Can you... Ugh... Stop typing like a .... I don't know *sigh* like a retard?...
horse wiener
fuck off you bigoted ableist shitlord
Don't post obese Etna itt. Thank you.
Etna have no sex appeal
no ass
no tits
>sexy loli mc
>actual game is just ebin memes and cringe dialogue
Why can't we just have a normal game with loli mc?
And yet...
Why is my dick hard?
How far are you and what does your team look like?
I'm sure at this point you've realized how shit Etna and Flonne are in combat. As a beginner, it's difficult to find a way to make them useful, but you'll eventually find a way.
Giving Etna an axe always worked for me. Never put effort into Flonne since I can always make my own angel later that is better and sounds like a soulless murder machine.
Im in chapter 4.
My team is this:
Jesus christ, get some magic characters.
Get yourself a mage and have the healer be the one that makes them so she can learn the mages spells.
she's just not the same in 3dpd
Thanks for the advices.
>using monsters
I don't think there's any meds they can put you on for pedophillia. Maybe just CBT?
Same with this protein-oni
Wait a moment are you playing on an emulator? What a faggot.
>wasting money with games
You can pirate D1 PC.
The fact that you don't know this speaks miles of your lack of intelligence.
Fucking lmao. You're the biggest sperg I've seen in a long time.
At least pirate the PC version, it has higher res art and the NDS content. Now you wasted 12 hours you could've spend on the PC version. Retard.
PSP emulator. Im a poor guy.
>bilinear filtering
You're so fucking retarded holy shit.
Literally the most retarded person on Sup Forums.
I'm not surprised that you're a retarded autistic sperglord.
Kill yourself.
She does for people who want a character with a little girl's body, I guess.
>playing on emu instead of pc version so he can savescum
look at this faggot
Reminder that Majorita is the best Disgaea loli.
Just force yourself to stop fapping to lolis and eventually you will uncondition your mind to being sexually attracted to children. Getting into Senran Kagura helped me with this.
gays not welcome
Thats a penguin? lol
>no fanart outside of the game
>no personality once recruited in-game
Feels bad, man.
how did getting into a loli titty ninja fighting game help you get over being sexually attracted to lolis?
I'm attracted to literally every female body type. I don't know why
Inna too?
only gays are interested in girls with the figures of boys
What part of this looks loli to you?
>playing on a PSP emulator instead of pirating the PC version
What's wrong with you, dood?
>cute design
>whole story is "I got tricked"
Her skits in the postgame were neat but boy I wish she had more going
Where you living?
Nothing that fanart can't fix.
>that filter
My problem is that she goes full "muh Usalia" after recruitment. Half her lines when moving is about her. Fucking shame, I want to mod those lines out and have my tyrant back.
Can't be helped.
I would be all about that curry bunny cunny too.
Soooooo when's the next Disgaea out on Steam??
>My problem is that she goes full "muh Usalia" after recruitment.
Yeah, characters that do that are annoying as shit. Petta disappointed the fuck out of me for that.
Atlus is having a stream soon, no? I fully expect D3 PC to be announced there.
A true patrician levels her to 9999 and continues to use NISA to spam her NIPPON ICHI attack every single turn anyway
Either this summer or early next year.
Its a Scanline filter for PSP.
I use because of the nostalgia effect
Wait never mind I suck cock, wrong company.
the oppai part you fucking degenerate
That's loli enough for me.
none of this NISA shit
Can I just import D5 or do I need to play all the others first?
but flat girls are cute
Play everything nigga.
The general consensus is that playing Disgaea games out of order ruins the games before them due to gameplay improvements. Do what you want my guy.
IMO, the first Disgaea perfectly captures that feeling of being a teenager. The writing takes itself just seriously enough, and is fun wthout being trope-y or gringe-y.
Each subsequent game loses that but advances the gameplay.
why does disgaea always seem to have really memorable soundtracks? is it just because you end up grinding to the item world theme for hundreds of hours every game.
D3 has a great one a D5's is some cool bizarre shit on some tracks
i want to run my hands up Etna's flat belly and chest
>12 hours
>Chapter 4
For fuck sake, nigga. Your only excuse is having played the item world for a while. You havent even hit the grind spot on that ice world.
>tfw your dad will never set you up with two demon/angel qts
Why can't I be Laharl
This is literally you.
>y.y.you are le ugly
is this facebook?
apparently it's Sup Forums
Get in line, pal.
Where I can get that hat?
That's not the point idiot. The point is that he's a nu-weeb that only watches and plays anime to fit in with the memers.
The man even took Laharl's taste in women when he did this too as he went for two flatties to watch over Laharl.
I was perfectly on point and you prove it once again with your aggressive baby talk.
there is literally nothing right about your post
I was drugged by my parents for most of my teenage years so that sounds like fun, maybe I can live vicariously through that.
>only watches and plays anime to fit in with the memers
I cannot imagine a worse clique to want to fit in with.
Fanart makes her perfect by giving her a huge dick.
Bronies? Pedophiles? Homos?
irony is a poison, now shut the fuck up and have some etna
got any links to this so called fanart
Flonne is cute.
Nin nin!
Thats true!
>is on Sup Forums
I want to ____ Marjoly!
I don't get it.
Do they sweat and go to the bathroom?
Disgaea 6 this E3, right?
Looks like Flonne is having some Etna for herself.
>tfw hardly any Flonne x Etna yuri where Flonne is the assertive one
How much tutorialising and handholding is there at the start of Disgaea? I'm sick of starting new games and sitting through hours of tutorials and pointless dialogue. It's Japanese so I'm assuming there's a retarded amount of shit dialogue at the start and in between missions, is it at least skippable? Do you get a decent variety of units at the start of the game or do they slowly dole out new units one at time per mission?
I want to see Marjoly get into another game.
You can skip the dialogue and tutorials if you want. As far as characters, you have a basic set and can unlock more just by either progressing the story or getting certain generics up to a specific level.
>that scanline filter
This is how I know you've never actually used a CRT before.