, and where did this come from. Is this on-disc DLC datamined? Is this Photoshop fuckery? I doubt it, since it's clearly in-game.

We need to find out what the fuck this shit is.

at this level of denial you're most likely trolling at this point but here. at 37 seconds slow down the video and examine it. youtu.be/Y_SRqmxWsnI

sleeves look too long in OP pic

>you'll never bathe with zelda

There isn't a damn thing to see there that supports your point.

>most of the time just a 1min loading screen with no purpose
Is the blood moon the worst game mechanic ever?

This is also counting the former champion encounters as Memories as well.

It's going by the 13th memory as the 13th one Link hunts down.

>Let's give a lore reason for enemies respawning instead of them just being there every time you go back
>people still complain

Ok just ignore the collar, hair, strap and colour scheme.


>tfw havent been on sad panda for around a month now
hopefully there will be some cute link stuff when i get back

>Press X then +
>Skip cutscene
>Less than 20 seconds of black screen while the game respawns all the shit

Wow. So annoying.

So what's your lore explanation why a blood moon respawns enemies?

They're literally Ganon's army.
It's not farfetched to imagine that Ganon can respawn/recreate them at will due to his immense power growing after all this time.

Gerudo Link made me unironically gay.

>Ganon's minions are everywhere
>he brings them back to life when his power is at its strongest
A child could grasp it instantly, but you can't?

That's normal.
Try this.

i'm sure it means "weapon durability is the shittest mechanic on earth, voice acting and music is garbage, massive frame rate issues due to shit hardware and this game is an 8/10 at best"

> Those fangs

He a qt

It's either some very initial early stuff they had for the December DLC where you'll acquire the tunic as you travel with Zelda, or cut content.

git gud

I usually get two or three bloodmoons in 5 minutes.
He's not strong, he's fucking nuts.

I realized, Link doesn't smile very often.

That's a bug. I think it could even be an anti-piracy thing.

>using the suspend feature

You've done this to yourself.

I-I think I will stay with my cute Link.
And other cute trap Dojinshi

the dlc story is going to be a remake of Zelda 1 in breath of the wild's engine

Suit yourself.

>ywn drink zelda's ass water

This is Gerudo Link. What you're thinking of is Trap Link

>we could have had another memory like the frog one where Zelda and Link are bonding and doing cute things together

Also his version of the Wild tunic has a different hat and sleeves.

You know exactly what I am talking about.
The cute one.

His existence is comprised of continually traveling through time, fighting an eternal evil, losing and gaining his memories, friends and girlfriend in the process. All for the enjoyment of some unknown force that controls his every action.

It has pants. Just sexy short ones. Pic related.

holy shit dragon ball reference

So how often do you actually have to kill this Ganon guy in this shitty game?
Sounds a bit repetitive.

probably a dev placeholder joke or trashed concept? not much to dig into here