Is there a better character than Illidan in video games, Sup Forums?

Is there a better character than Illidan in video games, Sup Forums?

>hard childhood
>gets bullied by that bitch maiev at all times (fucking stalking!)
>despite fighting for the Light (good side) all the time everybody is mean towards him
>will save us all (as Commander of the Light) even so we almost killed him
>Champion of the Naruu
>still loves Tyrande after 10000 years and does it all for her

I love Reisen!

he's god's lonely man just like me

> In WC3, Illidan was a dark, brooding character, misunderstood and hated by everyone
> Which is why autists loved him
> So in Legion, Blizzard made him the Chosen One, the champion of Light, and have Naaru literally claim that he did nothing wrong, and then scold the players for killing him
I don't think they understand.

Reisen a cute!

>Whined like a little bitch at everything as a kid
>Tries to recreate the things that brought the Legion in the first place again, all to feed his addiction
>Treats Maiev worse as a prisoner than she treated him
>Commanders don't even need saving, they're one person armies
>Even the Naaru are split on the matter, only one is actually saying he's good
>Deluded as fuck, still going after Tyrande when Maiev is almost literally on his dick

He's a good anti-hero but you're a retard if you think he's an actual hero.

Should've stayed gone so we could've looked back at him fondly. Another instance of taking something people liked and putting it back in the spotlight after it already ran its course. Illidan really didn't need to be involved in a new expansion but here we are

Don't worry, Arthas is stuck in Super Hell so at least he isn't coming back.

Demon hunters were a bigger mistake than pandas.

>cucked by his own brother
>went emo because of it
>got killed by me and a bunch of noobs



MoP was easily one of the best expansions. ToT is second only to Ulduar.

Not if [insert villain name here] collects n*[insert macguffin here] to resurrect him!

Nope. DKs put that last remnant of Arthas into the Shadowlands. He's toast.

It's possible that Val'kyr could, but it would take an unholy (heh) number of them to do it, likely more than there even are currently, and Sylvanas has the monopoly of them.

Look wow has long ago turned into capeshit/dbz levels of shit so this is really not in the realms of the impossible.
Heck Illidan ''''''''''''''''''died''''''''''''''''' like 3 times already.

fucking hell 10/10 post senpai

>Tries to recreate the things that brought the Legion in the first place again, all to feed his addiction
the legion would have invaded regardless

also this
now he's just another character butchered by neoblizz in an attempt to regain subscribers

This is why Gul'dan is a much better character than him.

He started as a a fucked up nobody, became a Villain, fucked everyone up and died as a Villain.

You quit in Wrath, didn't you?

Without the WoE, Demons would have had a much harder time finding Azeroth properly. Azshara fucked over the planet to find bigger dicks to suck.

Blizz brought back Illidan because of all the villains that

>Can come back
>Would have a reason to come back
>Wouldn't be instantly killed for what they did

He fit the best. Arthas has no reason to come back, and unlike Illidan he wouldn't be treated as an ally of any kind.

Sylvanas was actually in Stormheim searching for Varian's soul, once learning from Helya that Odyn was holding it captive (as he did with other killed Warriors of all races as we've seen) Sylvanas attacked Eyir to force her to relinquish Varian's soul for her.

She plans to give Varian his life back by giving him the body of Arthas (location unknown) just like was done for the first Death Knights - souls attached to empty corpses. With the body of the true Lich King, Varian is made the new General of the Forsaken as Sylvanas leads the Horde. Varian leads a campaign against Bolvar Lich King because of a) his attacks against allies and heroes across Azeroth for vague purposes of "muh Legion" and b) because Sylvanas encourages it since Bolvar ordered an attack on her city in the escape of Koltira. More and more it seems like the Ebon Blade is once again bound to the will of the Lich King, one who is not maintaining the scourge but utilizing it for his own purposes.

