So... this any good?

So... this any good?

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almost but not really

The amount of grind in the game killed it for me.

Whats that supposed to mean?

But is it at least worth it?

You turn into some big dick powerful motherfucker once you grind your way to the top?

How is the Pvp? thats the only thing I care about, can you PK?

is there any new mmo that has any novelty worth experiencing?



It's just a new version of runescape with 0 quests.

So it is good then?

My balls itch

If you like that style of gameplay yes.

Do you want a novel to tear apart with muh fallacies? It had decent ideas, it failed to deliver. You can probably get 10-30 hours in before total boredom takes over. I recommend passing on it but do whatever you want.

>Do you want a novel to tear apart with muh fallacies?

No I just wanted a more expanded version of your opinion.

Are you autistic? Just chill buddy, not everybody is your ''enemy''

Isn't it UO's spiritual successor?

I play it for 200+ hours since first beta and I really enjoy it but I will say that if you are a solo player with no intention of joining a guild or playing with friends the dont pick it up. The thing about MMO type games is that they are made to be MULTIPLAYER and many people dont understand that social interaction doesnt just happen, you got to incite it.

TL; DR play it if you are willing to interact with others


Is this a Fable MMO? If so I might be interested.

How good is the PVP? I want to play it mostly for that, can you PK anybody? is there Pvp in the open in any area?

Not op but
Not fable

Full loot PvP availible in the open world but its dangerous to go without a guild or being below Tier 6 gear

Oh, I had heard that the devs changed some things that apparently didnt make the community very happy, like making the world more and more instanced and restricting pvp, but I didnt know how true was that.

The people who actually play the game are not the ones who are complaining those people are like MOBA rejects that want skyrim multiplayer rather than an actual mmo

>Is good with more people! You are just antisocial!
EVERYTHING is more fun while sharing it with other people who also want to have fun, there is no merit at all in that.
Now, it can be a good MMO like EVE or a bad one with a good community like this one.

Well never played EVE but at least me personally just walks around the world doing dungeons and gathering, when I come across somebody I try to party up and make friends and it usually works which is why I think that specifically you have to be social because I think many people do whatever they want and think they just instantly get social interaction just by playing and being the best at the game,
If you can name me that characteristics of a good mmo to you I can confirm or deny them

Is there a rogue class that can stealth?

There are no classes but based on some builds I've need you could easily pull of a rouge

Seen* not need

But can you stealth?

You get very short stealth compared to something like WOW because honestly it would be pretty OP to have it for too long a time, If you are looking to go full on assassin like stalking people and shit this may not be what you are looking for

He meant something like this

can you do it?

Also whats up Jamm, long time fan

- Huge grind factor which is boring as shit
- Really low max number for people that can PvP before huge nerf system kicks in, so big battles are blocked
- Ugly UI
- Developers waste a big amount of time on useless crap like tablet compatibility
- Unity

Yes but not for nearly that long
Also g2g cant awnser more questions I got to go to class and im not a degenerate that sits on his phone all class