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And then the nerd got fucked the hell up for saying some whack ass shit to a Chad.
The strawman thread is here:
You have to go back
Its at image limit though
I'm starting to enjoy this
whats with this artist and arms, what does he have against them?
What's wrong with the black chick's arms?
>mfw this is every finance major i knew
uh oh
To bad he'll never make more
It's like if Dobson was a Chad.
Stop right there lossposting scum
nothing, it just seems more often than not there some kind of weird arm fuckery going on
i mean even half of the arms in that picture are non-standard
Oh shit, I didn't expect such a grim punchline.
Nintendo has a side of autism..
What's going to happen here?
Doesnt this guy also draw/did draw porn?
See this is the perception of idiots. Cause I never studied for at all, even in university and I was 4.0 gpa. Some people are just better. Goes for everything.
heck of Abu-haajar
So what happens to that sim if he can't get out of the pool?
Does he die after a few days of being there?
link to the source?
desu i think these are similar. this artist has talent.
Yes. I prefer burning them, though.
That's fucking perfect.
>he never drowned mis-behaving sims
fuckin got me
In the older versions. The newer ones he just climbs out. They've made it harder to kill the sims in the newer versions.
Heh, classic Roman.
wow............. really............................... makes.................................... me think...........................
really gets those brain juices flowing
>all the voyager scientists are white
yes, and?
Jesus christ what is it like being that absolutely fucking retarded?
It's pretty hard.
We gotta stop white people n shiet.
"My mom said I'm handsome" tier bullshit.
Academically succesful people are often socially succesful aswell.
>how that one guy on /k/ actually saw himself
Awww, good times, good times.
>first religion practiced by man
What the fuck
Once they ran out of energy (sleep need), they'd drown.
While the google doodle isn't accurate, and shouldn't be interpreted as such, that panel is not representative of the entire Juno Mission team.
It's like watching the news and thinking the only people who work there are the Anchors.