Is really Skyward sword worse than this ?

Is really Skyward sword worse than this ?

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lel yep, goes skyward sword then the cd-i's

the what

I probably enjoyed ST more than SS honestly.
There were maybe like one or two moments that I actually thought were pretty cool in SS. ST was a decent game all around.

one was on a handheld and the other on a console
but because you're being such a bitch i will say

Spirit Tracks has the best Zelda and it's also a decent game.

The DS games are by far the worst in my honest opinion. Especially Phantom Hourglass and that extremely stupid time limit temple that you have to do a million times.

>Spirit Tracks has the best Zelda and it's also a decent game.
Wrong and wrong.

Not an argument and not an argument.


>she is scared of mice
>pre-final boss actually uses mice against her

Persistent companions in Zelda are always shit. No exceptions.

Spirit Tracks slightly improved upon a couple of the more annoying things about Phantom Hourglass while completely forgetting to make the game not suck dick and made things even WORSE in some instances (flute, overworld is literally on fucking rails).

>no exceptions

No. Exceptions.

Spirit Tracks is good. People go HURR LITERALLY ON RAILS but the game is 1000% better than fucking Phantom Hourglass.


Flute is great and the overworld has more exploration than every 3D Zelda game (other than Botw obviously) despite being "on rails"

>Tfw no Legend of Linebeck game

Agreed, but she's really just Tetra 2.0 who's already the best Zelda of all time if youre not a plebian

Other than the timed dungeon you keep returning to and being generally forgettable, it wasn't that bad.

It didn't involve convoluted fetch quests for every upgradeable item though


As long as Midna exists you're going to be objectively wrong, user. She's great.


It also has by far and away the worst soundtrack in the series as well as the single worst puzzle.

Ezlo was good too, shame Fuji retconned his own game with SS though.

>It also has by far and away the worst soundtrack

>Flute is great

this is how i know you didn't play the game, the flute was absolutely fucking retarded and punished you for actually trying to play the song correctly.

Did you really go through the trouble of going on google images, typing in trash can, and rename it to "charactername" and hope to make someone angry? That's pretty sad, user.

I typed in trash, actually.

Your post made me laugh, user. I'll agree to disagree with you.

Not him but you can hotlink with 4chanX and very quickly change the filename

Phantom Hourglass doesn't have a single decent song. Listen to the goddamn dungeon theme which is literally 3 notes repeated in a 2 second loop.

Breath of the Wild at least has the Divine Beast fight music and the Hyrule Castle theme.

Linebeck's theme is the only thing I can remember and they recycled it for the final boss.

PH's soundtrack is fucking terrible.

>and the overworld has more exploration than every 3D Zelda game (other than Botw obviously) despite being "on rails"
You're joking, right? The rails you do get prior to Power Gems are the bare minimum to get around and do the main story stuff along with maybe one side town and a couple rabbits. You maybe unlock one new area when you get 4+ Power Gems in an area. There was more exploration in Phantom Hourglass than Spirit Tracks and the boat not only wasn't stuck on a track but it was also twice as fast as the train.

ST is legitimately the worst real Zelda game, by real I mean not spin offs or CDi bullshit. I don't know who thought trains was an acceptable method of transportation in a Zelda game, but I hope they got fired. I personally didn't even like the concept of trains being in the game because it's seems out of place, but travelling slowly with it and dealing with the retarded gates and those annoying enemies or whatever made it unplayable. The music instrument also literally was broken. For the first song, I tried repeatedly doing exactly what the game said, but it kept failing me. I eventually got so assmad I just blew left to right fast like I was playing the goddamn harmonica and the game pretended I did the song correctly.

Kill yourself tripfag.

People are ONLY complaining about Skyward Sword controls, right?

>those annoying enemies or whatever made it unplayable
you're so shit at video games you can't even beat a game made for children



the enemy trains were just tedious as shit and forced you to backtrack

>the switch isn't a handheld
fucking HOW?

Is Skyward Sword worse than a good Zelda game? Probably

>Spirit Tracks
>good Zelda game
Pick one

Nah, Spirit Tracks was good.

>bad graphics
>shitty DS stylus controls
>overworld is literally on rails
>bad dungeons
>zero memorable characters outside of Zelda and Football Head Link

>>bad graphics
suddenly every DS game ever is shit.

>ignores the other points and posts an I AM SILLY tier image
Not every DS game ever, but the DS Zeldas sure are.

It's honestly hard to say. Both are incredibly bad.

Skyward Sword is better for doing some things Spirit Tracks didn't, like having memorable characters and better dungeons.
World design was also better

Skyward Sword trades blows with The Wand of Gamelon, not Spirit Tracks.

I'm pretty sure the people saying Skyward Sword or really any Zelda game is as bad as the CGI games aren't old enough to really know what those games are.
Nothing is as bad as those games.

I genuinely enjoyed Spirit Tracks as a side game.

SS was unplayable for me and I quit after the second dungeon.

>not liking football heads

Shit taste.

They're both the same thing though, horrible ham-fisted attempts to introduce a new gimmick to Zelda, both failed at their gimmicks and utterly failed in their general gameplay and story.

>Bad graphics
A feature of the DS, overall not a huge problem
>Shitty DS Stylus controls
I wasn't a big fan, but they were hardly game-breakingly bad.
>Overworld is literally on rails
And? It was an interesting mechanic. Not every game has to be open world
>Bad dungeons
Disagree. Maybe they weren't the most memorable in the series, but I didn't think any of them dropped below mediocre
>Zero memorable characters
Again, I disagree. I thought the new villain, Byrne, and Anjean were fairly memorable. I also liked the reworking of old characters like Linebeck.
Also, I really liked what they did with Zelda from both a story and gameplay perspective. Controlling the phantoms was one of the most fun mechanics Zelda had had for years.

Say what you want qbout the rest of it but there was nothing wrong with the controls in either DS gqme, unless you want to admit how garbage you are at video games.

>nothing wrong with flute and stylus gimmick

Sure you are a nintenbro
