Denuvo confirmed

>Denuvo confirmed
Not for you Piratefags hahahaa

Other urls found in this thread:

>already a shit game
Uh huh
Protection for shit ? No one gonna buys it

Don't... care?

Pirates would have at least kept the game alive for a little while

>he actually bought shit

Why is Denuvo-protected game is almost always shit?

>game is region locked on Steam
>it uses Deneuvo
Fuck you squeenix

I can only thing of one or two that weren't complete disasters.

Unravel was a good little indie platformer, not sure why it needed Denuvo because it would get more recognition if people could just fucking pirate it.

Tomb Raider was..okay? Not great or even good, but it was decent. Hitman is a good game in its own right, but got absolutely fucked by the always online jewishness. That's it though. Can't think of anything else even worth playing that has Denuvo.


Mass Effect Androginous added to the list.

>every denovo'd game is shit
rly meask you think hmmmm

just look at this fantastic gameplay you can't experience! haha


Oh no, I won't get to play a shit game on release but in six months. boo fucking hoo!

why would you even pirate this shit? what the fuck.

>There is literally 0 even remotely good games protected by denuvo

Denuvo=shit game

>I wasn't gonna bu-- er i mean pirate it anyway!

That's a nice attempt, but most people won't even pirate when denuvo inevitably gets cracked.

Except for some youtubers and shit, you know, the skate 3 audience.

hate to break it to you but I really wouldn't waste the bandwidth on it.

>ding dong bannu

Resident Evil VII uses Denuvo and got cracked in less than a week. Your move cuckmeister.

People wanted to play RE VII.

Excuse me while I page CPY and VOKSI/REVOLT


Im buying a new computer in 2 months, it'll be cracked by then

Muh most sales. Do you really think I would buy this piece of shit?

I'm buying a new computer in 2 months, it'll be cracked by then.

Jfc I'm never phoneposting again

buy>go to offline>refund>play

free game

No way it's that easy

Pirating this game would be like breaking into a person's house to steal their plunger

>Deleted the mention of BotW from the quote


Not even in that period. The animations are too cringy and half assed. For that matter even the potato faces in Oblivion were less ridicoulous.

it used denuvo version 3.0 after re 7 cracked denuvo had to update with 4.0 they had as a back up cause they never though the italians would be able to crack it

I was board to tears with the 10 hour demo. MP is just a reskin of ME3 and the single player showed me you can make crashing on an strange new alien world boring as fuck.

Dunno, quite honestly i don't want to bog my hard drive with this piece of shit even free of charge.

I forgot this was coming out. I will likely forget again this afternoon.

>Implying I want even the slightest amount of bytes on my harddisk to be dedicated to this pile of steaming regret.

>Refunding a game whilst offline

What did he mean by this?

You're better off just renting the game on your console for $5 to keep for a few days. Feels good being an Idort.

If I can't pirate a game, that's what I do. In a single purchase of your $60 dollar game that you will forget soon, I can play and finish 12 games in that time and the best part is that not a single dime goes to a developer or publisher from me.

Nothing personal, shills.

Deleted it because to keep the whole quote would render it unreadable from a type set point of view. I tried keeping it in and it looked aweful. I was tempted to do 3 versions after everyone kept complaining but I'm still looking for appropriate Guerrilla and Nintendo pics.

>giving your cc to EA
nah, bruh. unless this is also on steam, then maybe.

Why would I want to play that shit? I will just watch some jewtuber for lulz


Hasn't that shit already been cracked?

What is all the hype about Denuvo?
It gets cracked all the time? Is there a game that hasn't?

>people think denuvo is anti-piracy and keeps me from playing tjis as early as possible
>actually denuvo is a god send that keeps me from playing tjis trash too early
>once denuvo is bypassed the major shit and bugs should habe been handled by patches
Thank you, denuvo.

I'm assuming that's for a rental basis?

After 4 revisions im pretty sure the crackers know how it works by now

Denuvofags/beta testing consumers think waiting a few months is going to make pirates drop cash on a shit game that has a value of a few cents at most.

This, it will be cracked this week.

Most of the time (it failed with Resident Evil) it's able to protect the game for the crucial launch month. For many software house it's more than enough.

Ah yes, the Denuvo shitposter who is always ready to make a thread trying to start a shit-flinging fest in which retarded ass anons reply seriously, and then fucks off soon enough once it's cracked only to come back later to shitpost about how long it took to crack.

Stay predictable as fuck, faggots.

It delays the crack. Cracks used to be available within hours of official release. Games sell the most during the first week of their release.


are there fags that would even work on? I wager if you were going to pirate you just wait anyway.

after playing the demo I've played all I ever want to.


So crackable.

But I don't care, I'm not playing that shitty game anyway.

Some people pirate out of convenience. I have the money to buy a game, but why would I when I could have it for free? But if I have to wait for months while everyone else is playing it now, I might give in and just buy it.

Though online features is definitely a bigger deterrent to pirates than Denuvo.

You can refund it from the site, and just never log back into your account through origin.

Open up for din dins mr le ReDditor!

Total War: Warhammer.

>Games sell the most during the first week of their release.
That's only true on consoles. Game never stop selling on Steam.

revision 1 and 2 where never cracked they where circumvented but never cracked until cpy got it's hand on v3 they change the method on 4 but i think the italians will figure it out easily.

I feel sorry for the warez dudes who'll be compelled by retards into spending time and resources in cracking this piece of shit

>even bothering to pirate this

No thanks, don't want pirate's remorse.

Only reason to play this game is the fucking coop mode.
Why would i ever want to pirate anyway.
I'll maybe buy a key in 3 weeks when its 20 bucks because no one bought it.