Why is she so pretty?
Why is she so pretty?
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Why not? She's hand-made so make her pretty.
If they're gonna build robots in the shape of humans, may as well make them the prettiest looking humans they can up up with.
3D = disgusting sluts
shut the fuck up or ill rape you
She was the 2B Taro wanted, but couldn't get
So what's her plans when the war is over?
Did she even want to win the war?
Erio best girl.
166.8 kgs of pussy and ass
>94cm hips
Anyone got that .gif of that dude polishing that bed stump. Commander's measurements are insane.
The commander is such a slave driver...
>We will never see this scene
why live
Someone post the Yoshida art
Because the Commander is the highest spec model, OP
This exactly.
>highest ranked YoRHa member
>biggest breasts, thickest thighs, widest hips of all of them
aren't you glad we got some melodramatic forced romance subplot instead
I have to wonder why all of Commander's official art/fanart is her as blonde but in the game she has silver hair like A2.
Because she is blonde whenever she talks to you through the pod's hologram.
>implying fan art babbys ever got far enough to see bunker in color
because the bunker has a monochrome filter
>melodramatic forced romance subplot
Oh fuck you seriously, their subplot was great. I really fucking hate that any romance or emotional drama in a game now is 'forced'. Get fucking bent.
took the words out of my mouth senpai
No user, if I don't like it, it's forced.
Its really hard to get a good ass shot from the commander. Lets hope she's playable in dlc.
>Lets hope she's playable in dlc
My DLC wishes:
1. T-shirt date DLC
2. Can replay the game as Commander, Anemone, Operator 6O etc
3. Multiplayer team co-op mode with the entire range of YoRHa units. Battler, Defender, Operator, Scanner, Healer etc
Go to bed shin ffs
Or lets hope all of that and more is available in the hinted sequel.
>2B's entire character is completely dependent on 9S
>you don't find about any of it until after she's dead
>I'm somehow supposed to feel anything for these two when Taro went full "tell them not show them" with it.
No man, fuck you. 2B/E is quite literally nothing but a walking plot device for 9S. Their romance is so god damn out of place it feels like they just threw it in there at the last moment to try and force the player to feel something. It completely fell flat on its face because Taro assumed that just because bad shit was happening that I was going to feel bad instead of establishing a connection between the player the characters. Ending A/B's choke scene was some of the cringiest shit I've ever seen, I could just envision Taro saying to himself "yeah they're totally going to feel sad during this scene". Automata focused far too much on the scenarios rather than the characters, and I think anyone who actually thinks this god awful romance was well done is still in their honey-moon period with the game.
A dlc that lets you find out how things go after ending E would be nice.
false you are literally incapable of critical analysis, pathetic libcuck
To add:
I liked the Kaine/Nier romance in the first game, it wasn't just suddenly fucking dropped in your lap thinking a retroactive explanation was suddenly going to make it good.
how can you type so much and say so little
Great retort.
>abloobloo i was assigned to kill this android but now i love him
I agree with this sentiment.
Romance is 'forced', because it feels forced ON the audience, which is devoid of romance, and therefore, insecure.
That being said, there can be ham-fisted scripts and dialogues that divert from the plot to make a point, that is only hit once, and is worthless.
is the commander even a combat unit? Don't think she can fight
It's been 4 days. Where's the SFM porn?
>tfw no twerking 2B
SFM will fix this, right?
Is that Zero?
Doesn't Emil's weapon story tells you that?
we most definitely dont need that, the ending was perfect
i dont want to play some after-story dlc which is comprised of 3 hours of 9s awkwardly trying to make moves on 2b, just take the happy ending and leave it be
H = Ecchi
didn't even fucking know if you sneak up on robots as 9s you can hack and use them in the overworld
>2B in the process of becoming a slav
The slav squat would give up some fucking amazing angles, but I don't think I could handle her being a slav.
It added nothing to the story because 2B's characterization is so shallow. I'd be completely fine with the romance plot if it was handled well, it was not, it was poorly executed because of the way Taro wrote the story. Don't TELL me 2B feels guilty about killing someone she grew to love, fucking show me. Show me through character building and dialogue that this is what's going on That ending A/B scene did not cut it and it was quite frankly one of the worst scenes in the game. And don't try to hide this poor execution as a "less is more" type thing. People loved the first game because of how well done the characters were, this game was a complete disappointment in that department and the only good character was Pascal.
