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Video Games #3714
Video Games
Now that we know she has Autism... I don't really hate her all that much anymore. I kinda think she's cute...
It gets good after 6 hours
Mass Effect was never good
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Sup Forums!
Which one Sup Forums?
Pokemon GO
Name a good game with no combat
Dragon Commander
What was the biggest JUST moment in gaming history?
Risk of Rain
ITT: We post vidya dancing
Oh boy
*starts raining*
Picked up a switch today. I don't get all of the fuss
Break up with my bf
Spellforce III & RTS
Kill one
Jesus fucking christ, how can anyone withstand this guys voice? I've been watching some of his zelda videos...
Oh look: another female character with man face
What do Sup Forums think of Kass?
ITT: You get to wish for THREE (3) game announcements that will come true at Nintendo's E3 direct event
Yo, kid. We heard you didn't pre-order Splatoon 2 yet
Toukiden 2
/original playstation/
Destiny 2 is coming to PC
Why was this year so forgettable?
Now that I can play PS2 backups, what game should I play first?
I need one of those ''essential JRPG'' lists for PC
Alright Sup Forums I got $1000 after a small court settlement. Help me put together a gaming PC with it
What am i in for?
What if kojimbo's game bombs?
Why does Sup Forums always loses his shit and hates when a great game comes out? Happened to BoTW too…
Sup Forums Makes a Vidya Gaem Thread 3:
4:00-4:59 AM
Itt: things Sup Forums can't do
What are your expectations? Be honest
Lets see how predictable you think i am now
Name a flaw
Name one boss you love to fight and one boss you hate to fight. From the same game or different games, it don't matter
That one guy in chat that pretends like he is on Sup Forums outside of Sup Forums
SFV Open Beta For Everyone on Steam! March 28
Any games that are similar to Yojimbo/Fistful?
Which EDF 4.1 class is the most fun?
Even leddit blew up after that statement
Play Siege
Game's soundtrack is 90% silence and occasionally has a piano/flute/etc play a few notes
Name a single person in the industry that has done more damage to his company. Go on, I'll wait
Alt + F Vita
Putting drm on your emulator that people use to pirate games
Who is your favourite companion is Planet Escape: Tournament? Mine is Mortimer
Nier Automata
ITT: Games you love despite it's many, many flaws
Why can't our video games be sexy anymore?
Wow now those are some games
Name a better game that came out last year
Kingdom Hearts 1.5+2.5
Purah is looking at you, user
Why didn't Red Dead Redemption come out for PC but GTA usually does? Genuine question, no console war faggotry
Capcom finally fixes SFV
Can't move more than 3 steps without a random battle happening
Why is this such a shoddy port?
Salvage the Destiny franchise
Holy shit! Did the update make steam link suddenly not a piece of shit?!
What vidya character have you fapped the most to?
Fucker asks for a heal
How did the Hylian Shield go from being a standard shield that is sold in average swords to being a one-of-a-kind...
Have we witnessed perfection?
Who is target audience?
That level that makes you turn the game off
ITT Post Scams you fell for
Who was in the wrong here?
Let's have a filename thread
Its over
So, when is he getting his rework? It's any time now, right?
Pc wins yet again. How can console cucks ever recover from this
This is coming from someone who primarily plays on PC but Bloodborne is a really good game...
Less than 1 hour and h1z1 is dead
He bought an Xbox One
So what the fuck went wrong? How did this game managed to turn out so much worse than Persona 4? Fuck...
It's not that bad
This is Balance Hitler, say something nice about him
So what's the consensus?
Replaying KOTOR
Gaming and IQ
Can someone recommend me a good modern JRPG?
Who is your favorite video game dev right now?
Dragon Quest 11
Holy shit, it's yellow
What an edgy fucking bitch
Why is she so perfect Sup Forums?
Whereever i go, i must PURGE THE UNCLEAN
Now that even the most reliable reviewers are praising Zelda BOTW, can we say it's best open world ever made?
This is Aloy. Shes new around here. Say something nice
What's your excuse?
