>paid online
I hope to see Nintendo backtrack on this shit
Paid online
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They're not going to backtrack on it. I guarantee that they'll make more money from people paying for online services than the money they'll lose from people who refuse to buy the console because it has paid online services.
>It's ok when Sony and Microsoft do it!
I hope to see every game company backtracking on this.
they'll fuck things up multiple times over the course of about 3 months, stick with it for another 3 months beyond that, and then give everyone who paid for online some free VC games and scrap the whole shebang after half a year
them waiting until fall to start this shit is a horrible omen to begin with, that coupled with nintendo's track record where the internet is involved and how they handled the price drop on the 3DS...
I feel bad for early switch adopters who wanted to support nintendo. I really do.
I don't really see how they can justify it when they have so little multiplayer to offer.
I mean it's hard to justify period, It's shit. Sony managed to slip by because the Xbone was a disaster but they are charging for shit they gave for free with PS3 and the quality of PS+ has deteriorated if anything but at least all the multiplat titles with multiplayer keep it active. I don't really want a monthly subscription to play MH which was intended to be an offline MMO in the first place.
If you can't afford 5$ á month maybe you should just stick to smoking cigarette butts from the groudn.
>Why is Nintendo online so shit, Sony's and MS is so much better
Its already cheaper than most yearly subs why backtrack?
online is paid by you no matter what. either directly through a monthly fee or indirectly by taking sales money from other products they sell you.
I never complained about it being shit
I really wonder why they're waiting to do this in the first place. No online games until Splatoon 2 and Mario Kart 8 comes out, most likely.
Bad business decisions aside, I like Nintendo and I generally like/enjoy their games. I had fun with BotW and the Switch. It's getting harder to be a Nintenbro, though
Except the prices are going to be exactly the same. It's just extra money.
When everyone else walks back on it.
So never.
This, Nintendo doesn't have the multiplayer games or user base to justify it at all. Even dead MP games on 360 you can still get a game going eventually. Nintendo has never and will never have those types of games and will never sell the 80 million or so necessary for that to be viable.
You literally will be paying to play three games online: Splatoon, Mario Kart, Smash. Only a complete idiot would do that.
I really hope you're right.
>I really wonder why they're waiting to do this in the first place.
I assume they don't have it ready yet
that's not how it works. its a real cost they actually have to pay, its not extra money.
It's extra money on our part, not theirs.
>nintendo charges money for their service
>no mention on the online infrastructure having any improvement at all
>they go back to friend codes
microsoft introduced it
so xbox faggots put up with it
so sony introduced it
then playstation faggots put up with it
so now nintendo is introducing it
and nintendo faggots will put up with it
because consolefags are self hating lemmings who will accept any kind of shit and defend it to boot. they deserve nothing less than what they're getting.
It annoys me, but at the same time, if they keep their $20 pricepoint equivalent in the US and they've trotted a good few of their flagships out I can see it being worth dropping a Tubman a year.
I mean, by the time it kicks in, we'll have Splatoon and Mario Kart, with presumably Smash and other big names like Animal Crossing and Pokemon over the horizon.
The only people backtracking are the faggots who put Nintendo on a pedestal and said they were too good to do something like this.
>No online games until Splatoon 2 and Mario Kart 8 comes out
The fuck you talking about? It had online games at launch. It's just that Zelda is the only Switch game we talk about here.
I wanted to try it. Sadly I can't do that since I'm not planning to get a WiiU or to pay for online, so I'll just ignore it on the Switch as well. Maybe I'll get to play it once CEMU gets good.
>Mario Kart
I got it on the 3DS and I got bored soon enough. I'm not going to bother.
I play it sometimes, but if I need to pay I don't even care anymore.
>Animal Crossing
I see no reason why I shouldn't just play New Leaf instead if it's going to have this kind of shit.
I'm an autistic pokefag and paid online would make me reconsider buying the game.
What online games does it have? A shit Bomberman port and an F-Zero clone?
>port meme
fan my ass
Don't talk shit about fast rmx that game is good. Still, that's only 1 game
i was under the impression bomberman was local only
there is no guarantee that's the same person, friend. You could feel like you're having a long conversation with one person when in reality every post that isn't you is another user
I hope none of you retards actually believe this.
It has online, but it has horrible input delay, unless the patch has come out already.
