ITT: mechanics in games you've ignored

>riposte system in Bloodborne
>base management in MGS V

>riposte system in Bloodborne

What a shame, it's fun and satisfying as hell.

I never used items in Ocarina of Time until one of my more recent playthroughs and the little dynamics actually make it more fun.

>What a shame, it's fun and satisfying as hell.
I seem to be unable to learn it. Every time I've tried to time it I got my shit pushed in, so I just gave up on it.

>Ignoring visceral attacks in bloodborne

damn son

Didn't parry at all through demon souls and DS1-3

Just felt better dodging and slicing

the reposte system in Bloodborne is extremely forgiving, anyone can do it
the base management is utterly useless tho

Risk was never worth the reward when it came to the parry system in souls game.

I never bothered to learn how to block or parry in dark souls 1 through 3.
As a result I usually run into a parry boss and quit just because I know those fights are bullshit grinds if you don't use parry.

That makes a lot more sense than viscerals though. Parries need certain shields just to even be possible, don't work on the majority of enemies and bosses, and have some real risk to missing them while viscerals just turn Bloodborne into ezmode.

parrying is extremely easy in DS1 but I never bothered with it in the other games

Never bothered with the rally mechanic in Bloodborne.

Sorcery. In any Souls game.

This in1 you can parry almost every enemy with those big parry windows.
In 2 i stopped because they made it harder with a smaller window and smaller parry frames.
Didn't bother in 3.

there are no parry bosses in any of the games

Sorcery is for bitches anyway.

Kind of impossible to ignore this mechanic, really.

>Couldnt even figure out how to parry in bloodborne
How are you actually THIS fucking retarded? Fucking kill yourself you worthless turd. You must have the reflexes of a turtle having a fucking stroke if you couldnt figure it out the entire game.

But that's complete bullshit.

Nope. No boss requires, or is "grindy" if you don't parry.

Do you mean there are no bosses that can get parried or that there are a few bosses that can not parried?
Because the first would be wrong.

BB is really forgiving with its parry mechanic. I would understand never figuring it out in the Souls games though. And even while it is easy in BB you just may never use it.

If you mean Gascoigne, Gehrman, Maria or Orphan then no, you can easily beat them since you can stagger them to death most enemies in bloodborne. But parry does make them trivial.