A friend of mine asked me is mgs5 was better then mgs4 and I honestly didn't know how to answer
What does Sup Forums think of monster girls?
What the fuck happened
MASS effect
Who was in the wrong here?
Now that the dust has settled, was it really that bad?
Is this list accurate?
Touhou thread gets deleted
Favorite track from the Nier Automata OST?
Why does the Ps4 keep selling?
You just finished university
I want to buy a Switch to play Zelda but after I beat Zelda I'll have nothing else to play on it
What went so right?
Asura's Wrath PC port
Nier Automata
Does Sup Forums believe in astrology?
Terrific. Dont ever own a fucking small dog
Dad boss
How do you stop your hands from sweating while playing video games?
*blocks doorway*
Anyone here ever get fucked over by a game studio due to uncreative assholes shitting on your ideas...
Artificial difficulty the game
What's the most fun weapon in this game? I'm sick of being a scrub that uses generic longswords
Be in town
They don't regard the joycon thing as a design fault
Never played Persona before what one should i start with?
I don't know what to play Sup Forums
What went wrong?
Is this there a more better-written female videogame character than The Boss?
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
WiiU Discussion
DESTINY 2 confirmed for September 8th
So why was anyone mad about this?
Does your girlfriend have bigger breasts than TB, Sup Forums?
*runs at you at very high speed*
God I hate this fucking game, one mistake and you're fucked
Can this game be beaten in single player, normal to hell, without using cheats...
I'm looking for games where you can make the character piss
Will Ciri cameo in Cyberpunk 2077? She says she was in a world with flying ships
Anyone else on this board like video games? What games do you like?
ITT: Your favorite video game quote
I won't spoil anything, but if you haven't played Fallout 4 don't read
That kid who was sexually abused by his father and got video games to stay quiet
There are PC """gamers"""" on this board right now that don't have at least one type of gamepad for their rigs
Left or right?
Breath of the wild thread
Give me a game with cute girls(male) in it
Which quest is the best in New Vegas and why is it pic related?
ITT: Post games from your country that everyone else probably never heard of
Reminder that if you don't buy Mass Effect: Andromeda, Bioware wins
Screenshot Thread
Is the gothic series known in the USA? What do you guys think of it?
People say 30fps vidya is disgusting for them
Is Witcher 3 the worst written AAA game?
FFXV was a good game, poor story telling, but once you watch the anime, films...
Game 1 is good
How come a massively overshilled indie darling of the month sold so little?
Do you even need other frames besides Loki?
Whats her endgame, Sup Forums?
Big bad is your brother
When you want to make Manlets feel strong
Aloy really grows on you
I bought Andromeda, and it's not even that bad. some spots are actually really pretty
Webm thread
Left: Japan
Really makes you think, huh?
Have you given you daily praise to Sachiko?
What's the best Spyro game?
What game lets me walk around, explore and enjoy Japanese towns/cities...
For Honor is dead
Gaming related scams
Final boss is defeated by the power of friendship
Medievil to completely remade in HQ for PS4 officially announced
Turok 2 EX Help
Technology too expensive due to Institutions? Just buy the Common Sense DLC and develop your provinces to speed it up!
What videogames do euphorics tend to enjoy?
Why does Sup Forums not ever talk about watch-dogs 2?
ITT video game "critics"
Games where the dev team fucked up and were just and correctly punished with bankruptcy
Splatoon 2 beta
So how is the FPS in bloodborne?
Fighting games general
What's a nice videogame(preferably shooter) where i can kill Americans?
How did this become a meme when it's 100% correct? Alpha Sapphire is a decent game but there IS too much water in it...
1:1000 Earth minecraft server
Shitty game expirences thread. Tell us stories about shitty things that happened to you in games
Wew lads, nearly got memed got again
Now that the dust has settled, can we all agree that sex is better than video games?
Can we talk about this game? As laughable and corny it may be today...
Whem was the last time you made a friend im a gme? I havet made any new ones in yeArs...
