Are we all in agreement that this game will go the way of Bubsy? So many people have turned against it after the recent news.
Are we all in agreement that this game will go the way of Bubsy...
Other urls found in this thread:
>recent news
What do you mean, OP?
Look it up on fireden, I'm not spoonfeeding you.
What news?
tl;dr: gender swap mode is just one big virtue signal. Yacht Club has caved into the SJW menace.
Reminder to boycott this shit.
They had gender swap mode as one of their kickstarter goals. Youre late to the party famm
>so many people
yeah I'm sure Sup Forums counts as """so many""" people
>So many people have turned against it after the recent news.
Is this the ebin new meme you're gonna try to push? Nobody gives a fuck about what they said in some blog post
>people are upset over an optional feature
>after getting 2 free expansion packs
What a world we live in
>cherry picking news
>swap was a kickstarter stretch goal
You don't give a shit about the game, you're just looking for shit to stir up false controversy
Literally kill yourself
This whole thing is hilarious, actually. None of the characters receive significant changes. Some of them are just the same character with a dress, or a new pose, or tits added. Shovel Knight himself doesn't look any different at all!
If anything this is anti-SJW, showing that the gender of the characters really doesn't mean shit in this type of game.
>Caring about a feature for the game that has about as much substance as the code that changes every noun to Butts.
some of the swapped bosses are thicc so its k
>can only genderswap the main characters
>only works in the original campaign
baka desu senpai
My favourite robot masters of recent times now optionally with tits? Awesome!
>ITT:OP mad about trivial shit no one cares about
I really wish they had swapped the wandering heroes too. Reize's creator would have had such a huge fit
>boycott this game because of an optional feature
>that was a stated Kickstarter goal
>and after getting multiple free expansions
Sometimes I wish I could get off this damn website
when is specter of torment coming out for other systems?
And thus the high and mighty OP gave up and spoonfed so his thread wouldn't die
That's pretty disappointing, not to mention the GS mode was an already known addition. What's the point of this?
>Not knowing Rule 63 has been around for a decade
>Not knowing this mode was in the original Kickstarter
Imagine living your life like this.
I'll just repost what I said in a Shovel Knight thread last night. I talked with one of the devs at PAX and this is what theey told me
>Specter Knight on everything else early April if possible (so less worries about mid to late April)
>They haven't actually started in full on King Knight yet, that old gif they had was prototyping and the actual campaign might be nothing like that
>For Battle Mode that's coming with King Knight they're gonna have all the boss knights, Shovel Knight, Shield Knight, and told me that they're planning on having even more characters, but wanted to keep it a secret
April. One month switch exclusive lol
This isn't something to get mad at. I don't even like social justice kids but if they're able to implement an optional Rule 63 mode then who gives a shit? You might as well get mad at Pokémon for allowing you to pick the gender of the main character.
Plus, more cute girls is always an upside.
Make something else for fucks sake holy shit.
This and Binding of Isaac are the most milked games I've ever fucking seen.
I don't see me using it but I don't see the issue with it. It just seems like a little bonus feature for people who are interested. It's practically equal to the Butts easter egg in the game or DK mode in Goldeneye 007.
>all the girl knights are cute as hell
What's the issue here
Oh no, they're giving us more full campaigns for free! How terrible!
Besides, they are working on more shit since I think only about half their team has been working on Shovel Knight stuff for a while
I don't remember having to buy the game 5 times in Shovel Knights case.
>with free expansions that have been promised since the game was initially crowdfunded
takes fucking time to make games dude, not to mention that they've clearly got other works in the pipe since that survey was sent out regarding their next project.
If more time means pumping out content of a quality akin to that of Plague of Shadows then I'm fine with waiting a little.
Shovel Knight still has a campaign and an extra mode to implement. If they announce anything new now, the original backers will claim they're abandoning shit. Since they're an indie studio, they can't afford to lose that good will which can easily help fund their next KS attempt(s).
Come on guys, its obvious OP did this thread for le ebin collection of (you)s
How about we instead hijack the thread and talk about the game itself?
I bought this game used for 3DS once and I get literally everything for F R E E
How am I getting milked?
not much new to talk about since only swtichbabbies get to play the new expansion
Are you fucking retarded?
I'm super pumped for Battle Mode. Given how much work they're gonna be putting into it it'll hopefully be great
There are people who buy it on every system.
And they recently said they want more amiibo made too. As well as Shovelknight appearing in a gorillion indie games.
I'm still wondering if its just going to be knights or if the Backer Characters are gonna be playable as well.
I've never been so serious telling someone to:
Do it fast before there's any chance your mom wipes her cunt with your used tissues or something.
>Female Kratos
>Female Battle Toads
Are you sure you want that?
Hopefully they will since got a hint something like that will happen
I know I do
Nigga u ga...
Wait, actually, just how gay are you?
>Female Battletoads.
>people buy it on other systems entirely by choice (i.e. not locked out of updates and such)
>somehow yacht club's fault
Good one, im gonna have to save that one for the next thread.
Until you mentioned it, I didn't even know I wanted it.
Fuck off faggot. you not want that?
>Added the ability to go in a specifically modify the character roster to how you see fit, making them all girls or all dudes, having trap mode activated or so on so forth.
