He's right, you know

He's right, you know


Other urls found in this thread:


He is right about hams and pies fatty.

>gives Feminist Action Game with bad gameplay a 10/10
>give game with blue eyed aryan saving a damesl with good gameplay a 6/10
Oh no, what a twist

Okay like if this place is literally going to be the dump gaming review E-Celeb news and spam bad memes hub of the internet it literally serves absolutely zero purpose anymore. Like generate your own content or something Sup Forums or shut it down already fuck me.

But like no seriously it's actually okay to have your own identity guys and not live and have all your opinions dictated vicariously through random attention whores

>watching videos from some fat slob

ugly people deserve to be gassed.

He's such a fucking sonyshill
>Botw is 7/10 but horizon is 9/10!
What a joke

>several years ago
>SJWs should stop criticizing games and make their own if they hate us so much
*SJWs make HZD which is one of the best new IPs ever*
>F-fucking SJWs, they need to stop ruining *my* games!

>this FAT FUCK again

kys OP

I'm not OP. You'd know that if you looked at the IP count before you posted.

>best new IPs ever

>Third-person Far Cry
>Good for anybody
No, he isn't.

sorry op but since he's a professional with a strong petreon career and not some REDPILLED edgelord like pic related his opinions are shit I guess. even if some of them are facts and the rest are reasonably explained....

>he's a professional with a strong petreon career

>Gives Horizon trans-formed a 10/10
>Gives BoTW a 5/10 when, even if its a complete copy of previous Zelda formulas, those formulas have produced 10/10s in the past

Really makes you think


whats funny about that exactly? making bank because people appreciate the work you do doesn't sound like a joke to me, you manchild.

razor is literally a contrarian on so many topics

most notably the witcher. his arguments against it are so fucking trash and he can't substantiate his opinions without spouting YEAH BUT THIS GAME IS POPULAR every 5 seconds

Is Razorfist satire or autism?
I haven't watched enough of his stuff to figure it out.

>literal cuck
>hambeast feminist wife
>devout SJW
>literally gave Fallout 4 a near perfect score
>praises hamfisted SJW commentary like HZD as one of the best games ever
Based Jim can do no wrong!

see the post above yours. He's pretty serious but his shtick is being ultra contrarian on most shit.

>wow! what a great game!

that feel when it only sold ~45% it needs to break even

SJWs always lose

>gives SJW game about independant women getting BLACKED 10/10

>gives the highlight of nintendo's history a measley 4/10

>thanks to this bluepilled cuck this feminist shit is going to sell 10 million copies and BotW went down by a fucking point on metacritic

this is what you fucking get for banning GG discussion you fucking faggots!!!!!!!!!!

hes objectively wrong

>people call Jim Sterling a retard because he's been doing what game journos do for the latter half of 30 years

>but they'll give every other game journo a pass because of one single positive review they gave to Zelda

>Horizon is an SJW game
Aside from a female protag and some ethnically diverse characters. THERE IS LITERALLY NO SJW AGENDA WITH THE GAME.

Fucking all of these 'didn't play' retards are whats destroying gaming.

There were two other negative reviews to BotW but you don't see anyone insulting them. The reason he gets shit is because he's being an attention whore. He wants people to get angry, that was the whole point. People get angry, he makes a video about it and he gets ad money.

>hate journo's for subjective shit and biased reviews
>jim doubles downs for a Feminist Action Game
>Why are you picking on Jim?!

>Mass Effect Zoo Animal edition
I chuckled

Like, gosh, you make like a good point.

But then, like, you talk like a retarded valley girl.

definitely not a shill


>petreon career
Begging is literally a career now. Fuck this gay earth.

>eceleb trash


>negative review

Are you people fucking serious.

Sup Forums absolutely destroyed

>aside of all the SJW agenda in NEW TEHRAN and the evil white men there is LITERALLY NO SJW
Oh fuck off retard

>Global Rules
>11. Advertising (all forms) is not welcome—this includes any type of referral linking, "offers", soliciting, begging, stream threads, etc.

Literally wrong. Horizon is checkbox the game, there's nothing good from devs following all the most popular trends to a T repackaged with the veil of "new IP". It'd be like saying Watch_Dogs is good because it's a new IP when it's clearly Ubisoft wanting their own version of GTA and nothing more.

That blimp thinks repeating only tried and tested conventions and slapping a new IP on it is some marvelous innovation.

So you guys are relatively new here, right? You DO know that Jim does this for clicks, right? This outrage against him for a 7/10 score is exactly what he wants, and you fall for it every time.

I mean shucks, the game still has a 97 on metacritic, is that not enough for you? throwing an autistic bitchfit over a single point drop is pathetic.

Has anyone even played Horizon in this thread

>Most of the reviews are 100/100 even from people who aren't Nintendo fans
>30 points lower is somehow not a negative review

>Jim does this for clicks
>no ads
>entirely patreon supported


No it's not.

Does the female lead have a huge butt? No? Then why would anyone play this over Nier?

I watched a stream. It's enough.

>living off donations

>one of the reasons we hate journo's is clickbait
>he should be given a free pass because he only operates on clickbait

Do you know what year it is user? Even ignoring the fact that virtually ever other outlet in the gaming community said the game was near perfect, fucking no AAA games get a 7/10 unless it's atrociously bad. This morbidly obese cuck gave Fallout 4 a 9.5, as a comparison. Fallout 4, a game people forgot about a week after it released because it was so shit and boring.

Go away, Jim. Don't you have a wife to watch or smth?

Literally the median score is 30 points higher than his score. 30 points. When the modern review scale basically starts at 50 and Mass Effect: Andromeda has a 75.

>Acts like the victim
>gets good boy points with his fans who adore him
>more patreon bucks


If you think a 70/100 is bad, you should see how I scored it personally. You'd be driven to insanity and incomprehensible rage.

