>Mother wants to have a serious conversation with you
>Its about how demonic games are and that you should stop playing them and seek God
Mother wants to have a serious conversation with you
Other urls found in this thread:
Ask her if you're still allowed to play Super Noah's Ark 3D.
Yes mum.
I will.
>Mother wants to have a serious conversation with you
>She wants the D
>Mother wants to have a serious conversation with you
>She wants you take a break from your silly make believe games and give her a foot rub
share with her reads form the bible. a fact that always trip devoted mums is god killed 30 million people in the bible whilst the devil only killed 10, but only after gods gave him permission
>Mother wants to have a serious conversation with you
Reading that hurt my brain user, learn to spell
Mother should I build the wall?
>seek God
I wonder how it'll go down when you tell your mom that you believe in Japanese shinto
>Refusing to satisfy his mother sexual needs
Shitty son
>Mother wants to have a serious conversation with you.
>It's about how she's worried that you haven't found work that makes you happy, or have a girlfriend.
This actually happened today and I felt like shit. First time she's ever said it to me.
what if she was a hambeast? Or a tranny that adopted him?
Show her this.
Then tell her it is time to go on a crusade.
If she gives you the hippy bullshit with peace and love and turn the other cheek, throw in the example of Jesus tossing merchants out of the temple or Samson being a manly man.
Sure mom. I'll just go back to harry potter and practicing witchcraft.
>Dad wants to have a serious conversation with you
>Its about how you're a grown ass woman that still plays games and should find a fucking boyfriend already
it hurts
Christcuks literally worship my wife's son.
>Abrahamic faith
I'll just stick to my wholesome Christian game, then.
>Its about how demonic games are and that you should stop playing them and seek God
I always pick the Law path, my mother would never say that to me.
Then the refusal is understandable
>If you kill him you'll be just like him!
And people wonder why I hate the Pope.
Most parents who say that stuff are typically turbo Protestant parents like evangelicals or Baptists or something.
Don't bring that shit up here.
really funny user upvoted!
Just tell her you're gay
She'll stop caring about the video games
He's trying to fucking convert and convince Muslims to become Christians/Catholics. The Pope doing stuff like this does nothing but help promote Catholocism
If was any other Pope i would believe in you
You mean the socialist pope who is fine with gays?
So god is just like us, huh?
Proud of my muslim bros at the vatican
user, please stop.
That too also helps get more Catholics. Anything that makes Catholocism seem inviting brings in more Catholics, really.
Why not just hook up with a vidya friend?
No we are like god
>mom forced me to throw away all of my pokemon cards
>got rid of my pokemon games
>used a permanent marker to black out any references to pokemon on my pikachu yellow gameboy
>now is over her religious phase watches "demonic shit" like harry potter
Yes because when you tried with conflict the french and poles kicked your asses
What good are "more" Catholics if they just make it so Catholicism bows to degenerate lifestyles and ideologies?
>living in the central USA
not that user, but if I were a girl that would be last thing I'd look for boyfriend related
>tfw your grandmother is suspicious about this stuff, but she's okay with it mostly as long as her great grandkids aren't playing war shooters
And honestly, I don't blame her. COD and Battlefield need to just fizzle out.
>Mother wants to have a serious conversation with you
>She got eaten by a demon and that demon is trying to kill you now
I try not to feel too bad
Your Mother Was Right All Along
>Religious side of family:
>murders (2 cousins have killed 3 people, an uncle ran over his ex, and an aunt drowned her first born)
>thieves (too many accounts to keep track, enjoy stealing from their grandparents)
>hypocrites, obviously
>'disowned' owned 2 family members for being gay/lesbian
>burned Harry Potter books
>dad wants to have a serious conversation with you
>its about your crippling video game addiction and how you spend obscene amounts of time on them
>the only thing you can think of is the fact that you spend more time on Sup Forums than actually playing games
>not pretending to act like her and going nuts about her watching harry potter then blame it on how she brought you up
Mother's are almost always right. I realize that now but I realized it too late. I'd say listen to your mothers before it's too late. Maybe volunteer at your local church and read the bible.
Saving souls user
>believe in God
>believe Jesus died for our sins
>believe in the Pope's power
>encouraged to follow standard Catholic rituals
>encouraged to do good deeds
Everyone wins
>mother wants to talk to you
>it's about taking your pills again
My mom is black so this doesn't resonate with me.
That still a thing these days?
I recall we weren't allowed to talk about Harry Potter when my grandparents came to visit, because their church got some crazy ideas into their heads that it promoted demonic worship.
Wouldn't even consider bringing D&D up.