>I didn't play any side missions and am incapable of seeing subtext
Everything she says in the game has a double meaning where she is pushing 9S to stay away from things that will lead him to discovering the truth. It's there, and the reason behind what she says is also explained in game. It's one of those things that you need to replay the game to really appreciate, just like the orginal NieR
What? No pantsu?
>Developed by Platinum Games
What percent of route c is you playing as a2?
I'm still with the same people
The first game wasn't about romance, and this game is leaning far more heavily on its existentialist themes more.
There was romance, but not a kind regular humans can empathize with because as our resident expert can tell you in pic related, people die when they are killed, so its hard to grasp how one builds a relationship with someone who you kill constantly, and whos basically Memento as far as you are concerned.
She's got floss pantsu, Which is better in my opinion
fucking shirou
She is the commander so she goes super-high-cut, while the regulars remains just high-cut.
You don't even need any of that to see the romance was there though. From the tutorial mission I saw their romance coming a mile away because of 2B's flip flop dialogue, and reading Virtuous Contract made it even more blatantly obvious. The only thing you discover is that 2B has been killing him for years, and that was not enough for me to care about it.
Commander's leotard is just very high cut. You can clearly see it in the game.
But the humans were already dead long before the time the ayylmaos invaded. Who is the perverted android that made her?
Yeah, that's what I'm saying dawg.
Nobody is saying their romance was ever hidden, in fact it was made pretty blatant by all the promo material. We're not seeing their relationship develop, we're seeing the result of what a millennia of having to kill somebody you get to know over and over again will do to you. Call it Lima Syndrome or whatever, but it's clear 2B has feelings for him, and they were established well before the events of the game.
I don't want to play as hackerman or ass girl anymore, if I wanted to do that I'd start a new game; this was supposed to be best girl a2 chapter
Why do you want to spoil yourself?
Keep playing.
thirsty androids
Replay or rewatch route A with what you know now. Gits like you need characterization slapped across your face because you can't think beyond shit like 'emotions are prohibited so she has no emotions'.
A2 > Kaine > 2B > Operator 6O > Operator 21O > Emil > Zero > Commander
>commander hips that low
>Commander last
Shit taste
Game would have been better if A2 was the main character, she has a good enough back story to have had the entire game be about her. I REALLY hope Taro never does this "trio protagonist" thing ever gain.
A2 looks like a dirty truckstop wench, I want to lick her clean.
Can we all agree this user has the shittiest taste on Sup Forums?
>2b is the pure good girl
>a2 is the used cumdumpster slut
prequel dlc tho
t. assblasted commanderfags
A2 has best voice
>hinted sequel
there will be no such thing. why would you think otherwise?
We already have a prequel though.
It's a stageplay.
Hey, I agree with A2 on top tho but Commander is too damn low
Maybe A2 > Commander > and stuff
user there are certain advantages to being attractive.
Don't worry, we'll see a new sequel that branches off ending Z or something in about 7 years.
>Spin off of self destruct ending
Like getting raped by a pack of niggers? Thank goodness there are only robots and androids in this game's universe.
It starts with commander:
*record scratch*
You're probably wondering why I'm floating in space...
Taro an entirely new franchise based on Ending E of DD, I wouldn't put it past him to find some way to make a new franchise out of Ending Y.
tfw English 2B is a landwhale
>ending K becomes cannon
>androids commit mass suicide because they all collectively realize how delicious mackerel is
>the sequel revolves around a machine lifeform that is trying to emulate an android but can't taste mackerel and is depressed
tfw Japanese Toobie is Mikasa
Well im not fapping to the VA, that's for sure
It's the 2B ass i seek
So that my erection may leak
I never once said 2B had no emotions. I'm saying their romance was poorly handled and it led me to not give a shit about 2B and that aspect of 9S's character.
Kaine was not defined by her feelings for Nier.
Same, all his games are pretty good at making you bond with the "party", which really helps with both the entertainment and feels when the hammer comes crashing down, not sure why he chose this unless its the last game he ever makes, because then I get it.
coz shes from a japanese game and not from a western game
>but also a Jojo fan
I don't know what to feel user
Cherami Leigh as A2 is best
Great a landwhale who likes yaoi shit
You can like a person without lusting for them you know.
It's not just romance. It's about ongoing guilt, duty, disenfranchisement with the system and more.