Varian will work to eradicate the remnants of the Scourge in Northrend in every corner, before defeating Bolvar with the power of the true Lich King (btw we reforged Frostmourne as 2 swords, something Varian is very skilled in wielding)... and in the end, Sylvanas will have her ability to raise more Forsaken, cheat death, recuit Val'kyr and maybe Undead Vrykul all in her new closest friend Varian.

>Someone actually went through the mental duress to type this out

Your idiocy is astounding.

>and does it all for her

Just copied it from the forums' joke thread where everyone was ironically coming up with the dumbest shit that would unironically perfectly fit with Blizzard's story progression

>Perfectly fit

But it wouldn't.

This has to bait...
>he doesn't know she just wants more Val'kyr to keep her life (and her people's) under wraps by forcing Stormheim's Val'kyr to become her own

>little cuckadan gets a redemption but not big poppa arthas
Duck you blizzard

This is literally bad fanfiction from the mind of a 14-year old and I'm 100% sure Blizzard will do it just like that.

That's actually the only true part of that. Sylvanas tried to make a deal with Helya for more Val'kyr and it would have involved fucking over a Titan Watcher who we REALLY needed on our side.

Genn fucked her in the ass right before she could pull it off though.

>Time travel, retcon xpac made so that they can bring back greatest hits
>More retcons, ass pulls, ignoring the point of an entire xpac, "you were wrong the whole time" etc to bring back one one of their greatest hits
Yeah wouldn't be par for the course at all

Everyone thinks that Jaina and Khadgar and the people that Il'gynoth was spilling secrets about but I'm still convinced that it's Odyn and Helya.

Odyn is going to turn bad when he comes back from Ulduar, mark my words.

WoD was a goodbye present to Metzen, pretty much, and it neither retcons anything nor is it the first time that Time Travel is used.

>Ignoring the point of an entire Xpac

What? Do you mean BC? Because killing Illidan wasn't the point of BC. Also everything around the Naaru who's saying Illidan's good is shady as fuck.

>"Return to Karazhan"
Woo! Thanks Blizz!
>"Heroes! We've been betrayed! Keeper Odyn returned to Ulduar, but he has subdued and enslaved the other Keepers with dark magic stolen from Helya's domain. We must Return to Ulduar (Patch. X.X)!!"
YAS! Here's my sub!!!

Who hurt you to make things like this, user? Did you quot back in BC and just eat the shit that gets thrown around here? Do you know absolutely nothing about the lore?

No, you don't get it.
The fact that it turned out he was right, he was the chosen one all along and that his bad bullies were in the wrong all this time just makes it better for the autists.

Killing Illidan was built as one of the main points of TBC if not the main point. He was in all the promo material taunting you as an enemy, Black Temple was set to be the last raid (Sunwell was made from BE assets quickly because of WotLK being delayed 6 months) Everything that moved away from Illidan being the focus of TBC was done after the fact.

The whole "the Naaru are questionable" angle is the exact Blizz writing I'm talking about. It's obviously coming from them trying to rework the old, half-assed plot of TBC, but by staying vague they have everyone doing theory spam

Nah. I like the game and know the lore, it's just random asspulls that bug me. The return to Karazhan was fun to play... but really just a pointless retread that did next to nothing for Legion's lore other than Medivh telling Khadgar "go through the door don't shut it". I think they could've done all the Illidan stuff just fine in Legion without "muh chosen one! You were all rused!"... he could still be the anti-hero and questionable dude who we happen to need right now, without having a quest line where a glowing tribal tattoo yells at you constantly for wanting to kill the guy attacking and enslaving an entire world.

You forgot
>gets cucked by Malfurion for 10000 years

Return to kara wasn't an asspull though that place has the strongest reserve of magic

Honestly the worst decision they ever made.
The fact that he still talks down to you after you killed him is madness.

Fucking this
>It's impossible to do it without me you need me I'm stronger then all of you combined
>Think back to where johnny fucking awesome kicked his ass in the cut scene
>Realize listening to naaru was a mistake

How long until blizzard realizes they fuck up and make Xera evil?


Is he still a cuck if the girl he was after was never into him to begin with? Because it was incredibly obvious to anyone but him that Tyrande liked Malfurion.

