What can I say? I find it to be a fun game. I'm not going to stop playing a game I enjoy just because other people insist it's bad.
League of Legends
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keep your assfaggots shit on reddit then
Playing LoL a pretty good indication that you're a dumb, bad person, but do whatever floats your boat.
Reminder if you're sub diamond 3 you're trash
It's horrendously flawed, but it scratches a certain itch that no other game does. I've been trashing it for 5 years now but I still play it.
>play for a few years early on
>try and get friend to play but won't
>stop playing and a while later friend starts
>gets me back into it
>currently haven't played for 2 months because of classes
>he also seems to be drifting away from it
please let me be done
i know a person who plays lol. she is married, had a kid with the husband, husband cheated on her. she tried to be all girl power. realized life is hard. now is back with her husband after only a few months away from him.
lol is for people who cant handle life.
>false equivalence: the post
not even defending LoL, just calling you a retard
Is the game still heavily populated? Seems like more and more people stop playing it all the time.
It's not in the spotlight like it used to be, but it's still played pretty heavily. It's really the only game like it anymore so it'll always have players who are looking for its playstyle, every other LoL clone died.
Dota 2 is different enough of a game to be in its own class
It's like I'm in 2014 again.
LoL's been popular since 2010 though.
Weirdly, Overwatch of all games seems to have motivated Riot to start doing shit to keep their game alive, so I think it's got quite a few years in it still. Like Overwatch adding new maps all the time made people realize that Riot has no excuse.
I think HotS is the most fun.
I hate everything that happened to League of Legends since it became more focused on e-sports and they decided to remove a lot of the goofy shit and enforce their meta. I play it with my brother sometime sand we have fun playing together, but you'd have to pay me before I play it on my own.
What has Riot done though? I haven't seen anything pick up. It's the same forced meta every time, simple balance patches, and butchered "reworks" of older champions.
i don't know why i even play it anymore. At this point i'm bored of it. I really miss season 3. The meta right now is pretty boring and has been for a while now.
>not even defending LoL
highly doubt that
soraka rework started it all and it still hurts.
>Main Soraka for years
Yeah it's been hell, at least her redesign made her pretty cute.
I stopped playing in 2015 they changed too much from what made me start playing in the first place
Same thing made me quit wow in 2012
In terms of actual content, they're putting out a lot more than they used to. That includes the reworks, which you may not like but you can't deny they've been pretty well-received for the most part.
Soraka was the first wound, Malzahar was the kill
her Program skin is shit
should have given her a battlecast design
I dled this to play with a gril I like. What do I do in it
I just wish they didn't have to rework everyone into such edgelords. Karthas used to be a lich singing in his swamp minding his own business. Yorik used to be a dumpy gravekeeper with a spring in his step. Rammus used to just be an armadillo exposed to magic radiation.
I agree, it's the only skin I haven't bought for her.
Ok I don't disagree that what Riot did to champions like Xerath and Karma was disgusting but AP Yi and Soraka as a pure healer type character were horribly one dimensional and had no place in that game, Soraka was like an MMO healer in an ARTS just horribly out of place.
Yeah, lorewise they've gone in a direction that bugs me a bit, but for the most part I can ignore it because a ton of them still have the old whimsical voice acting from years ago.
On the bright side it's not all edgy. Have you heard the new voiceover for Lux? She's even sillier than before.
character lore is the only thing they're doing right nowadays. world building is on point overall. GP new lore was edgy as fuck. almost laughable.
What the hell do you have against the Malzahar rework? Literally all they did to his kit was add his W to his ult and make his minions an ability you can cast (which by the way is ridiculously strong compared to how it was before).
If you haven't played a MOBA before, it's basically just an RTS where you control a single unit instead of an army. Shouldn't be too hard to get into.
They changed his character focus. He's no longer an aoe mage with an all in "kill that guy" combo which is what I loved him for, he's a pusher now. The damage on everything got severely nerfed and moved onto the voidlings, Q is his only AOE now so he's just single target dot when it comes to player damage.
I don't hate him he's pretty strong now, he's just not malzahar.
I played it a few months out of beta up until 2012/2013. If you're still playing it now you have an addictive personality, no self control, and/or enjoy playing complete repetitive trash. From the terrible systems implemented, changes, force of metas, and SJW/Horrible/Dishonest devs you have 0 reason to be playing this shit.
Give another game that scratches the same itch then
Understandable, but to be fair a "kill that guy" combo is not fun to play against. Personally I'm glad Riot has been moving away from champions that can just lock you down without any room for, though I hate to use one of their words, counterplay.
How so? IronStylus was probably the biggest problem in this regard and he's gone.
Post best girl.
Oh wait, I just did.