So was there a joke here that was lost in translation, or does nintendo condone pedophilia?
Can overwatch ever be good or it will always be this shit?
When's HammerFell
Why is she so perfect?
Our entire hobby is killing virtual people
Walk into room
This is a good game
Can you go a week without fapping once, Sup Forums?
Refuses to play Bloodborne, despite owning a PS4, instead opting to watch a 40 hour playthrough of it on YouTube
Is sex better than video games?
*blocks your path*
Push the SELECT button!
No Golf game deserves to be this good
Which mario kart 64 character did you pick as a child and did you end up gay?
Breath of the Wild Thread
Meanwhile on the Sup Forums MMO
*jews your path*
Ywn see Microsoft E3 2013 conference for the first time again
Persona 4 Thread
What went wrong?
It's the Angry OoT Nerd
Do you think sound in video games can make or break a game?
Is there a franchise which has had the 3rd game be the best of the lot?
Hollow Knight
One of the best console ever made
Do you miss those days, Sup Forums?
Here's your controller bro
Roll has something to show you...!!!
Who are some video creators who offer decent insight into game design without being arrogant faggots about it?
How do you explain to a child why Peach use her butt to attack?
What facial expression does this convey?
3D tech in games
*Teleports in front of you*
Why is Planeptune okay with an exhibitionistic little girl as their goddess?
Kills your entire team
What games have enemies that send you into a panic?
He was fine before
Released 2 years before the SNES
Name my band Sup Forums
Why are current MtG games so lacking?
I quit video games for half a year and decided to try playing games again today
Okay, I'm finally to the point where I can go after the divine beasts. Which order should I do it in?
Oh yeah, that happened
This is the best rhythm game ever made, you can not prove me wrong
A cryptid hunting game just released
What's the best Heroes game and why is it 2?
This is the most fun I've ever had in video games for years. It all plays along so well. Also How was your PC port...
Dishonored and all her Glory
Why aren't you hyped for the upcoming greatest cinematic experience of this console generation?
Just Cause 3 is a worthy successor to Crysis. Why does it get so much hate?
So despite the complete shitshow the franchise has become, we still love him right Sup Forums?
PC vs PS4 vs Nintendo shitposting on this board every single day
Games with good stories thread
What do you eat while gaming Sup Forums?
Soul Caliber 6 when?
What are some of your favourite music themed levels?
Please ban me for as long as possible
Name SEVEN (7) games that are not Mario Kart Double Dash. I bet you can't even do that, you poor excuse of a gamer
Are there any good baseball games?
This game, literally 10 fucking years later, still stands toe-to-toe with all modern games...
Design a White girl
Only on PlayStation
Unexpected depth
Is this the best gay character portrayed in a video game?
Why are overwatch character and skin designs so shit?
E3 2018
Gameplay should be skippable
Any worthwhile games for the Switch other than BotW and 1, 2 Switch?
Is there anything good I'm missing in my Wii U library? Not shown: Fatal Frame, Pushmo World, Runbow, Fast Racing Neo...
You wait in the car user, I'll take care of this
Post your taunt
Remeber when games at full price was 50$
Didn't add Chrom because he didn't want to add "just another swordfighter"
Reviewers who were paid/ scared to lose ad space, give an undeserved game a perfect score
Why can't western devs make games with good combat mechanics?
How true/false is this picture?
What is the best MMORPG in it's current state
Any games that respectfully approach war and/or violence from a complex and emotional stand point?
Who is the philip k dick of video games ?
Convince me to play Morrowind. I'm not memeing, I'm not shitting on it...
Was he right, Sup Forums ?
Games that suck, but you liked them anyways
Will you be buying it or nah?
What went wrong?
What went wrong?
It's late. Let's have a spooky vidya thread
How can other fictional races even compete?
I'm just gonna fucking quit because this thing is literally impossible...
ITT we write vidya jokes for Family Guy
Why do gamers have such short attention spans when it comes to games? Like...
What went wrong?