Also it's only 30fps.
No one plays Nintendo for third party games
They haven't even admitted the design flaw with the left joy-con
This is the kind of shitty company you're dealing with. This is why they don't "care about video games" like all the drones profess. This is why everyone else hates them.
People need to open their eyes and realize Nintendo is one of the trashiest companies in video games. It's the only way they're change.
>Nintendo is one of the trashiest companies in video games
Have you seen the competition?
It's just that Nintendo is the most recent one to do it and the one who held on it the longest. There could still be a chance. Maybe. Hopefully.
I just know they won't back down on it because drones will keep paying for it regardless.
I'm really hoping there's an alarming drop in online activity once the free trial period ends.
Four words: Friend Codes Are Back
And Nintendo still hasn't learned their lesson.
It had better be cheap. No way I'm going to choose it over PS Plus if it's the same price.
Friend codes themselves are fine the way they have been used since the 3DS. The problem is that it's not linked with NNIDs.
What lesson?
That nobody wants to use friend codes.
>Pay for xbl/PSN
Get free games every month/party chat etc
>Pay for Nintendo
>Nes/snes monthly demos
>No voice chat
>No point in playing Mario Kart or something online since everyone's just going to play it with friends over
You literally can not justify paying for switches online
>everyone's just going to play it with friends over
Mario Kart 8 ran at 30 FPS if you played with 4 people. Maybe it will be 60 on the Switch? I doubt it.
And playing against people online with a friend was a blast. People are autists about Mario Kart, hard to even get 3rd place.
>People need to open their eyes
Fuck off with this turnip phrase. You're not "le woke man"
my point is that paid online on Any console is retarded
It'll be half the price tops given Kimishima's range.
Hopefully I can pay for a whole year for a lower price as well.
Agreed, I feel bad for anyone on Xbox paying online to plays gears 4 but I dont
>free games
this is retarded thinking
on the other hand, I hope that Nintendo actually uses it to upgrade their servers and have good online
I know Reggie said that's what the fee is for, but can we believe that?
I hope so.
Smash 4 online had like a 0.75 second delay between my actions and what happened.
Yeah, but the fee typically exceeds the cost so they can make a nice profit. It remains to be seen how expensive Nintendo's will be.
>>It's ok when Sony and Microsoft do it!
go dump in a ditch retard
>my point is that paid online on Any console is retarded
that's what i want to hear from console shitters in Sup Forums
paid online is shit, paying for the internet and DLC is just enough.
>Nintenbros still in their deluded world that people want Nintendo to be like other jew companies
that's not what we literally meant by "moving on with the times"
>multi billionaire ever having problems needing funds for better online management
>that's not what we literally meant by "moving on with the times"
You don't get to pick and choose what parts of the times they move on with. Take the bad with the good, or throw it all away and the chase the fleeting perfection dream.
Nintendo aren't going to backtrack on paid online when both Sony and Microsoft have been asking for double what Nintendo have for over 10 years(in Microsoft's case).
>Get free games every month
>subscription fee
Also XBL didn't have this for. like, the first ten years of the service.
>I hope to see Nintendo backtrack on this shit
blame all the fags whining that Nintendo should get with the times since that is exactly what they are getting.
i happen to like those games
>I want shitty online
Hell, what we're about to get sounds shitty enough already
The biggest nintenbros were happy with the bad online. It wae everyone else screaming get with the timee
I could have sworn I wrote nintenbros there what the fuck is this?
Untrue. Gold always got you free games.
Wow are the mods here fucking serious?
If Nintendo sells as many Switches as they sold 3DSs and one half of people buy online for 2 years and Nintendo charges $30 for online, then Nintendo makes Almost 2 billion dollars.
What if I don't buy anything, I won't be paying anything then
>No voice Chat
>Headphone jack on the fucking switch
Son you really need to evaluate your sources
Nice blog
They won't. There's enough people out there willing to pay it for Monster Hunter, Pokemon, Smash, and Splatoon.
I thought Nintendo was charging 20 dollars yearly for their online ?
I thought it was $30 but you could be right
I'd love to see a Mario Party with online features because no friends
>Mario party with online
I can hardly wait for the Sup Forums weekends.