Ah ah ah. I never said he should be given a free pass. Infact, he's one of the big reasons why I hate all game journalists. My problem stems from people hating him solely for his BOTW review, or that he liked Horizon more. If you want to hate him, hate him for the things that make all game journos terrible. Don't just cherrypick who you want to like.

Do you think those patreon bucks just pop out of nowhere? He builds his patreon up through clickbait tactics and attention whoring.

He gave botw a low reveiw so he'd get attention and threats from idiots baited by his review. So when he published a video about it he already had prepared the exact day afterwards it'd get more views and people would be on his side because 1 guy said mean stuff to him so anyone who disagreed with him are in the wrong.

Sony owns this burger beast he talks shit about Microsoft and Nintendo constantly.

>evil white men
You are just going to ignore all of the good white men in the game? Part of the problem.

>even if its a complete copy of previous Zelda formulas
Stop... just stop.

He's worse than most "journalists" though considering he uses his reviews to bait people to react to him so he can use those reactions in videos.

Ever read his Star Fox Zero review where he shits on people for not thinking Kid Icarus Uprising is a load of shite?

Dont even bother nintendofags cant obviously play the game.

He gave nioh a 10/10 though.

Jim gave a sony exclusive 10/10? No way!

>He's worse than most "journalists" though considering he uses his reviews to bait people to react to him so he can use those reactions in videos.

So the entirety of gamergate proving that "ALL game journos are guilty of this" just never happened to you? Shoot, Shmanita Shmarkesian did this for years, as did Shmoe Shminn.

Sonyshilling is a separate issue

It has great battles with robots, it's a very solid and fun battle system. One you can approach differently depending on you playstyle. Then there's the exploration, I disabled HUD and just ran everywhere discovering shit, it was very satisfying. Then there's lore and the living world. They really create a nice scene for the unfolding events. Also sick graphics. Horizon is solid 8.5. It's not something really new, but what it does it does great

This is reviewer dependent a 7 from mr thank god himself is not a ign 7. I actually wish more reviewers had the balls to use the true scale.

>every angry joe thread is people calling him fat
>this fat fuck somehow gets a pass

Why does this guy in particular triggers you all?

>give game with blue eyed aryan saving a damesl with good gameplay a 6/10
But this point is still wrong.

Him being a retarded SJW

Somehow being one of the more influential gaming journalists currently.

When has that consistently been said on Sup Forums? Like, outside of shitposting or someone just being a fucking idiot.

Do you think it has something to do with him being in the industry for like 10 years and also not being a paid reviewer who gives good scores for money?

Man I don't know I'm just so tired of hearing about reviews and SJWs. Just talk about fucking games. There's plenty of material.

Was it honestly that controversial what he said. I thought he was pretty reasonable on this topic.
The only reason your talking about it is because he said i will now mention "diversity" and made a whole deal about it.
If he just said "i care about that a woman lead can also be a game seller" we wouldn't even be talking about this right now.

The guy lives on controversy and that is how he gets attention.

>not being a paid reviewer who gives good scores for money
l o l

>Those youtube comments

Just as cucked as Jimmy. Sjw faggots


This fat fuck is clickbait king. Which is weird because he doesn't do ads. I think he just like some stirring shit up.

>I thought he was pretty reasonable on this topic.

Yeah he just wanted the attention and controversy.

What was the point where he was not reasonable then?

Snobby British accents are like nails on chalkboard when it comes to people talking about their opinions.

He's such a disgusting and obnoxious fat piece of shit.

Ahhhh gotta love how this game triggers every nintendbabby everytime it gets mentioned.

Had only you spent money on a real console instead of a gimmick one, you could've played the game.

Sup Forums is just using another excuse to bash SJW. While i think they need to be bashed this time they are clearly overreacting.

You'd see some of the reasoning if you weren't so blinded by nostalgia and brand loyalty. And I mean no offense by that, but when you're defending day 1 DLC, hard caps of 20 FPS, and purposeful gimping of features just to make the Switch version seem better, you need to re-evaluate your life.

He also gave nier like a 10/10 on ps4 not the pc version

>game is good but has some obvious flaws so 7/10

I like him. He's like that guy on Sup Forums who has a reasonable opinion but all fanboys call him a shitposter because he doesn't share their opinions.

>blinded by nostalgia and brand loyalty

that would be redundant.

>CoD MW3 deserves 10/10
>best game Nintendo has every made eh... 7/10, I'm being generous here guys! It really should be much lower you ingrates!

>best game Nintendo has every made

He's right

I've never watched any of this faggot's videos and I still want to punch him in the face. I heard his voice for the first time recently and it was exactly what I imagined it'd sound like.

>He's like that guy on Sup Forums who has a reasonable opinion
Don't watch his DmC videos then and his "there are no SJW's" ones. He does okay shit, but sometimes some of his works have obvious baits out of spite. He went all in on that after he became a feminist cuck.

I only found a cod black ops 3 review on his page. He gave it a 5/10. I think he gave zelda a 7/10.

By what metric? The gaming journo caste whose ranks include Jim Sterling, Polygon, and Kotaku?

>pointing out something obvious.

People call joe fat becuase hes not actually obese, but hes not skinny either. Making it an actual stinging insult.

Calling this guy fat is just stating the obvious.Hes fuckin' huge.

>He does okay shit

>As it stands, however, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 is an utterly stellar achievement that knows exactly what its audience wants, and delivers in abundance. Truly, this is the biggest game of 2009.

There's a reason why Call of Duty is the most powerful videogame franchise of the modern era, and Modern Warfare 3 serves as a reminder -- it's just that damn good at what it does

Both 9.5/10

Come on, his Konami bashing's and scummy indie dev lawsuits are fun.