Are multiple romance options necessary in games, or do you prefer a single, well written and detailed "canonical" romance story?
Are multiple romance options necessary in games, or do you prefer a single...
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Depends entirely on what the game is attempting to deliver.
Even though romance options are more in the spirit of the medium, I admit I prefer a canonical romance. I like it when romance makes a meaningful thematic contribution to the rest of the story.
A, C, I, J, K, L
Only acceptable answers. C is best.
>I like it when romance makes a meaningful thematic contribution to the rest of the story.
This and multiple romance options need not be mutually exclusive. Devs are just lazy in the majority of cases.
K master race
I think you mean B, F, G, I, J, L with F being the best.
H is mine. Do not steal
>he fell for the romance meme
>No one taking E
>people unironically liking K and C
Are you fucking kidding? L is the best.
>muh tattoos and piercings
just fuck off
Claiming F desu
I bet B and G are the best in bed and give awesome BJ's.
KYS you THICC faggot homo whale fucker
You telling me you wouldn't want that probably maniac crazy to scream "CUM IN ME DADDY" while you're railing her? What're you fucking gay? You like dicks gayboy?
A is mine
G looks a bit too yandere for me
>not J
If the game is advertising "Forge your own narrative! Your choices matter!" there probably should be more than one viable romance option. Still, I'd argue 2 or 3 well-written and distinct romance-able characters is better than "you can get with anyone with a pulse."
>being this mad that nobody likes your shit taste
>no one picking D
You're all plebs
J is high tier, but I'm not a fan of that hairstyle.
into the trash with all of them.
Didn't even notice they had glasses
I don't like feminists with an angry face.
Aside from her eyebrows there's nothing very remarkable about her.
a b c and wole bottom row
D might be hidden gem but her face looks bitchy
and F stand for FAT AS FUCK
>he don't like glasses
Typically the latter, but the problem is that the heroine makes or breaks this type of approach.
If the heroine is shit, the whole romance story is shit.
Multiple options makes for a more shallow experience overall, but at least you can be invested in the subplot because you can choose according to your tastes or what you think fits the character
It's always one of the first things I notice about characters because I hate glasses.
A, G, I
B, F, L
C, J, K
D, E, H
There is no bad megane.
A gentleman of excellent taste like myself, I see.
A, H, or I.
Anything but K is fine
C > L > I > A > J > * > E
t. Expert
Quality> quantity. Always.
But just writing and still images aren't expensive, so there is no reason for only one romantic option. Now, if the game isn't AAA, but is fully voiced and all dialogues are animated I prefer just one very good romance.
Fuck me, I wish I had a K.
She looks like a hard tsun but you get past that and into the sweet dere
A & E or the best.
all these glasses are great, but if pressed, i'd have to go with E here.
J seems like a bro
This man has sublime taste.
It depends on who the best girl is. If best girl gets the single well written story, sure.
If not, give me 3 or 4 girls to choose from. More will just dilute screentime too much.
B, C, G, I or L.
B for a family, C for a long-term childless relationship.
I'll take a J and F please
Stop posting that fucking drawing in every board
Why would you choose E other than feeling bad for her?
She looks tsunderish.
they're all good except F, K, and L
The letters don't match right.
i'm lonely
maybe a lonely girl would settle for a lonely guy
probably not
She's wearing a pink and white corset but trying to hide her body, there's self-esteem issues through the roof. Good for the short-term not for the long run (unless she gets psychological support)
You have shown me something good, thanks user
A, C, H, I and L is the most patrician
Only A, G, H, I, are acceptable here.
The others are damaged goods.
>3-4 romance options
>romance options are different
>repeatable and non repeatable romance related quests
>bonus for romancing someone
>changes/ unlocks different ending
also G or J
lonely shy girls are usually down for freaky shit
It's worth a shot as long as she doesn't have BPD or something
>E is the only ironing board
>She's the best girl
How do I respond to this, anons? I've never had this happen before.
Alright let's settle this once and for all
I want L to insult me and go Ohohoho.
My nigga
>For a single moment I made K have 25%
Feels good.
Won't last.
B is perfect, THICC without being fat.
G and A are close behind. Brown tomboys and stacked tall girls are hard to resist.
F is definitely fat, but she's on the very edge of the attractive side of chubby.
>E winning
I smell rigging
This is retarded because most of them are good with a couple of niche picks. Everyone with good taste is gonna be spread out and the shitters with bad taste are gonna concentrate in one or two options.
E is like the rule 63 version of the average Sup Forums user, no wonder she's winning.
>B is perfect, THICC without being fat.
What about G and I?
Or you can have both things like in Sunrider Academy. You can unlock romance with 3 girls doing lots of things or you can go the easy way and go with the canon waifu. Or you can go full MGTOW.
ideally H without glasses
or E without bangs, I've always dated chicks taller than me.
>E has a line up of men outside her bedroom
and you guys thought K was the impure one
I want to give D the D
>L and B near the top
Gooooood. E feels rigged as hell.
Poor J.
>almoat nobody with h
Cmon now anons, glasses, moderate thick and cute and you fuckos pick the slender mentally ill girl, near morbid thicc and the actually fat one.
I want to do wild, freaky shit with E like missionary and whispering into her ears how beautiful she is
B, C and E. Especially E.
>without glasses
Kill you are self.
I want to hold hands with E. In public.
Who /onevotepatrician/ here?
Sluts get out
glasses don't work for everybody, especially her
>Fire Emblem 16's cast
Someone send this to Intelligent Systems, we can get a game where we can literally waifu them. D, I and L are Pegasus Knight material.
I've only fucked a few of these body types. I'll share what I've learned.
B: fantastic in cowgirl. But never as tight as I thought they'd be. Usually have short legs.
C: My favorite. Smallish tits, nice ass. Always been tight. Every time.
E: Long legs. Usually, about 5'10 and up. These ones rarely have a string of dicks in their history. Easy to throw around. But the sometimes they're a bit awkward in bed.
F: Surprisingly tight every time I've nailed a plumper/ Great in doggy and cowgirl. But HORRIBLE in missionary because the damn gut gets in the way.
H: user's favorite, but the only good thing about short women is the tightness and being able to nail them against a wall. Everything else (small tits, stubby legs) sucks for me.
Never had the other types. But always wanted a J and, obviously a G.
Readings indicate testosterone deficiency.
G and I look a little too toned to be truly THICC. G looks like she has a fun personality, and I'd say she'd be my #2 choice.
I on the other had doesn't really stand out at all.
>Brown eyes, brown hair
>Average height
>Average weight
>Large-ish breasts, but doesn't stand out among the crowd
She looks like the default choice. The boring childhood friend that doesn't have anything interesting but wins anyway because the creator is painfully vanilla.
Bags under eyes are my fetish, that's why/
The initial D
I want J to rape me
I like his taste
Your taste is shit
Get out of here, normie scum
who was canon waifu again
plz be brown hair chick
>E is winning
wtf you nerds