Alright Sup Forums

Alright Sup Forums

What color is this 3DS?

Purple or blue?

Neither, it's opalescent. Also look at this 5

You mean this 5?


looks bluer than my purple one.

It's purple. I've never seen an original 3ds come out in navy blue anyway.

It's really hard to say


It's the one with the space theme isn't it. What is the color of space anyway? Black?


Do any of you own a n3ds? Specifically the black friday one?

How easily does the paint/color come off the edges/hinge if you don't use some sort of protector case? I used to have a red ds lite that got scuffed beyond reason and looked like shit after I dropped it a few times. The paint just came right off. Tell me how yours has been hanging in there.

fire emblem

>posting DWDY
>on an italian spaghetti-cooking forum
Die, you cur.


It's red under an UV light.

Just like the white one, it only came out in Japan.
Because only they can have nice things



damn right faggot

I'm fairly certain you have no fucking idea for which you speak pleb. One must simply order from abroad in our modern day globalist utopia.

fucken checked

>globalist utopia

Not for long.

>Not ordering it from NCIX

Take a look at this faggot



There are no purple 3Ds

Gold with blue stripes.


But there is.

I have the black color n3ds from black Friday with that exact cover plate and mine has held up quite nice. I baby my portables, so there's that. The build quality of the system is really good, I've had no issues.



Excellent. Thank you. I'm going to run my system naked now after the case I was using scuffed my hanafuda plates by rubbing debris into them. Hopefully it'll be better off this way.

not a bf one but just a white one, paint hasnt come off mine or the polka dot case yet.

oh damn, thats a game boy i need to own.

Its Yves Klein Blue

it's burple

My 3 undoes your 5 and all future 5s for eternity.

HOLY FUCK!!!!!!!


>All those colorblind faggots who couldn't tell what color the goddamn dress was and ignored the completely washed out colors gotten from the glare and lighting

Oh boy, here we go

Good, that shit was dumb.

>Says the guy posting another 5

Perhaps this 6 will soothe your weary soul.


Your 4 isn't better than my 4

Light urple?

>no purple crystal 3DS release

There is no medium/dark blue 3DS, faggot.

i would call that blue. Or you could be a gigantic faggot and say it's azure.

verify this and be quiet

Red, should have bought black. Buyers remorse.

So why is mine purple?

>all other boards get dubs, trips, and more on a daily basis
>Sup Forums obsesses over single digits

"Hurr durr check this 7"

I have this one actually. Was thinking of maybe getting a new3DS but getting a whole new console just for amiibo support and like 1 game didn't seem worth it.

Because we don't have repeating integers in Sup Forums you cum guzzling newfag


But that's wrong you fucking retard...

that's cool man, but check this 2

I like that 3 of yours, can I have it?

I'm surprised there's no clear shells for any of the 3ds', period. You'd think they would have some by now

Probably didn't test well with focus groups and they accepted that.

With this 5, I shall end my own life.

no, I mean shells that you can order online and you can change it out with the current shell. That's what I did with my DS Lite, since the hinge was fucked.

Oh, shit, fair enough. I'd buy one.

I wish they left more of the inner section of the n3DS a bit more exposed, so you could see more interesting stuff when using transparent plates.

it came in solid blue with luigis mansion dark moon

It's brown for shit system

>He doesn't know

>meant to get a 6 but ended up getting the holy 5-ending 3 again

How deep does this rabbit hole go?