Final boss is you and people around the world attacking Square Enix
This is the first monster hunter type game I've ever played...
*deletes Aquatic Ruin Zone*
Post your taunts
Samurai Jack
God tier main menus
ITT: Games only you have played
What's next for Taro? Retirement?
How do you feel about this character?
- Catherine Costume and BGM Set - 5/2/17 - $6.99
I miss Skyward Sword
Post casual filters
Let's have a western dev make the sequel so that it has no chance of being good
Post your idle animation
Are these the best video game villain designs of all time?
Game keeps track of your deaths
What went so horribly wrong?
ITT: Video game series you wish weren't dead
11 more levels at yetis before I can go to coolie zombies
So care you ready to admit the switch is a flop already?
So you're in the club when all of a sudden this girl slaps your ass and says "Sav'aaq" What do you do?
A game like botw that I don't need to buy a console to play
It is now 2 years since this masterpiece was released to the world
What the hell happened?
My Mom helping me through a hard level in Super Mario Land on the day Nintendo Gameboy was released
When was the last time you paid for a game for full price? Y'know,60 dollars?
FFXIV thread
V approved RPGs
Explain this shit
Is Overwatch the most patched game ever?
What are good video games Filipinos like to play?
Hey, user! Wanna start a youtube lets play channel with me?
This is the most overrated game of all time
What do you guys think of the new Xbox One controller
Best character designs/versions
Choose one niggers
Choose one
Have you ever fallen for a hype train because of a specific advertisement or video...
Post four normal words that relate to a game
What makes a good open world game?
What are some vidya boys?
The GOAT 3DS game came out today 5 years ago. Can we have a comfy Uprising thread to celebrate?
Does anyone else really need this to be good?
Top 9
Can we have a Neverwinter Nights thread?
Uncharted: The Lost Legacy
How in the fuck do I get out of the first basement? This shit is pissing me off
Whats the story? is there a story?
What do you have to say about the PS2 Sup Forums?
You faggots will argue about anything
See all the memes about peebee
Who is your favorite and what is?
Are speedrunners the worst gamers?
*Blocks your path*
Got the shitty/faulty batch of joycons from switch launch
What are your hopes? Inkling? Ice Climbers? Wolf? Smash Run mode ported? New Stages? Etc?
Why is Plague Knight the best?
How, why?
Switch nintendo
When did World of Warcraft die for you?
Witcher 1
Are games art?
How progressive
How bad did I fuck up Sup Forums?
Gamer fuel thread. Post what you're eating/eat while you waste your hours playing vidya
What are your expectations for it Sup Forums?
Why did this gem fly under the radar?
It's been a little over 15 years since this game came out and there hasn't been a single game released in that time...
Mass effect: Autism
Turok 2 Remastered
Nier Automata is the best game of all time
Despite all of its flaws, I think we can all agree that this was a solid entry in the franchise
Twilight Princess was awful
Un-mutes mic to cough
"user...we can't keep seeing each other like moved on."
How's your modded Skyrim coming along, Sup Forums?
Fire Emblem
Playing this for the first time in 2017 it's... actually kinda fun...
What do you think the next game is going to be?
I'm sick of not having a steam avatar thread
Based wii u bulls got to play and beat it a week early
Meanwhile, on bizarro Sup Forums
It says here you bought Mass Effect: Andromeda
It's time for a class action lawsuit
What was your longest gaming session Sup Forums?
FFVIIR comes out
ITT: series that you wish could come back
What bad game do you play over and over?
Hey Sup Forums
Tommy Vercetti... huh! shit
Is this a good choice for a first time PC gaming laptop?
What sound do headshots make?
Video game ads
After getting one of these things, I now what to play every game on this
Mission Objective: SURVIVE
Last online: 779 days ago
Pirate music
Persona 5 confirmed for Xbone
Is the Yakuza series the manliest japanese franchise ever created?
Since Sup Forums loves to say that fighting games are dead, then let's see those ideas that would "save" the genre
Do you think that yoshi gets embarassed when he poos out eggs in front of mario
Minecraft Thread Followup
hear they fixed the bomberman r controls
Anyone here play duck game?
