>walk past NPC
>*guards are alerted*
>point camera in direction of enemy
>*guards are alerted*
>restart the mission
>*guards are alerted*
>close game
>*guards are alerted*
Walk past NPC
That suspicion meter gave me some quite bullshit moments. How the fuck did it even work
I dont know, I recently reinstalled the game and dont remember it ever being this hard, then I realized my younger self just used cheat codes and killed everybody.
I could SA levels in Blood Money and Contracts, but this, fuck no
You have to walk and not look towards them.
Staring at people is often a sign of suspicious activity. If you were casing a bank you wouldn't just stare at the guards and start fucking trying to look at the place like a retard. You want to blend in, head down, never get to close to people, become another schlub, be invisible in plain sight.
Looking like you don't belong makes people question you or notice you don't belong.
>I've never actually played the game in question
Reddit is that way >>>>>>>>>>
If you run they suspect you. If you get close enough for them to realize they don't know your face they suspect you. If you aren't carrying the right weapon they suspect you.
Fucking Blood Money casualized this series so much.
Damn, now all the Blood Money love makes sense. You fucking plebs couldn't play 2 without alerting guards. Top kek, bunch of fucking casuals.
2 > Contracts > Blood Money
I finished this yesterday for the first time. Just keep walking. Even if suspicion meter goes red it goes back to normal in a few seconds.
Also the last mission is fucking bullshit.
>stand at bottom of staircase
>guards literally start shooting at you for no reason
Yeah, considering the devs acknowledged the AI problems, you can go fuck yourselves
He's not wrong lol. You're a casual. The devs were just trying to get whiney shits to give the series another go. What they meant by "fixed" was casualized. Blood Money to me is what Absolution is to you. Casual shit.
That said, it's still better than Hitman 2016
After 20 or 30 tries, you'll get a feel for what can successfully pass and what will end up alerting guards. As long as you keep a short distance from a guard and he isn't headtracking you, you can successfully sneak past him, using sneak (control key if i remember). If you pass first mission silent assassin, you get silenced silver ballers, which makes it easier to pull off deranged slayer runs. Mission in the tram station in Russia, it's all about timing. They'll spawn at random, but they have a pattern to them. Mission in Russia park, helpful bug is: if you walk towards restricted area, and prompt guards to warn you to back off, but don't let them finish the animation, just run away and get into a sewer ladder. When they come up to you, they'll teleport down in the sewer. Also you don't have to play on max difficulty, since there are no saves (made me quit halfway through the game).
>Hey, Mom, I'm projecting on the internet, lol
Disguises literally didnt work in HM2, there's a reason why every game after had AI that didn't shoot you on site
There's a disguise bug in one level, not the entire game.
>there's a reason why every game after had AI that didn't shoot you on site
Yeah, whiny casuals. Such as yourself.
>think about replaying Hitman 2
>remember Hidden Valley exists
I always see people complaining about the AI in Silent Assassin but I don't remember it being cheap at all. I collected all the guns which involved getting an SA rating on multiple missions and never had any major problems. It's probably my favorite in the series although I haven't played it in years.
2's my favorite, those Japanese levels were bullshit though. I still loved them
>Saying 2 is the best game
>2 literally has THIS level
fug off mate you can't SA that.
>sneaking in Hitman 2
Even my grandma moves faster than him holy shit wh
>this is what casuals believe
Like another user said, it all makes sense now why Blood Money is adored so much.You fags just knock someone out then run around the entire level like a maniac with their diguise on and there you go "THIS IS THE BEST HITMAN EVER" lmao
Mission design in 2 and 3 are both sucks, you know that, double nigger
it's easy to get silent assassin on hitman 2
>anaesthetic for a low tier guard disguise
>fiberwire a high tier guard disguise
>headshot target
the only problem I had with that game is hidden valley and the fact he moves like a 5xGreat Grandmother when sneaking.
the "ultimate assassin" shouldn't move at a snails pace just to be fucking sneaky.
The missions design is one of the main reasons I consider 2 and Contracts to be better than Blood Money.
Blood Money was just really small dense open worlds. 2 and Contracts actually had varied and interesting well designed levels.
it gets easier if you keep trying
It's a private villa in the middle of no where, and you think the guards aren't going to be suspicious of anyone not doing deliveries to it?
i played the second game in full operator mode, especially the snow levels where you get an actual operator suit and fucking mp5sd. the game begs you to do it. it was the snow sequence in inception before inception was even made.