Yeah. Two separate subjects I didn't separate but been addressing.
>Retreading old content (Return to ____)
>Lore asspulls to bring dudes back
Illidan coming back works with the established immortal demon soul lore, hand waving all the shit he did in TBC, not to mention the Illidan book, into him just being misunderstood is what bugs me.

It's not technically cucking but he probably feels just as bad, if not worse about it.

>Killing Illidan was built as one of the main points of TBC

It wasn't THE main point though, in fact it was somewhat secondary to fighting the Legion. The main point of BC was going through the Dark Portal and discovering what happened. Finding out Illidan fashioned himself a tyrant was secondary, and that Kael'thas had betrayed him to help bring the Legion closer to Azeroth was almost as much of a point.

By the time we get to Illidan he's already resigned to getting fucked over.

Karazhan was from what said, especially considering that we went to Kara in the pre-Expansion patch.

Something extremely fishy is going on with Xera and Illidan.

>Core of an apparent Naaru Prime arrives on Azeroth, demons make zero attempts at getting it
>Only person who can properly identify it is Velen, who even then has to confirm it with the only Naaru available who could confirm it.
>Said Naaru just happens to be attacked and killed as we go to get the confirmation
>Meanwhile we KNOW Gul'dan is trying to make Illidan into a new body for Sargeras.
>MGul'dan even has something take hold of his body before Illidan can get back into it.
>Instantly makes himself the most important person,

It isn't getting waved off. Maiev is still going to slap him back into prison the moment the invasion is over, whether the Naaru like it or not.

Yeah, but technically he's not a cuck, just a regular white knight sperglord.

>It wasn't THE main point though, i
Nigger 1.4 and beyond the sole purpose of you being in outland was killing illidan and freeing the land the legion came second to that before you found out illidan all ready kicked them off of outland.

>Treats Maiev worse as a prisoner than she treated him

>Keeps her locked up for not even an iota of the time he was
>Never does anything to her, she fakes being tortured
>Later on Maiev complains that being imprisoned is the worst thing imaginable and that she needs revenge and will never go back

Naw she can go fuck herself.

Why can't we just kill all the cunt night elves seriously Azeroth would be a better place without these niggers.

>Without the WoE, Demons would have had a much harder time finding Azeroth properly. Azshara fucked over the planet to find bigger dicks to suck.

No they wouldn't. The Burning Legion's deal is to destroy literally every planet in existence, they'd get Azeroth at some point anyway.

Not to mention that when Illidan made the second Well, they already fucking knew where the planet was and were going to invade later no matter what.

I still haven't forgiven Blizzard for what they did to based Kael'thas.

>Had nearly his entire race killed by Arthas
>Betrayed by the so called "good guy" humans and put in literal concentration camps.
>Forced to join hands with illidan in order to protect his people
>Tries to find a way to help his people's mana addiction
>Never fully trusted illidan and believed he was too far corrupted by Kil'jaden

Burning Crusade
>Goes full evil out of fucking nowhere
>Becomes a meglomaniac crackhead
>Becomes the biggest meme in WoW lore "Merely a setback"
>Instead of trying to find a cure to their addiction he turns them further into demons
>Becomes the true main antagonist in BC
>Dies pathetically in a dungeon.
>Never seen again.

If anyone deserved a fucking redemption arc it was him. Blizzard and their stupid fucking boner for 'corrupting' every lore character just to make them a shitty raid boss.

>It isn't getting waved off. Maiev is still going to slap him back into prison the moment the invasion is over, whether the Naaru like it or not.
Good luck with that. Probably something like this.
>"Despite our differences champion, in the end it seems our destinies are linked. We triumphed over the Legion this day, but there are still countless worlds whose masters will try to fill the void left by _____(Idk if we kill Sarg in addition to Kil'Jaeden). I must go now, to close the gates the Legion created between their conquered worlds and the Twisting Nether, so that they may never threaten another. I wish you well in your fight against the darkness the seeps below Azeroth."