I don't have to. That's your responsibility. Playing shit and supporting terrible devs is your prerogative. I flat-out just quit it and don't play mobas at all. I fill my time with reading, IRL stuff, and autism games like Factorio.
I haven't played since 2013 but yeah, glad that guy is gone. Is the faggot who made the Tribunal still on as well as Pen Dragon or Lyte/every other terrible person in charge of balancing?
>but to be fair a "kill that guy" combo is not fun to play against.
He's only better at it now though. Beforehand you had to go through three spell cast times and line up two of them, now you only need to aim one and there's one less spell cast and the voidlings do even more damage than the old ult plus W did.
Riot are the kings of saying a character is "toxic" because of X and then only making them even fucking worse for X in the rework.
The same thing happened with Soraka, Morello would always bitch and moan about her being a "healing fountain" despite her heal having a nice big cooldown and costing a lot of mana, so they lowered the cooldown to two fucking seconds making her a LITERAL healing fountain and moved part of the cost from mana to health, which is a lot easier to refill than mana.
k..keep me posted
Lyte's gone too. (He's the Tribunal person you mentioned.) Those paying attention will notice that League has been on the road to recovery this past year or so after some of the particularly awful Rioters have left. Really makes you think, as they say.
Unfortunately Pendragon still seems to be around but he has been very quiet for a long time. I don't think he actually does much for Riot, just takes his paycheck since he's one of the original members.
Good for you man! Just remember, everything in moderation :)))
>I don't have to. That's your responsibility.
If you say there's no reason to play the game and I gave you a reason to play it, if you're sticking to that argument then yes you do have to.
that's fine OP
people like you having shit taste is what makes people with good taste look better
enjoy your shitty, cancerous game.
You've figured out the secret to being on Sup Forums. Just do what you like. Everyone here is a faggot.
I love eating shit, why should i stop eating shit just because other people hate the taste.
Oh look at this badass, waltzing into a thread for a game he doesn't like and just spewing a bunch of Sup Forums buzzwords.
You don't have any games to play or something? That's why you're here? Sad.
The Yordle reworks mean that I am now masturbating at speeds previously deemed impossible by science.
>u find it to be a fun game
It was fun during Pre and Season 1
kys cuck
I played and enjoyed it since free to play games weren't super common at the time, started hating it when Vayne came out since they stopped caring about balance for money, quit with Darius, I couldn't stand it.
im trying to convince them to play something else, it's filled with cancer and the game itself is awful
playing a basic game and getting yelled at for no reason
how fun!
Honestly it's too late for a lot of people, including me. I have absolutely 0 faith in Riot. From the "toxic" situation where anyone saying anything remotely bad gets you chat restricted to the horrible reworks and increased IP prices it's obvious they're just in it for the money 100%. Absolutely no integrity or love for their game and this is reflected by the reviews left of former employees.
No. If someone enjoys eating shit and I tell them that it's bad I do not have to give them an alternative. Also there's an implication of that statement that you refused to read into because either you're trying to be a literal jackass or just retarded.
"You have 0 reasons to be playing this shit (unless you enjoy playing terrible games)"
Saying that your reason you play is because you enjoy playing bad games is fine but don't pretend like it's even a remotely good excuse. People enjoy bad things and that's okay.
We could instead argue about what makes the game shit instead of arguing over opinions which is what you're doing.
>there's no reason to play this
>what about this?
>no that doesn't count
the problem is I don't believe you
nobody who plays mobas has fun all of the time or even most of the time
it's an inherently frustrating experience that is made palatable by psychological manipulation embedded in the design of it
Are you on a vandetta?Why are you so aggressive and ruthless against him?
Let's assume for a moment that your opinion is correct. Why would you want someone who willingly plays a game with that kind of community to play the same games as you?
Is it worth it to get back into this game?
I quit for like 3 years now and heard people are getting banned for not picking the meta which is stupid
then keep on playing and fuck off
>I don't have fun so NOBODY can!
It used to be good a few years ago.
Ah, A man with good taste I see.
Eh. No one I know has had these issues with getting banned. Well, all except one, but he shit talks and spams so much he probably actually deserves a ban.
But I do hear the same complaints, and so I don't know if I have a biased sample in my group, or whether many others play-down their own shit in their ban.
As for playing the game again, eh. The best MOBA Dawngate is forever dead. You could do worse than LoL. You could also do better and not play a MOBA though.
>game where you have to rely on 4 other people
Just admit you play it with your friends because its literally the only game they play
If LoL and Riot turn out to be convoluted shadow corporations whose aim is to develop shortstacks then the conspiracy is well-founded.
So most sports are not fun?
My guess is a lot of people on this board will answer "yes sports are not fun" without hesitation.
yes sports are not fun
I don't know any people like that. Why do you associate with scum?
