Nintendo wins again
Looks like a zelda ripoff
>$50 for 3 roms
They should have put Sword of Mana even if Mystic Quest is here
only if its in english
i mean, i already have FF adventure, SoM, the FFA remake on gba and SD3, but i really wouldn't mind double dipping
what a fail
wonder if it will be released anywhere else
Crossposting from No localization, no buy
This. But at least be glad they didn't put the awful phone remake.
SD3 is a contender for best SNES RPG so they could have just sold that.
we don't know, probably something at next direct or e3 direct and we get a fall release because translating SD3 is a task nintendo couldn't do in the last 22 years
i don't blame SoE for us not getting SD3, but shit, we could have gotten it pretty easy with all the shit Square was putting out on the SNES.
they put out more games then than they do now!
Neat. Might import it even if I barely know moonrunes.
>it won't include the infinitely superior Adventures of Mana remake, which is the exact same game as SD1 but with gorgeous HD graphics
>Secret of Mana wont be the far superior mobile port which upgrades graphics and fixes bugs, only that with button support
>SD3 wont be translated
Zero reason to buy this.
>another collection
>SD3 is a contender for best SNES RPG so they could have just sold that.
Squeenix go home, you're senile.
Are you serious? You can play those games right now, for free, on your toasters, tablets and phones.
by gorgeous HD graphics, do you mean this?
because it looks like dogshit
Only mouthbreathing drooling retards play remakes, normal people enjoy the classics as they were meant to be experienced.
originally seiken 3 was around 90 euros at the time, and that's without inflation. sound like a deal
I've played AoM twice and I assure you fuckers is the exact same game as SD1, tile by tile. Unlike Sword of Mana nothing was changed sans for the graphics and music which in my opinion are far more better.
I grew up with FFA in my grey GB. No reason to play that version anymore other that for nostalgia values.
And we're not going to get this.
it's a nintendo switch game dude!!!
Nice collection but give me Legend of Mana with online multiplayer and then we're fucking talking.
Fuck you! It's not just a Zelda ripoff, it's a Zelda ripoff with multiplayer.
>HD graphics
You must be joking right?
Vita garbage is 540p, nowhere near HD
Sword of Mana is a better game. Take off your goggles. It had functioning day/night cycles and quests/special mobs to go with. It had actual build strategies with freedom, crafting worth looking into, so many quests to do, and a lot of NPCs.
Right, it looks like a 3DS game. "Gorgeous HD"
seems to another nostalgia cash grab or another attempt on getting nintendos older/lost fanbase back. i would have no problem buying all 3 of them for about 5$ bucks each on steam. But the 'Collection' appears to be in the price range of about 40 bucks. Is there something new or are they just reselling 3 roms (most likely)?
That is such a shame since seiken densetsu 2 and 3 are some of my favorite games.
The only good thing. And it's started.
The bad thing
They're not Nintendo games though
fuck you, i OWN these games
i like the series, it doesn't get enough releases like 99% of other series.
if buying this gets us a SD4 on switch, ill buy it.
SD4 is Dawn of Mana and it's shit
>not wanting an official english version of Seikan Densatsu 3
FUCKING PLEBS THE LOT OF YOU. SD3 fits right with the rest of the golden era SNES JRPGs. Some elitists have even claimed it was the best rpg on the system.
I just want Legend of Mana 2. Fuck's sake, it's long overdue.
>sound like a deal
You can pay $0 and emulate each game
that'd maybe be a truth, if the series was super popular like FF. who really talks about the SD series besides including SoM on top ten snes RPG lists?
yeah, fuck off about "cash grab"
this series has like 4 games and remakes of the first 1. you know they wouldn't give you them for $5 on eshop, so i have zero idea why you would have the dreams of a fucking child.
>sound like a deal
Yes, what a fucking deal.
>the best rpg on the system.
That title was passed around like a town bike onto any project that had translations going.
>Live A Live
>Treasure Hunter G
>Bahamut Lagoon
>Radical Dreamers
Yet none of them are really that great.
More like $40, but idiots on Sup Forums think everything is rounded up and currencies are equal to $1.
Also we can't enjoy discussing this game because of "hurr roms!" posting faggots.
no, it isn't an SD game faggot
i know its shit, because i bought it day 1 and was disappointed as fuck
but, that was because we were in the SE timeline, where they fuck up everything and can't even put out a 10/10 FF game anymore
4 games we never got in english
fuck the early 90s and its "rpgs are niche" shit
took until ff7 before RPGs became bigger, we probably would have never gotten SaGa Frontier or PE if RPG had been like it used to be sales wise.
You can discuss the games, but that doesn't change the fact that you're supporting a dumb cash grab harping on nostalgia like these collections usually do
wow, an actual nostalgia faggot in denial
Doesn't matter what you think about it, SD4 is Dawn of Mana.
They could have put a option to play Sword of Mana.
Yes user. But that was many many years ago. Look how fucking old the game is now.
>selling roms
I'd try to lecture you faggots but you already buy roms from virtual console and emulators like Nes classic. Nintenbros are a lost cause
>50 bux for 3 roms stolen on the internet (3 players is definitely the fan-patch)
You are fucking retarded if you buy that shit.
>it's old so it must be free
never worked that way.