>>Goes full evil out of fucking nowhere
No he has always followed what would feed his people more magic and Illidan lied to him and was starving his people off so KJ came in and actually fed his habit. You can never trust elves you faggot Garithos should of killed him.

>You can never trust elves you faggot Garithos should of killed him.

Doesn't change the fact that this all happened after WC3. It was fucking stupid to make him a villain. He should have been faction leader for the Blood Elves. Garithos was a cunt.

>It was fucking stupid to make him a villain.
Not really he had no place to go back to on Azeroth his betrayed the alliance and worked with the worlds number one fucking villian at the time. He joined Illidan to find a cure for his people and to stop Arthas when Illidan failed at both of those he went to the next best thing the legion. It fits Kael perfectly he only cares for power you should of noticed that in WC3 when he leaves every weak bastard behind.

Illidan book proves you so very wrong.

>Chained almost nude to a wall
>Almost all of her food was pissed on by the Broken before they gave it to her, which wasn't often
>Constantly on the verge of being tortured by a fucking Dreadlord, who was chosen specifically to torture her when the time was right
>Slept on a wet, stone floor when she was ale, which wasn't that often

>Illidan was given free roam of his room, which as surprisingly spacious
>Magic in place to keep him from ever feeling thirsty or hungry
>Still got food and water
>Even had a Bed, if I remember right.

The only 'suffering' Illidan went through was that he couldn't leave and he couldn't use magic.

In fairness, spending 10000 years in solitary confinement is sort of torture in and of itself.

>Illidan was given free roam of his room, which as surprisingly spacious
Two steps on either side isn't spacious his room was also depraved of light and sound faggit

>ywn piss on Maiev

The biggest reason Illidan wanted to torture Maiev was because she rode his dick every other day and he was constantly worn out. Maiev was him back because every time he'd cum he'd shout Tyrande's name instead of hers.

Ironically it's the Illidan book that proves me right.

>By "chained almost nude" that would be "they removed her fucking armor"
>Broken fucked with her just because they wanted to, Illidan never ordered it
>"On the verge", she was never tortured, and even though Illidan considers it multiple times he keeps choosing not to
>Boo-fucking-hoo she had to sleep on a stone floor, Illidan's cage didn't have a fucking cot either and he was in there for ten thousand goddamn years

And on Illidan's side
>His cell was nine steps across, which we're told because that was the most Illidan could do for ten thousand years
>Magic in place to keep him from being thirsty or hungry not so that he would be comfortable, but so he wouldn't be able to fucking kill himself
>Literally from the book, "Long centuries had dragged by when he never heard the voice of another living thing"
>No bed, just a fucking stone-floored cube

Read the book nigga.

>>Chained almost nude to a wall
>>Almost all of her food was pissed on by the Broken before they gave it to her, which wasn't often
>>Constantly on the verge of being tortured by a fucking Dreadlord, who was chosen specifically to torture her when the time was right
>>Slept on a wet, stone floor when she was ale, which wasn't that often

Stop it.

>ywn be raped by maiev for 10,000 years

So dh have no eyes, what if someone without magic attacks them, can they see it?

I always thought Arthas was the better villain. Illidan was a bit too brooding for me to get behind to take seriously

Arthas on the other hand was a genuinely good person who had his good nature twisted and turned on him, forcing him to lash out in desperation against a malevolent force that would eventually consume him. It's a much more relatable story of the hero becoming the villain than Illidan who was more a misunderstood dick.

Still like both of them, but Arthas has more emotion behind him since it's tragic watching him ultimately play right into Mal'Ganis' hands, who in turn was used by the Lich King, which only adds to the tragedy that Arthas was doomed to fail from the very beginning. His is a story of dwindling hope. I'll always love the human campaign in Warcraft 3 because of how dark of an ending it has, the player does everything right and it still ends in misery.

>No scars
I can't get off to this.

Their other sense get boosted both naturally and magically, allowing them to effectively 'see' without eyes. Also, there's a LOT of magics one can see, and typically they'll see people who have never even used magic.