I play it alone and it gives me a sense of accomplishment when I do good!
I don't actually get that offended by EA too often. Usually when their meddling leads to an inferior product I am blase about it. But cancelling Dawngate hurt me. I really liked that dumb fucking game. It was everything I wanted in a MOBA.
Not like it takes long to play a game and find out if it's still your thing. The problem with quitting for such a long time is that you haven't been saving up any IP for all those years and it is going to take you forever to earn everything without paying real money.
One thing they have now that they didn't have years ago is featured game modes. Just a cycling thing every weekend where they have some "special" gametype. It's a lot more easygoing than the normal games so I recommend it.
Gosh, I guessed right. Even down to the complete lack of punctuation and capitalization.
goddamn new poppy was one of the best things to happen too bad theres still no fucking good hentai of her except for that one page in the lulu doujin
Did they ever make it so that everyone had access to all characters in ARAMs? That mode was terrible due to people making ARAM specific accounts with cherry-picked rosters of only OP characters.
Will league ever make attractive woman heroes ever again, or are we stuck clinging to the 4-10 year old ones?
Considering the time between your post and his he obviously just copied and pasted what you said to be funny.
If you'd called that mere seconds before he posted it, then that would have been impressive.
My cousin got me into it, it was fun at first but now it's okay when I'm winning and shit at all other times. The game is so broken it's dumb, pretty much stopped playing.
Also requires lots of knowledge to play properly, steep learning curve for little payoff in terms of fun. Would not reccommend.
it's almost like he saw your post before replying.
Yeah, I know. That's why I said "Gosh" and called out the same punctuation. I was playing along.
I feel like more artists are getting down the the shortstacks, but it still feels cultish. It doesn't help that a lot of people don't do it well.
Unfortunately not. I'm not sure what their reasoning for that is, but it's not as if it's impossible since they do exactly that for One For All.
Just because the new champions aren't your thing doesn't mean they aren't attractive.
Also they still CONSTANTLY make slutty new skins for old champions. Even Quinn who was previously pure has a slutty skin now.
>somebody else on this site besides you actually enjoys hots
I used to enjoy DotA 2 but the long match times got more and more frustrating as time went on, so i really got into hots because of that. The lower resource management and objective based gameplay is a lot more fun personally, but i do think there's merit in DotA's time management/resource management style of meta.
Hots also has some of the most fun and creative heroes with its high points imo, which makes it stand out as a better casual alternative to league.
I can't tell if it's greed or negligence. I favor the latter, because it actually seems like it would be financially beneficial for them to have a mode that forces people to use players they don't have, and possibly finding out they enjoy using them.
But I do not know. Riot is a lame fucking company. I want to blame it on the Chinese buying them, but they were pretty incompetent before that.
"hes just not malzahar"
nigger what?
they didnt even remove a single fucking skill
They moved his W to his ult (since it was only ever used with his ult anyway) and gave him a actually good passive thats a free Banshee veil
you are literally complaining for the sake of complaining.
the problem with malzahar is actually that they didnt change ENOUGH and he stills feels like a generic "summon minions,use space aids and ult" faggot that he was pre rework.
What new champ has been attractive recently?
Actually not recently, the past three YEARS?
...Taliyah? lel
>tfw to smart to fall for skinner box waifubait game
Glad I play a real, American game.
doesnt help that i use gelbooru for my searches instead either paheal might have more minus all the gore and scat thats most likely on there
If it makes you feel better I also like HotS a lot too. I just don't play it too much because I've got enough on my plate between League, Overwatch, and whatever singleplayer games I feel like playing. It helps that Overwatch's only "unlockables" are cosmetic stuff so I don't have to grind or pay just to get new characters.
>a game where you will literally never be able to communicate with your team because they're speaking 3 languages with russian usually being one of them
Shit game but playing Hecarim every now and again is still fun
>rush Trinity Force
>hit E
>very fast horse running at incredibly high speed
Illaoi, Kindred, Camille, Kled, Bard, Ekko, Rek'Sai, Azir.
what about the multiple ryze reworks
its like they have no idea what they want or what the character is
I miss a lot of the old characters and most reworks have done nothing to improve the game
Last I checked unfortunately no.
Lamb obviously, retard.
It is an american game
I feel like a lot of Japanese artists don't "get" it. I don't know how else to phrase it. A lot of Japanese artists who seem to be doing shortstack stuff seem kind of off to me. I am sure there are counterexamples, but on average that's how I feel.
You're only getting matched up with Ruskies if you're on the european server, in which case, you don't deserve the American experience.
What can I say? I find it to be a fun game. I'm not going to stop playing a game I enjoy just because other people insist it's bad.