>its okay because she's 100 years old she just looks like a prepubescent child
Why is this allowed?
Its okay because she's 100 years old she just looks like a prepubescent child
I don't understand this meme. Is there really fake lolicon out there who won't fap to her if a characters is legit 6 years old?
Because Nips like loli, it's only the west that gets buttblasted about fictional girls.
Theres normalfags who won't
Because it's not a real person
>I only fap to loli who are 18+
how else are they gonna attract the paedophile crowd
My age group for loli is 14 to anywhere unless I'm really horny then it's under 14 and close to 12 or 10
she's also not real, pham
Why does it bother you?
If they're mentally an adult then what's the problem? Children not being prepared for the psychological or physical consequences of sex is an established fact and the reason why they should be sheltered by society. If they have a mind of an adult then who are you to deny them?
More than that, it's a fictional 2D character, get over yourself faggot.
Good for you for caring so much about the age of fictional characters.
Artist name?
Why is this allowed?
Her journal literally states that her mind was also affected by the reverse aging bullshit.
>The game explains fully why she is the way she is
Why are you so retarded?
Zora age much more slowly than Hylians. In actual years, she's older than both of them, but she hasn't hit Zora puberty yet.
Nintendo supports lolicon relationships
Cheeki or no cheeki?
It's shitposting, don't think too hard about it
cause ur gay lol
>when you realize OoT had three older women after Link's shota dick
>two of them disguised as lolis
Isn't Finley a boy's name?
Is it a real a name?
I like lolibaba more than regular loli, is that a crime that will cost me my tru lolicon card?
If you refuse to fap to regular loli then yes.
Lolifags are scum and Purah is an irritating as fuck character regardless. Her dialogue is reddit-tier.
Is this the loli thread?
It's actually just a small portion of women who are jealous of fictional characters. So it's a sub-group of a sub-group. Just goes to show how obnoxious that minority is, that everyone knows about them and they're considered a nuisance on Sup Forums.
Please keep going..
I want a loli to call me scum pedo trash.
Nah, eternal lolis are really popular.
Especially vampires. The Scarlet sisters have more porn than there are copies of the Christian bible.
It's a real last name. There was the baseball player Steve Finley.
I'd never heard that name before. Like a week before this game came out I heard some kids calling their sister Finley and I was like what the fuck kinda name is that.
>glasses displaced during fug
This is my fetish
Actually, that would be "chekkii"
Very little lewd of her surprisingly
Real life sucks. I want to fuck little girls!
They're barely an adult mentally after the age regression
Forget that she's approximately six, she's annoying as fuck.
Because what makes pedophilia bad is the fact that children's minds are immature, not their bodies.
Do you understand now?
Give me your best SNAP Sup Forums!
But there is nothing wrong with 2D immature mind loli either.
no because thats fucking stupid, understand that
Nintendo decided to go out and be based with this game.
Children can be made to learn to love sex.
No, but it's boring
Perverted 2d lolis are best desu
Thats a shitty image.
Thad please
>cheeki or breeki
I choose breeki
Perverted 6 years old (actually 6 years old) loli are just as good.