>Mother wants to have a serious conversation with you
>Its to say goodbye and that she loves you
It's been almost two years now since she passed. I'm starting to forget what her voice sounded like.
This. Whenever someone asks what I've played recently I just reply "I don't play video games". Of course they don't believe me.
If my mom died I'd probably have killed myself before. I've contemplated suicide many time but when I held that 9 all I could see was my momma's eyes.
So not following the teachings of the bible is "saving souls"? Sounds like corrupting the Church even further to me.
Niggers get of my board! REEEEEEE
Sorry to break it to you user but literally everyone is going to die, including you and your mom
I'm sure you meant a #9 fatty.
my mother is kind of the reason why I've tried committing suicide multiple times. She likes to say things that, while not hurtful to her, is soul crushing to me
She must be a step mom. I had an evil step mom growing up. She called me the spawn of satan.
Nice one.
Go to bed Tupac
>tfw mother is an emotionally abusive alcoholic cunt
if she comes into my room drunk and yelling (aka every other night) I throw shit at her
I don't think I'm going to her funeral when she dies
Waaay ahead of you ma.
Maybe she doesn't have friends
literally the only thing keeping me from going "maybe i shouldn't off myself" is thinking about how it would make my parents feel. they love me and they tried to raise me right, yet here i am. i don't want to burden them with that.
I don't have a whole lot of familiarity with important Catholic beliefs that separate them from the Protestants, but from my understanding, the greatest core Christian belief that makes someone a Christian and have a saved soul is the belief that Jesus died for one's sins. Having this belief is an acceptance of His sacrifice, and thus making your soul saved.
Beyond this the Ten Commandments are the next in line for the absolute greatest sins that should be avoided. And there's some belief among Christians that the New Testament and the life of Jesus renders the teachings of the Old Testament null.
>tfw me mum isn't like this and actually loves me
Is she the "Fat Sassy black woman that don't need no man" type?
That's how I feel. I wish I could do something more for my mom but I've failed at life. My life is a ticking time bomb waiting to go off.
Nope, she believes in gender roles. She's just from New York.
know you're not alone, user. i hope life gets better for you.
>show mom my new video game godfu
>Having this belief is an acceptance of His sacrifice, and thus making your soul saved
That's definitely the first step, but if that is the only step you take it's not going to work out. God's not stupid, he can tell if you actually are following the guidelines, and not just talking the talk.
And people who say the old testament are overwritten are full of shit, considering that those same 10 commandments are from them. Things like opposition to sodomy and sexual deviancy as a whole is pretty hardwired into the book.
>Not letting your daughter play games all day
Who would do this and why?
>dad is super religious
>in shamanism
>is a shaman
>religious duty consists of getting up early on weekends to help dad enter the underworld to fight demons
It was an okay childhood
>Mother wants to have a serious conversation with you
>It's about how she'll die in her sleep tonight unless you reply to this post
Then why is Christianity dying and Islam growing stronger, like a man with ebola?
>not blowing her the fuck out
God damn it
>believe in the Pope's power
To what? Wash feet and kiss asses?
Just show your mom the new DOOM and how its about a righteous knight slaying the demons of hell.
I was baptized catholic. What's the difference?
>the mom then goes to watch tv for 6 hours straight before going to bed
Tell her you are a priest of Kek, a god whose miracles are actually witnessed on a bimonthly basis instead of a dead jew on a stick who hasn't done anything of note since the 12th century.
Tell her how you and your brethren are fighting a covert war of mass information against the globalist pieces of shit that are uprooting everything that she believes is good.
Tell her she is a good goy and while millions of brainwashed multicultists turn your nation in hell, at least she'll be in heaven.
Well for one Muslims don't believe Jesus was the son of God
I pop in new vegas and show her joshua graham spreading Christianity to the savages.
As an infant?
Do it again as an adult if you are a believer, its a committment that should be made as an adult and not forced onto as a baby
But that's true.
If it weren't for the child/goat fucking and jumping over the moon on a horse I'd be down.
Hey i really like this gif is there any more from the artist?
>move out before she kicks you out
>never talk to her again
>laugh when her whole generation fucking dies and the "religion deserves respect" meme goes with it
The sooner we don't have to defend shit like this, the sooner US society gets unfucked. Well, that and when we stop taking McCarthyism and Reaganomics seriously.
Are you sure you're not a Muslim in disguise? A Catholic who believes in God wouldn't say that.
Who said I'm a christcuck?
I don't think religion will go anywhere. Some people need hope in life. God gives people hope. Nothing wrong with that.