Pure fucking lies. They added free games when Sony started fucking them in the ass at E3 2013 en.m.wikipedia.org
These fucks even finally changed their fucked up policies to be more in line with Sony's more lenient system. theverge.com
It's still shit because you need gold to join a party, play F2P games, and even games with subscriptions among a bunch of other blunders. Say what you will about Sony but MS is truly the evil of the industry.
I can because it costs significantly less than its competition at a measly ~$3 a month. I don't expect the same features.
>MS is truly the evil of the industry.
Good thing they're slowing pulling out of consoles.
Just look at whats been happening on the Xbox side of things and I think Scorpio doesn't do well we probably wont see a console from Microsoft ever again and its all because they like to stranglehold their consumers with tons of anti consumers policies ala Windows 10.
I hope you all remember when Scorpio comes out to avoid it at all costs because they fucking NEED to leave the industry.
I'm not happy about paid online with Nintendo but maybe this will light a fire under their ass to get their services up to snuff.
The issue with MS is that the board of directors for Xbox are non-vidya business men. Phil Spencer is doing the best he can to convince them for lots of stuff but clearly he is not the one in-charge.
Did they filter "dron.e"? That'd be pretty cool
Tbh I don't want to see Xbox die because we need competition rivaling each other to keep things good for the consumers. We wouldn't have had those changes to the live policies, the free games, and a ton of other things had it not been for that wake up call MS received from the Xbone. Like rn Sony is doing stupid shit like the price hike, lesser quality free games each month, etc. All because they're unrivaled at this point and they have no competition to get them to change this shit. No japanese dev wants to develop games for the Xbone because the jap fanbase isn't interested. Hell last gen PS3 would've never made the comeback it did without 360 being so far ahead in sales.
No Microsoft means we get 599 US DOLLARS 2: Electric Boogaloo
But it will be $800 next time.
>Son you really need to evaluate your sources
Son, you really need to do your research.
Don't phones interfere with the Joy-Con's signals? If so, what's gonna happen when no one can use the voice chat then? Godddamn Nintendo better fix this shit/make online free
The price of Nintendo's subscription is less than half of Sony's and Microsoft's. I rather pick the cheapest one if I can help it.
>pay for service
>games are included in service
That's not what free means you monumental fucking moron.
MS tried to introduce the Xbone the way they did because they believed they had control over the market when it was actually the opposite. They were relying too heavily on false sales figures that were bloated from various reasons.
Sony tried the same shit with the PS3 last gen as well however it wasn't anticonsumer like the Xbone was. It tripped out the gate due to price, software, and being touted as an All in One machine like MS did. The honest truth is even at $600 back then it was still a way better buy then the 360, because everything like wi-fi, blu-ray, and a giant list of features the Xbox will never have were either absent or cost extra, like $100 for a WiFi adapter shit. The blu ray alone more then made up the cost of the PS3 imo.
Wait, did the OG Xbox 360 not have wireless? Even the Wii had a wireless connection.
Nintendo drones deserve this. It's a good thing.
Nope, it was a fucking $100 adapter you had to buy. The black xbox they released in 2010 had built wi-fi however. I hate when people try to shit talk the price of the PS3 without looking at its competitions release.
Mario Kart and Sm4sh are still pretty active on Wii U and no one even owns that.
no you had to buy a 100 dollar wifi add-on that fucking broke constantly. I worked at gamestop at the time and they were returned within a few weeks because they would fry out. Luckily as an employee I could get away with just game the system but other people weren't so lucky. 360 was a money sink.
I don't get it. How can ANYONE expect a company offer free online? Do servers run on free electricity? No matter the company, a one payment of a game and a one payment of a console does not pay for the servers.
>Nintendo backtrack on this shit
No chance in hell, not after the media has kissed their asses for their "fairer pricing"
That would be the smart thing to do.
>hey everyone, we're doing paid online to give you better services!
>what, you don't really like that?
>Okay, because we love our fans we'll listen and get rid of it!
Marketing genius.
>expecting a service for free
grow up
>I hope
For sure user.
Here's a gf instead.
Oh and that HD DVD Adapter they were selling for $250 which was removed as soon as the PS3 hit market.
Oh man, I remember HD DVD "vs" bluray. That was fucking hilarious shit.
the one with games and porn on it, fuckers. Same shit as always.
You already pay for it when you buy the console.