What did you think of Linkle when she was new? What are your thoughts on her now? Was the idea of a "girl" Link done well?
What did you think of Linkle when she was new? What are your thoughts on her now...
Female characters are cancer, and should never be alright. Especially in action heavy games
>I want to see her fuck A LOT of horses
>make Linkle
>Story is about how she is not link and will never be link
I was a bit ambivalent on her when she was just the "FEMALE LINK" artbok extra, but i like he in Legends, Crossbows were fun and having her bumble around was endearing, the whole THINKS SHE IS THE LEGENDARY HERO schtick also gave me major Valley of the Deluge vibes, i like they took that angle instead of the "Link's Sister" one.
I liked her when I thought she was female link
she isn't female link and the personality they gave her sucks
>Things Link Can Be:
- A child
- A teenager
- Blond-haired
- Brown-haired
- Pink-haired
- Split into four color-coded versions of himself
- Partners with two other seemingly-identical but also color-coded Links
- A train conductor
- A rabbit
- A wolf
- A plant-thing
- A fish-man
- A rock-man
- A god
- An octorok
- A moblin
- A like-like
- A ghost inhabiting a suit of armor that teaches his future incarnation skills
- Partners with an alternate-timeline wolf version of himself
>Things Link Can Never Be Because It Would Destroy The Whole Character, Nay, The Franchise:
- A woman
lamegame.jpg, 68KiB
Direct rip-off of Dragons Crown elf
She fantasizes about riding a giant cock.
qt on riding machine!
You say that like that's a bad thing.
Stupid concept, potentially great for porn
Still a stupid concept except now everyone forgot about her, not enough porn
Not the first time I've seen someone taking inspiration from that game.
It's a dumb idea but not as dumb as dual crossbows.
I should download that game, actually.
I'm not buying this game again (with jankier graphics and worse framerate) just to play as pretend female link
I'm not paying $20 for the DLC now that she's added to the Wii U version, either
No, she's a seperate character that acts like a dunce
When she was new I thought she was gonna be an Alternate Universe Link and would get a spinoff story if she got popular
Now I still think she's cute but disappointed that all she really was, was space filler
Makes sense. Link is a man and not a woman.
She was never "girl Link" even when she was just an artbook extra.
Why can't you people get it through your thick skulls?
>not a woman
Putting on girly clothes doesn't make you a woman, user.
instead of fem link i would like a mainline zelda game where you play as zelda, maybe more focus on exploration and discovery of new tech since BotW zelda wants to be more of a scholar than a princess and when it comes to fighting she fights with the tri force magic abilities? or shiek like ninja skils.
Spirit Tracks has playable Zelda
I want this.
This would be rad. You never here anybody crying for out for it like a female Link though because it's not actually about wanting a game with a female lead.
There's been plenty of asking for Zelda to be the lead
i didnt play that game but wasnt she just a spirit form and you had to possess a suit of armor?
What if Linkle returned to the spotlight, but only because of being repurposed by 'BRAPPP'Fags?
Well, there's a small section at the very start where you control her as Zelda, but that hardly counts.
Either way, it was a good start to having a playable Zelda.