>This is some how a problem because people we don't like also like this
Wish Sup Forums was deleted
Sup Forums really is too much for you newfags
I'm just saying it'll be on the PS6 at this rate.
I'm bored of this fucking game. What's next.
This, pretty much
Yachtclub is getting a very good reputation with the game that could open the doors to bigger, better content. Throwing that away would be dumb
oh no they added a mode that was part of the initial kickstarter goals, how fucking terrible
i'm waiting on Specter too breh, what kind of idiots buy consoles on launch
treasure trove on wii U was a gem of a purchase, and I even got the amiibo too, bloody love the whole game.
Seems weird that there's no Shield Knight mode. Seems like the character is barely even in the game honestly.
>optional addition
>hurr burn down yacht club BURN IT TO THE GROUND!!!!
slobbering mongoloid half wit. fist yourself to death right now
>an optional feature suddenly makes the game 1/10, also SJWs for no reason
When are people going to stop using the SJWs as an excuse to hate something? They are as obnoxious as the SJWs themselves, i just wish both sides would shut the fuck up about games neither of them play
Is......Is this a bad thing?
the amiibo stuff made me feel like I was playing with the scrapped ideas for knight campaigns that never came to be. it was pretty great
That fag has nothing to do with Sup Forums, we disavow
t. Sup Forums
It seems like the whole "muh degeneracy" thing is coming full circle. Now it's cool to hate anime, video games, porn, etc. on the right even though the left also attacks all those things for being sexist or racist or something. SJWs will bitch about the way they handle this mode, I fucking guarantee it.
>Free content
>Spectre coming this year, King to follow
fucking kys, this is the only KS game that's truly rewarded its backers and the people who initially bought it
I actually prefer female characters in general, so it kind of benefits me.
But the separate pronoun selector is laughable. Holy shit.
>fund a gender swap mode
>complain when they release it
i know you have to have brain damage to donate to kickstarter in the first place but this is too much
saves me the trouble of scrolling down.
Instead i´m going to play this game now. Thank you.
There are people in this world whose only hobby is being mad. They tend to get themselves wrapped in deluded self-righteous ideologies to justify this anger. See Tumblr and Sup Forums for example.
I can't wait to make cute girls (male)
>Free content
You mean content that they already promised to make 3 years ago and are only finishing it now?
Yeah I love how it's full of cool stuff that can get retarded and completely unbalanced for the main game, yet still polished.
The baron armor is dope as fuck.
I'm going to give Shield Knight a 6 inch futa dick!
You mean big and interesting new campaigns that have completely different playstyle from the main game and add to it in a meaningful way? Sure would be better if they just shat out three half-assed model swaps in a week or two. Fuck off, dumb negro.
>cannot play the Plague of shadows campaign in genderswap mode
>tfw no Mona/Plague Knight lesbian romance
It hurts
They didn't promised to develop fully fleshed out stand-alone expansions.
Could have been rushed out modes with the exact same content, no story or game mechanics, and characters that are just Shovel Knight reskins.
Uh no.
>no shortstack/tallguy romance
>no interspecies lesbian horsetribbing subtext
Depends on how many layers of breitbart and puberty you're on.
Amen buddy. It's only getting worse and more annoying.
How can I boycott it if I already bought it?
>Adding tits to something is bad
Op you're a faggot, but not a normal faggot, a special kind of shit eating limp dick hunched back cakesniffling shoelace tripping mongoloid of a fuck face.
>being upset over a kickstarter stretch goal years later
man, faggots like op will cry over anything. stop pretending you've been victimized, kid.
>are we all
Sup Forums isn't a hivemind, you utter fucktard. Why does an optional thing trigger you so much? Just don't use it lmao.
>being this mad when we get great new sprites
I can't wait to see them in action, all the boss fights had so much love put into them
>female mole knight
can we all agree that Sup Forums fags whine as much as SJWs now?
After fighting so much they became the same
Getting triggered about every single details
We are a board of peace, OP is just a huge faggot
>implying gender swap mode is a bad thing
Rule 63 would disagree with that. Also, all of the swapped designed look fine and it's completely optional, so what the fuck are you talking about, OP?
> Separate pronoun selector
This is just pure sjw cringe
>gender swap mode
>recent news
This was known since the kickstarter.
Sup Forumsshitters are more cancerous than sjws
Separate pronoun switch is the real problem user as well as implying that transgender is not mental disease.
kys it's literally not a problem to have it there
act like you care about mental health all you want, eveyone knows you actually just hate them
So what's the real problem then?
You are just as bad as SJWs
Getting outraged for the sake of being outraged
>female Treasure Knight
While the pronoun selector is bullshit, you should still kys since the gender swap was actually done pretty well
>All female characters and male Shovel Knight
Shovel Knight: The Sorceress' Harem
>All male characters and female Shovel Knight
Shovel Knight: The Whore Knight
>All male characters
Shovel Knight: Frat Party Shenanigans
>All female characters
Shovel Knight: Sorority Confessions
>All female characters with pronoun bullshit
Shovel Knight: Futa Paradise
>All male character with pronoun bullshit
Shovel Knight: Twinkle Twinkle Little Faggots
This level of lewd degeneracy is unreal
Since we all know OP will be playing the twink version, which one will you be playing, Sup Forums?