Draw an scene in paint and other anons try to guess
Extra Credits
Post your gaming setups
15 years old
What are your thoughts and opinions of the Batman: Arkham series of games?
Sup Forums has no legitimate complaints about this game aside from "it's too hard because my weapons keep breaking"
Commander Shepard appreciation thread
Why don't the Chinese like THICC?
Who is best girl Sup Forums and why is it Hanako?
Zelda series sucks - I'm not even trolling
ITT: Games you beat as a kid without knowing how to read
What is best Sailor Moon game?
Doom 3
Have you made the Switch?
You bought my game right Sup Forums?
How's the game going user?
Monster girls > normie girls
Was terraria 2 cancelled or something? There has not been news about it in over a year
How do we fix RPGs?
Which Harry Potter games were the best?
What was his endgame?
Senran Kagura
What's next for him after Stardew Valley?
Bethesda, why?
Is this genre as dead as MMOs?
Who are you shipping?
Newest of fags here. How do I pirate a game...
Switch Third Party support
Did this really live up to the hype?
Persona 5!
He was right you know
How long is an average playthrough of this game...
Please be good
Expecting player to have sympathy and grief over stupid machines
So did he run with the money or what
40 years from now
What would you ask of me?
It is happening. We are yellow now
What does Sup Forums think of Haunting Ground...
New suits confirmed
MHXX dominates Japan, spikes 3DS sales by 179%
Have you ever been falsely banned from a game, or server?
Best 2D games ever
There will never be a life sim as good as this
Things that you do that triggers Sup Forums
What's the game?
Video games were already getting bad by this time 10 years ago
This is Sara!
Has there been a year this good since 1998?
What was her fucking problem?
I did it bros, bawling like a bitch now. Nier Automata is an amazing game
The great debate
In all seriousness is this game worth buying? Its 20% off on GMG
Rate my collection Sup Forums
Anyone else not give 2 shits about the campaign and is having fun with the MP?
Loli trains is 100% translated and Sekai Project will release it sometime this year
Is good?
Be in Canada
What would a GTA set in Europe be like?
Why is this allowed
Anyone else sick of this?
Post your favorite Shepard scenes
Let's do one of these dumb threads
Let's talk about the insane piece of shit that is the Cinematic Mod for Half-Life 2
Who here about to play GOTY?
Why the FUCK is this allowed?
What have you been doing for the past hour Sup Forums?
How come no one ever mentions that ALTTP Link has pink hair?
Sunless Sea/Skies/Fallen London thread
Show me a TPS with better gameplay
Launch a new video game console
ITT: edge done right
Nier Replicant or Nier Gestalt?
Explain to me Sup Forums, why do you hate open world games so much? I've never understood the ">Open world" shit
Is it true?
So what's the verdict?
Terrible gaming Channels
It's finally out in android
So did Sara have a cock in this scene or what?
How can a game with such a boring gameplay be hailed as the best...
Nice modding community you have there PCücks
Just purchased this the other day and am really enjoying it. Why don't you come back Sup Forums...
Metroid Prime 2 ending
Opinions on Sony's Japan Studio?
How much money do you spend on vidya in a month?
Why do people pay more money for the Pro when it's known to have worse performance than previous models?
ITT: Attention to Detail
17 hours until H1Z1 dies for good
The Water Bucket Test
What went so [spoiler] right? [/spoiler]
Enemies can enter vents
PC exclusives
What happened to the Toejam & Earl game that was kickstarted?
KBM vs. Gamepad
What is the most immature genre of games?
Best year to own a PS4
Do you find yourself going back to older games?
What game felt the most magical to you?
Played Tak and the Power of Juju after like 15 or so years
Nintendo Switch? Nigga, more like Nintendo BITCH!
Should I buy a Switch or wait for the Switch Plus?
