>"Sorry, my face is tired from dealing with... everything."
"Sorry, my face is tired from dealing with... everything."
Other urls found in this thread:
>this is your face before having sex
Is this an actual line from Androm- Who am I kidding, of course it is.
>dat gun
Nice touch.
What is this facial expression trying to convey?
>a giant featherless bird, Shrek, and "Can I speak to the manager" dyke
Can't say I blame him.
He just realised he'll be sticking it in
Why are all the irises flat colours. This is probably the main thing that makes them seem like soulless dolls.
>Approach a girl
>She turns 270 degrees and walks away
>Life is more than this
what did she actually mean by this?
I have no idea
They look like old doll eyes and creep the fuck out of me. The petrified faces don't do anything to help.
Who the fuck looked at this and decided it was okay? Is the QA team just some dude'd brother and another's gf and they used all the budget on beer and hookers?
>the can I speak to your manager gal has the best sex scene
Wierd. But I guess she's not exactly facing strong competition
>characters tell you about their personality rather than let you discover it
The biggest issue with Andromeda's writing to be honest
the lighting in the game is dreadful.
>we want the nu-Star Trek audience
They came from the trees man...
>tfw npc is so ugly that she kills herself
What mean expendable, Rambo?
How is it even possible for someone's face to get tired? I've never heard someone say this before.
I think it is a customer service expression but evem them it is a figurative one. Someone is pissed about smiling to assholes all day.
You know, like when you laugh so hard seeing NuBioware games and your face ends tired.
Which one has the nicely modeled bare ass I saw on here yesterday?
And does FemRyder get visibly naked at any point?
>Which one has the nicely modeled bare ass I saw on here yesterday?
The turbo dyke.
>And does FemRyder get visibly naked at any point?
You see tits at least.
She looks like a Mii character with the makeup add on selected.
Some dev got tired of animating faces, so he slipped this line in to show his discontent
Holy shit the autiism is real
watch Sara's face at 29:20
Hahah, this is just too good.
Why are all the asari so fucking ugly?
So you wouldn't fap to them, cis shitlord.
Isn't that one the random tranny that wouldn't shut up about being a tranny.
She shoves her hand inside her leg too at the seme time, while looking creepily right at the camera.
Because any production with good looking women caters to white cis-males and is there misogynist.
this is what happens when you don't do MoCap and have shitty animators
>face is tired
>looks like she's been on a meth streak for a week
>my face is tired
Who the fuck says that? is that even an expression you can use?
If I pull those logs would you die?
They all have the same face.
I have yet to see Suvi's.
Did the writers also work on Adventure Time or Steven Universe? The writing in this game reminds me of those shows
Valium and chill.
How the fuck is this game getting scores as high as it is? It should be way lower
Why do all asarai look the same except one that is a raccoon?
She has no scene. THe screen fades to black.
Payola, all day.
The 35 of the 40 million dollars were used up for damage control
Don't do this to me
What the fuck is wrong with Bioware
Holy shit what a fucking mess
So the feminists wouldn't get insecure
>tfw wanted to sink my teeth into a good scf-fi game for a while now
>japs are going in hard in post-apocalyptic and extreme fantasy
>all the western shit sucks
>>all the western shit sucks
>what is Freelancer
I meant to clarify more recent releases. The west had some good shit back then.
>protagonist jumps
>follower NPC says "someone's jumpy"
BioWare won't be getting a dime from me
Laughed pretty hard m8
this is worse than most SFM porn animation, jesus
that's literally not what she said
I got this game for $15.
How much did you get this game for?
Family friends own local mom and pop shop.
You can't be a pathfinder cause you're late and the path has been found.
This is with mocap...
"It also doesn’t help that the lead facial animator for the game has been revealed to be an online cosplayer with no Video game experience."
"How did the facial animations end up so ass, though? Well, maybe it has something to do with the fact that an inexperienced cosplayer was chosen to be the “Lead Facial Animator” on this project. While [Allie Rose-Marie Leost] does have some background in art, there’s zilch on her résumé when it comes to, ya know, making video games."
They hired some cosplayer with no experience in animation to be the lead facial animator.
Let that sink in.
no its not, they repeat same 3 animations over and over
What does the sink want this time?
All mass effect games use mocap, feel free to check the credits if you dont believe me
How the hell did the mo-cap actors twist their heads at 270° angle?
At least nu-star trek images looks crisp.
Mocapped animations still have to be fixed and tuned by animators.
This is what you get when you hire for a quota instead of skill.
Stop posting that shit here Bioware, your shitty attempts failed this weekend. Now it's time to laugh at your shitty writing and animations
How much did you pay for Mass Effect Andromeda?
What's your favorite member of Earth, Wind & Fire?
What's the interaction diameter of your average electron neutrino?
Can't stop laughing at this fucking game
friendly reminder that all of biowares top guys ("boring old white guys") who were responsible for their most successful titels left the studio many years ago. half of them went to work at other studios and the other half got married and got kids.
what you have today is nothing like the bioware of the past. its bioware in name only. judging by the culture in modern game studios today it's not going to get any better either. the future lies in eastern europe and non-western countries like japan.
>all the western shit sucks
Welcome to...ever.
not going to be worth 60 bucks. just wait for some sfm porn.
The worst thing was that this rumor had so many believers because the animations are just that bad.
So this is how characters are named in 2017
>saving images from Reddit
Hey there, reddit
>character is named Peebee
>Sup Forums hates it
>character is named Toobee
>game of the year
>I'm sorry my spine is tired
user that's hardly fair, one is an unfeeling automaton built in the passing image of sentience, and as a result she should have a more interesting name to balance that out.
It looks like they put more care into adding moles to faces than anything else. That makeup looks horrendous
>Answering to a post with a reddit image
You need to go back
I can understand them not improving but how has it gotten worse? I guess it is a different engine but shouldn't that make things better? Doesn't EA allow studios to share knowledge between each other? Can't they bring in some people from DICE over for a week and teach the BioWare animators how to do their job?
Do you think they made the female characters undesirable to prevent SFM porn? Maybe they feared Fox News would run another "Sexbox" story thinking it was actually part of the game.
You're not considering 1 very obvious possibility
Everyone with talent left Bioware because they saw the writing on the wall when EA bought them. Hell, the old CEOs who founded the company left.
It's a le ebin quirky name probably given by some rainbow haired writer hired from some tumblr Mass Effect fanpage
Sure, but I'm guessing there's plenty of young talent fresh out of college or trade schools willing cut their teeth working at BioWare, even if it was for shit money. I'm sure at least some of those kids would be willing and capable of learning from the people that made the engine they're working on.
But I guess I don't work in the industry so I don't really know the ins and outs of it.
>This is what you get when you hire for a quota instead of skill.
I wish this wasn't the case, but it is. When you graduate 2 women in a class of 100 animators, and your hiring practices mandate that you need to hire 1 female animator for every 1 male animator... you're going to scrape the bottom of the barrel, necessarily. It's pure numbers.
If 50 women graduated in a class of 100 animators, a quota wouldn't be so destructive to the quality of the product. But we don't live in that reality.
The single worst line of dialogue I have EVER heard in ANY video game