Predict its lifetime sales

Predict its lifetime sales


90-100 million - handhelds are Nintendo's best selling hardware. This is ONLY if we get more system sellers like Mario and pokemon and price drops for the system


About 20 million. It'll outsell the Wii U, but ultimately the lack of AAA games will kill the system.

they're producing 16 mil between now and next April

so at least 16 mil :)

lol no

Less than the 3DS.

At least 30 million with Mario + new Monster Hunter

no games will be the death of it
After almost a decade, Nintendorks are going to learn what it's like to have a device murdered by the 3DS
Expect SMTV, MH5, Pokemon, whatever else, to come out for the 3DS only, just like always

If no pokemon then 12 million sales
if pokemon then 60-80 million sales

Not just due pokemon itself, but what it tells the other developers about the system.

5-10 million

12-15 million if no first party Nintendo games announced for 2018
30-40 million if so
40-50 million if third party support is actually good

About 2 gorillion

Depends if Nintendo continues the 3DS line or not. If they do, then expect sales on par with the Wii U, but if the Switch is the only Nintendo system available, then it should do alright.

20 million for the launch edition
another 10 million for the redesign
another 30 million for the second redesign
about 5 million for the final redesign

It will do well as long as they drop the 3DS, so it doesn't cuck themselves

Better than Wii U, worse than 3DS and Wii.

>[low number] if [thing] doesn't release
>[high number] if [thing] does release
>[things] not releasing will kill the system

really makes me think you guys

x1.5-2 the Dreamcast's sales

30 million


[insert large ass number that some sonyfriend will screencap and repost later when it doesn't happen]

The quality of the system doesn't define a consoles success, it plays a role, but the more important thing is the quality of the games released on it

60 millions +

it's going to hit its stride these holydays with a mainline pokemon + odyssey combo and splatoon 2 will make it explode in japan

-1 / 12

so good games equal more sales?
man this place must have a lot of college graduates if we can all figure that out