The great debate
Ubisoft is fucking killing one the most original IPs in ages
Gave Horizon a 9.5/10
*blocks your path*
Game is named after its mechanics
What headphones do you use for vidya, Sup Forums?
Sara ate glue when she was younger
The top 5 games of all time
Dray a vidya character and others guess who it be
YouTubers Say The Darndest Things
I'm starving. Do you have anything to eat?
Half-Life 3
How can it drop below 60 while looking at the fucking ground? that is on 1070, 6700k, 1440p, AA off
How are ya all enjoying the new Senran Kagura game?
What do I buy Nier Automata on?
Less than 1 hour for the update
Nearly a decade old already
Oh shit user, you've really done it now. You made mithra cry...
So, tell me what's been troubling you, Sup Forums
What is your hype level?
I don't care what any of you say I thought this fight was fun as hell
Try to play NIER after 2 weeks straight of zelda
Play game
Toukiden 2 thread
Final Fantasy XIV
Did you forget about it? Did Nintendo?
ITT: threads that we have daily
Breath of the Wild sequel pitches
The ancient romans considered 8 heads the perfect proportion
What games would be the best at letting you have the Goblin Slayer experience?
Sup Forums WILL defend this
What are some games that fill you with existential dread?
The Of The Wild costume set that you get for clearing all shrines is brown sleeves, shorts, boots and cap
No hookshot
Horizon is the only open world AAA game with stable 30fps
What games gave you the best
Nier is a 6/10 game at best with typical Platinum gameplay but a terrible nonsensical story typical of Yoko Taro
"Videogames will never be a legitimate form of art" - Frank Zappa
This is Ryder. Say something nice about her
Name me a better game trilogy
You know you really need a woman, Sup Forums
Did any Sup Forums ever play Spectrobes?
The thumbs-up sign had been used by the Galactic Federation for ages. Me...
Codename S.T.E.A.M's director blames game journalists for poor critical scores
Dr. Breen did nothing wrong
Like an anime fan on prom night
Itt: post representations of the grim reaper in vidya
ITT: fuck you, I loved it
When is the update coming? What do you think it will change?
Literally game of the millenium
Ctrl f
Explain this shit
What are some games affected by the Mandela effect, Sup Forums?
What do you think about the game in pic related?
Mass effect
Why don't more people play Starbound?
What the fuck is happening to japan? did they forgot how to make good games?
This is Twilight Princess Zelda. She has also made appearances in Super Smash Bros. Brawl and Super Smash Bros...
Come play Pictionary with your friends Sup Forums
Did you play her game?
6th generation was ba-
What makes Sup Forums different from any other vidya forum? Why should I spend my time here?
What are some videogames that accurately represent muslim culture?
Daughter wants me to buy her a PS4
That's a big horse
Resident Evil: Code Veronica coming to PS4
XCOM 2 comes out
Name a better story in vydia
What's your favorite final boss?
*blocks your path*
Do you miss the extra hunting/fishing/Chao/shooting modes in Sonic games?
Finding it though, that's not the hard part. It's letting go
Hyrule Warriors
Does anyone even know what role he played in making ME: A? What was his job...
Budget is two peanuts and a bottle of sake
9 levels lower than the boss at the place with the suicide bombers
Just picked this up. What am I in for, /vee/?
You have 5 seconds to come up with an original million dollar video game idea or you're fired!
Alright niggas, we got a Sup Forums Minecraft server going
This game is pretty much GTA in Hong Kong, but better (i.e. without the pointless mini-games and side crap)
Nintendo E3 2017 Bingo
2 page assignment due next week
Games where the good guy loses?
Sup Forums is finally getting shut down
Fuck you, I liked it! Thread
Is the PS3 the greatest gaming console ever created?
Cemu 1.7.4 has grass in zelda
Is the arena FPS genre dead?
What went so wrong?
I'm saving up for a Sup Forums gold pass. Can you spare a (You)?
Its okay because she's 100 years old she just looks like a prepubescent child
Games on PC always run flawless and don't have any fps dro-
Anyone playing the mass effects multiplayer?
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...