>video footage of people actually playing it with multiplayer was shown before the announcement
>fan patch
I love shit posters who don't know what the fuck they're talking about.
>paying $50 to emulate games
Holy shit, don't be retarded and just boot up ZSNES. There's literally no reason to throw money at Square Enix for this. You are a fucking retard if you do.
>paying for fucking ROMs
Jesus Christ.
>Right, it looks like a 3DS game. "Gorgeous HD"
Hell of a lot better than a monochrome gameboy game
Why are you Nintendo turds so fucking retarded?
The game originally had multiplayer. 2-players only though. A fan patch was made so you could play with 3 people. They literally took the patched ROM and are showing you that.
Stop me from buying it.
You can't.
oh shit, they called it that in JP?
i thought it was just dawn of mana everywhere
fucking japs, you've ruined it!
If these were just roms that you could purchase from the Eshop, you would pay 21-22 euros if they were full price. 8 euros for each SNES rom and 5-6 euros for a Gameboy rom.
If you buy this "collection", you are legitimately fooling yourself.
nice edge you got there.
well i guess the fan translations of sd3 just popped into existence since the series is not very popular.
I would not buy it from the eshop, as i said i would buy it from steam (most likely). Mega man legacy is about 15 bucks, duck tales remastered is about 15 bucks and Wild Guns Reloaded is about 30 bucks. Yet they are selling this 'Collection' for about 40 bucks on the nintendo switch exclusively.
And yes i consider this a cash grab since i don't think that 40 bucks are a fair price for 3 roms.
I really dislike children who insult othe because someone criticises their most favorite brand.
fair point but nintendo and square enix have lost some favor over the years. i am assuming that both companies are trying to cash in on nostalgia.
>Nintendorks so starved for games they are willing to pay 50 bucks for 3 roms
Just get a fucking PC Jesus Christ
dude, its up to SE to put it elsewhere
just be glad it isn't something nintendo exclusive, this collection could show up later.
just will be $40 or whatever on steam too, since SE is shit with prices and things that over $15 for an RPG is a good price post 2013
shit, i paid $17 for romancing saga 2 because i wanted to support it. i wanted that vita port, but we ain't getting that ever in english.
I would too if people would pay big money for it.
HD development in general basically murdered every Japanese gaming company for almost a decade, so it's not a big shock that they've been turning out trash games for awhile.
>roughly $45 for three roms you can literally download now
Top fucking merchants. Nice job
SD4 was already made, they are working on SD5
Legend of Mana is a shitty game.
Fuck this. Now I know exactly what the switch is gonna be. Just a rehash station for everything released in the past 30 years. I can't wait for this thing to get hacked.
>switch faggots hype because of old games/roms
Legend of Mana might not be a conventional game, but it's not a shitty game. It had the most freedom out of any Square game ever made.
not going to pay 40 bucks for 3 untranslated roms either way.
in my eyes beeing suportiv and beeing exploited are two different things.
Can only give credit to Legend for looking really nice and having a good soundtrack, but falls flat on everything else.
why do you refer to old games as ROMs?
Because there is evidence that virtual console titles are straight-up roms downloaded from emuparadise or some shit and then listed on e-shop
Cus they're memers memeing it up.
>virtual console games
>not roms
But aren't you paying for ROMs when you buy a cartridge?
woah, 3 games you could emulate easily since the 90s
Paying for new games is fine, paying for SNES games is fucking stupid.
>b-b-b-but your'e killing the industry!
Fuck off. No one suffers if you pirate old games that aren't even sold anyumore.
dumb fart
>Switch is region free.
I don't need it.... I don't need it.
It does for digital media.
The only time I can see it worthwhile paying for older games like this is for the convenience. Other than that, buying SNES games is mainly a thing for collectorfags.
Because they are NOT games rebuilt up from the ground, they are literally roms that are being emulated in your new system
At least include the 3D remake of the first one as an extra, or Sword of Mana.
Sure don't for 5.6k yen anyway. Some highway robbery it is.
No western release anyway and way too expensive.
They're called ROMs in the context of emulation, which is what virtual console is.
u really need to visit a doctor . let em spend their money thats why they work for to spend in what ever they want buddy . go out chill a second u need some fresh air .
you can emulate/play for example super nintendo games on a computer. consoles nowdays are more and more like computers and could just emulate rom files. Even my old phone can emulate roms.
If they added online multiplayer to the VC and if they translated it, then I'd buy it
you can download these games in literally 3 seconds right now for free
your money won't even go to the developers anyway, why are people supporting this jewery
It literally would not be the first time a company has stolen something from the internet for their emulated re-release. Nintendo themselves took a random dump of Super Mario Bros. and put it on the VC, for example, instead of making their own dump.
>p-paying for roms
You realize that even back in the day when you were buying these games on cartridges you were paying for ROMs, right? Educate yourself.
>$40 for that.
Should of been $10-15 MAX.
Why are japs so bad into pricing?
This is the worst attempt at mental gymnastic I've seen in my life, what's next? A food analogy?
Does it come with remastered soundtrack?
All I want is fucking Calm before the storm, Fear of the heavens, What the forest taught me, Female turbulence and Meridian child in some higher quality.
This reeks of limited print.
If they put same price on Eshop then its jew bullshit.
>Educate yourself
You need more.