I don't understand how anyone could play old RPGs these days. The text moves so fucking slowly. I can read faster than one WPM, at least display all the text instantly and let me advance as soon as I read it. Pic definitely related. I don't mind reading text in games, but not when it's at a retarded first grader's reading speed. This is why any emulator worth a damn has a speed up button, to skip this tedious bullshit.
I don't understand how anyone could play old RPGs these days. The text moves so fucking slowly...
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>he doesent use the text speed option
In this game, there are five text speeds. 1 though 5. The first thing I did when I had the option was switch from 1 to 5. Surely this would speed things up.
Actually, 5 is the slowest setting. It takes several seconds for every text box. And this is SNES text boxes which have maybe 8 words at most.
I just don't understand the mentality in the 90s that thought this was an appropriate reading speed.
how are you not playing these in emulators where you can increase the game speed
unless you're playing for nostalgia factor in which case you'll never understand
>how are you not playing these in emulators where you can increase the game speed
You are utterly missing the point. The point is that it was a ludicrous decision to make then. Standards were so low at that point that a fundamental part of the game had to be circumvented just to make it playable.
Are you really shitting on Terranigma you fuck?
Maybe set the speed to fast you dumb shit.
I hear what you are saying. I don't understand it either. Some games do this still, I remember playing 999 when it came out. It's a fucking visual novel, all you do is read. And it had no way to make text appear all at once. Luckily you could skip text you had seen before, but still. I am fairly certain it added several hours to my runtime, just waiting for text to appear.
>giving a shit about something so trivial
i even went and looked up the text speed in Terrangima, it looks fucking fine.
>the best argument you have about golden era RPG games is the text speed
terranigma is 'good' in the same way that la mulana is good
in other words, its 'not' good
the good games in the actraiser series were actraiser 1 and soulblazer, and you have to be in the mood for them
obviously they were amazing at the time, but standards do change, and the mechanics that seemed so fresh at the time have been done many times by now
It's already set to the fastest speed by default, which is unimaginably slow. Are the japs just retarded and can't read? Don't blame this one on the Americans, this game was only release in English in Europe.
Wow, a VIDEO of the game, that you don't actually have to play, and can speed up at will. Totally the same thing as playing the game, in which hours will be spent waiting for text you read ages ago to finish cycle to the next box.
Still a major flaw in a story-oriented game. Why would they make such a critical part of the experience so shitty?
>It's another modern gamer whines about classic games for no reason other than to tell everyone they are a faggot
you're saying the video is fucking rigged to make your moron point look bad?
holy moly am i lmaoing at your life
Somehow I'm not surprised that nostalgiafags go into full blind defense mode and don't actually address the topic at hand. What can ya do?
>Why would they make such a critical part of the experience so shitty?
1. they didn't you're just a whiny faggot
2. the game was made in japan in japanese. The reading speed of japanese and english are not the same. If you have a beef with the text speed, it's with the english localization team not adjusting this not the original devs.
3. Terranigma is an action-oriented game with a very simple story.
you're right btw, being throat raped by story has never been a good design
the great games with great stories are inevitably the ones that give you the option of skipping all that shit as quickly as possible
and what do you know, people go back and read that stuff carefully when they're given the option to skip it
>very simple story.
yes, and it's delivered to the player at glacial speeds. Impressive. Very nice.
So you set it to 1 and you still think its slow? I am playing my repro cart and its literally fine. How autistic are you where the speed needs to be fucking insanely fast?
Soul Blazer is amazing but its not in the Actraiser series. Its in a so called Quintet Trilogy. The second game in the so called series Illusion of Gaia, is not that great.
Also are you really shitting on La Mulana as well? Even though that and Terranigma play nothing alike, presented differently, and La Mulana came out way later ?
It is set to text speed 1 by default. Did you frequently test at lower reading levels than your peers in school? This would explain why it would take you so long to read text.
i literally posted a video showing the text pops up instantly. you're the one going into full damage control, and it's hilarious.
We could get technical and say that older games, especially NES, SNES, and Gameboy games with lots of text were slow because there was much more text to read prior to many of those games being translated/localized.
A single string of text in Japanese is usually more informative than what could be translated into English in the same space, so the slow text just matches the speed of the original JP that it's replaced.
But, you seem to want to whine about having to read more than actually being educated.
>having to read more
But it's not reading more. It's the same content, delivered much, much slower. Unreasonably slow, in fact.
That video obviously has been sped up by the emulator. Look at how fast the character moves after reading the text boxes at the time stamp you linked to. I understand you feel threatened by someone criticizing a video game you like (which is an interesting insight into your psychology), but please try and keep up.
No you fucking cunt. Also that speed is literally fine, holy fucking shit.
Relax, man. We're just talking about video games. There's no need to be defensive on an anonymous image board.
Oh you are just retarded. Here is a (you).
A bump's a bump, user.
>Asshole says game text is extremely slow
>People proving him wrong
>Insults intelligence of a person
>Person responds back by calling him a cunt
>"B-Bro its just a prank"
Go fuck yourself with dildo covered with rusty nails.
>Are the japs just retarded and can't read?
You're playing the English version and blaming Japanese people for a version they never played? How's that work?
>criticising terranigma
This is obvious bait, stop responding you jags
Thankfully tales of phantasia and destiny have text speed options.
FF7 is still playable because of its overall speed. I can't at FF9 anymore. That's more battle speed though, not text.
I tried to play Xenogears and couldn't because of the text speed.
Try Skyward Sword.